Simon Qing hasn't figured out her blood source yet, but he comforted her: "you don't have to worry so much. What happened to you is not a bad thing."

"Really?" Li Jin hesitated, not knowing whether to believe her words. But Simon's feelings undoubtedly reassured her a lot.

Simon thought about it and said to her, "well, I'll take you to the doctor."

"But... I'm still in line..."

"Oh, when do you have to wait? Come on, I'll take you to find someone else." XiMenqing pulled Li Jin away like abducting a child.

Seeing a doctor is not the point. It's mainly to find a convenient place to talk.

Because all zombies come from Ximen's love, her words have a great command effect on ordinary zombies. The lower the level, the more obvious the effect.

It seems that Li Jin's awakening blood is quite advanced, and she can still question Ximen Qing's words. But maybe it was her own personality problem, or Ximen's beauty trick worked. In short, she was successfully pulled away.

After inquiring about the location of surgery, XiMenqing took Li Jin to damenzi's office.

But Damen Zi is not there. I guess I'm too busy to wander around.

"People are not here, forget it." Ximen Qing closed the door, and then took Li Jin to sit down.

"Sister, where's the doctor?"

"Go to the bathroom. Don't be nervous," Simon Qing took off his mask and said while the little girl was intoxicated with her beauty. "Girl, do you believe in aliens?"


"Yes, Superman."

"Superman? What's that?" Li Jin looked blankly.

Simon Qing: "... Shit, even Superman doesn't know. Is this guy a savage?

No way, she had to change her words: "do you think there are immortals and ghosts in the world? The monkey king."

"Monkey King, how is that possible," Li Jin smiled. "It's not written in the novel."

Simon said, "what if I say that some of the characters in these novels are real?"

"Ah? Sister, what are you talking about?"

Ximen Qing suddenly said seriously, "girl, recognize the reality. You've been hit like that and haven't died yet. Do you think it's scientific?"

Li Jin was startled by the sudden change and said, "that, that... I, I..."

"Yes, you're not an ordinary person," Simon Qing said, picking up a pair of scissors from the table and then cutting Li Jin's hand.

"Ah!" Li Jin was shocked. She just completely didn't expect Simon Qing to do so suddenly, so that she couldn't even shrink her hand. By the time I realized it, I had a big hole in my hand.

"Ah, hand! My hand! Blood!" it was like shouting for my king's power.

Simon comforted, "don't be nervous. Look for yourself. Where did the blood come from?"

"Eh?" Li Jin found that the place where she had just been stabbed was as good as before, not to mention the wound, not even the scar.

If it hadn't been for the pain in her hand and the blood on her skin, she would have suspected that she was dazzled just now.

"Do you want to do it again?" Simon Qing said and gave her another pair of scissors.

Li Jin didn't even have a chance to say no, so her hand was stabbed open again.

"Well -" but she was born twice. This time, instead of yelling, she widened her eyes and observed her hands.

I saw that after the wound was stabbed open, I only had time to exude a little blood, and the flesh and blood healed again. This recovery speed is completely beyond common sense.

"Got it?" Simon was afraid that she wouldn't believe it, so he cut a few more knives. Anyway, around her, the recovery speed of zombies will soar.

Li Jin hurriedly said, "believe it! But am I still human now?"

"Of course people are people, but you are no longer ordinary people."

"What am I?"


"Oh," Li Jin was not frightened this time, "zombies..."

One second, two seconds... After five seconds of silence, Li Jin took a breath: "stiff, stiff, zombie! Am I still dead!?"

"I'm not dead," Simon said. "I just got the constitution of zombies. It's still human in essence."

She then told Li Jin about the evolutionist. I have to say that this time is much more tired than Qin Yuyao.

This Li Jin is completely a nerd. In addition to mathematics and chemistry, he is a political, geographical and cultural student. He doesn't have the soul of the second grade at all. Many things she must explain from the root to make her understand.

It can only be said that Qin Yuyao was able to accept the setting of the evolutionist so quickly. It's really reassuring.

Anyway, after spending a lot of energy, Li Jin finally accepted that she had become a zombie and had a certain understanding of the evolutionist.

She opened her mouth, two canine teeth extended automatically, and then reached out to touch: "really alas! My teeth will really become like zombies!"

When she said this, she had no fear at all, and the dull hair on her head seemed to be shaking.

"Zombies, with these two teeth, it was easy to suck blood, but now there are blood bags, so you can't bite people casually." Simon Qing told him.

All zombies are like her sons and daughters. She has the obligation to take Li Jin well and not let her go astray.

"Sister, are you also an evolutionist?"

"Of course." Ximen Qing also showed his fangs, which could not help but make Li Jin feel very kind.

"Sister, you are also a zombie. That's great. I thought I was the only zombie in the world."

"I'll take you to meet other zombies later." Simon Qing was just saying this when the door of the office suddenly opened.

Damen Zi came in from the outside and was surprised when she saw Ximen Qing: "Why are you here? Is this little sister?"

"Close the door." Ximen urged her to close the door, and then said Li Jin's story again.

"New evolutionist?" Damon Zi looked at Li Jin curiously after listening, "and is it a zombie?"

Seeing that she was wearing a white coat, Li Jin felt at ease inexplicably and took the initiative to show her fangs to the gate purple.

"Oh, there must be a lot of things you don't understand," Damon Zi said. "The mysterious alliance has a novice course specially set up for you. You can listen to it at that time."

This sudden awakening of the evolutionist because of the lack of correct understanding of the world, the probability of making things is particularly high. Therefore, the mysterious alliance has specially set up counseling lectures for newcomers.

First, let them not be afraid of changes in their bodies.

Second, let them not expand too much, thinking that with some ability, the protagonist can do whatever he wants.

These two kinds of people are the most vulnerable to disasters. Evolutionists have evolutionist "laws", and evolutionists should also speak of the basic law.