XiMenqing received a call from Song Yunwu and learned about damenzi. He immediately decided to go to Hokkaido to meet song Yunwu.

However... The tram derailed.

"You are a real cow beer," Simon looked at ajani helplessly. "How many years have the trams on the island not derailed? Can't you let go of this poor little man?"

"Alas? Blame me?" ajani blinked her big and moist eyes, looking innocent.

Ximen Qing sighed and said to Hideki Yamada, "flax is big! You are so useless? Didn't you let you control the train?"

Hideki Yamada was wronged: "even if I can synchronize the tram, I can't control other cars."

Since they got on the tram, there have been frequent accidents all the way. Either the parts fell off or the terrorists planned to blow up the train. Xiuyi Yamada solved the problem of parts with his own ability. The terrorists were subdued by song Shaoqing, but finally a train came head-on. He really had no way at all.

If they don't derail, the two trams will collide. In order to save his life, he can only control the tram they are in to jump out of the track.

Driving is like this. Even if you are 100% correct, you will suffer if others make mistakes. You can avoid retrograde on the road. How can you avoid cars on the tracks?

Ajani pulled Laxi's sleeve: "what should I do now?"

Ximen was angry and said, "the best way is to leave you, so we can get to Hokkaido smoothly."

"Are you going to lose me?" ajani looked at her pitifully.

"I just want to, I can't do it!" Simon sighed. If you leave ajani here, God knows if there will be news of a big earthquake here tomorrow.

Song Shaoqing said, "why don't we find another car."

He hasn't experienced too much of the horror of ajani, so his mentality is OK.

Ximen thought: "that's the only way. Go all the way north. It's estimated that you can get to Hokkaido tomorrow. The small island country also has small advantages."

Hideyi Yamada hurried to rent a car. Over the years, the development of the island country has been somewhat biased. The heavy industry is particularly developed. Cars can be rented anywhere.

An hour later, the car broke down.

All four people on the bus except ajani looked like: →_ →

In this short one hour, they experienced traffic jams (Xiuyi Yamada drove around the eaves and walls), broken bridges (song Shaoqing connected the bridge with Taoist ice), road collapse (Xiuyi Yamada accelerated and flew over), all four wheel flat tires (stole the spare tires of several cars and refitted them).

In the end, the fuel tank exploded directly, and even the evolutionists were unable to recover.

XiMenqing asked song Shaoqing, "can you draw a spell to turn this car into a flying sword? The one that doesn't need fuel to drive, it's best to fly in the sky."

"Do you have any misunderstanding about flying sword and Taoist priest?" Song Shaoqing couldn't figure out how her brain circuit worked.

What the hell? Car flying sword, why don't you say to practice into a spaceship?

"Can't you do that? What do you want?" Simon make complaints about it, and he thought he wanted to pass the gold wind sword. "Or you should fly this sword flying with us."

However, the latter looked helpless: "flying with the sword is very tired. Taking one is my limit. Taking two, even if I don't show one, I can't fly for long."

"Then take ajani with you. I'll just take Yamada's car." Simon Qing said.

"Do you want me to die?" Song Shaoqing shook his head again and again. "Without you suppressing me, I'm afraid I'll be bombed by the self defense forces with missiles before I fly far."

To say it is repression is actually sharing. There are three people, and everyone's "misfortune" is acceptable. If they are together in the whole collection, even song Shaoqing should weigh whether his life is so hard.

Ajani suddenly said to Simon, "why don't you drink some blood wine and fly over with me?"

Simon gave her a blank look: "can we find someone?"


"Don't even think about it! You're using me as a means of transportation? I don't want to catch two men flying in the sky!"

The problem is at an impasse.

Just then, song Shaoqing suddenly had a flash of light: "I have an idea!"

"Say!" the other three looked at him immediately.

Song Shaoqing said, "since we can't go so far away from Hokkaido for the time being, why don't we stop? Don't you say that there is already a strong man of eight fierce levels going there? What's the problem?"

"Well, it seems reasonable," Simon thought. "What are we doing? Playing mahjong? I'm a thief 6."

Song Shaoqing shook his head: "we are just in Tochigi county now. Don't you want to see the headquarters of Yangguang Dongzhao palace?"

"That's right!" Ximen Qing thumped his palm and suddenly realized, "what else are you going to Hokkaido? Directly lift the sunlight Dongzhao palace!"

So they hurried to the sunlight Dongzhao palace with great interest.

On the way, he scrapped a rented car. Fortunately, Yamada Xiuyi had money and didn't care about the deposit.

Naturally, the Yangguang Dongzhao palace they went to was not the Yangguang Dongzhao palace in the tourist attraction. It was just like the emperor would build a fake tomb for himself. As the headquarters of Yin-Yang division, the Yangguang Dongzhao Palace also had both exterior and interior.

The position is still that position, but it still needs some means to enter the real sunlight Dongzhao palace.

Song Shaoqing has been undercover for 15 years pretending to be Tokugawa Chi, and naturally knows the way to enter the real sunshine Dongzhao palace.

He took the three men to the God's stable in the sunlight Dongzhao palace. In fact, this is the stable. Eight groups of ape patterns are carved on the outer wall. Island countries have always liked to associate apes with horses, which is somewhat influenced by the legend of "Monkey King when Bi Mawen" in journey to the West.

"If someone can project the divine personality of the monkey king in the future, it may have a certain impact here." Simon looked at the ape sculpture and said. Just like if she goes to the Yishi temple now, her ability can be strengthened.

Ajani is also looking at it with great interest. She has long wanted to travel to the island country and naturally likes these famous tourist attractions very much.

"Simon Qing, Simon Qing, what's that?" she pointed to the last ape statue and asked Simon Qing, "why carve a cat."

Simon glanced and said casually, "that's not a cat, that's... A pregnant monkey."

"Oh." ajani nodded and saw song Shaoqing pointing at the pregnant monkey.

There are 8 ape carvings in total, of which the first one is a large one with a small one, which forms a connection with the last one, indicating more than reincarnation.

When you enter the real sunlight Dongzhao palace, the mystery lies here.