"No, I feel that the teacher is like a dog. I take our Teddy out for a walk every day. That's how I drag him when he refuses to go." another classmate said.

This immediately aroused the unanimous approval of the students. The teacher said that he... Really looked like a dog.

"But Yu Xiaoting's strength is so strong. The teacher's fat man was dragged by her."

"How could it be? It must be the teacher's own integrity. He cooperated with her to run. Otherwise, how could he pull it?"

"Isn't that teacher controlled by Laurie? No, I'm also Laurie. Alas, he won't mind me?"

"You can pull it down. Look at Yu Xiaoting's figure and look at your ball. The teacher is not blind."

"Shut up, you're going a little too far. What's the matter with the blind? Can the blind make do with it?"

"You... Go to hell! A bunch of hanging wires!"

The third day of 9102 is far more mature than adults think.


Yu Xiaoting pulled the teacher back, but as she ran, she felt more and more difficult. The teacher seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

"Ah ah?" later, she simply couldn't drag the teacher.

She didn't realize that this was because her strength was gradually weakening. Looking back, she found that the teacher was turning his eyes at this time.

"Wow! Teacher, are you okay?" Yu Xiaoting ran around the teacher nervously.

She dared not take any more rescue measures. What if she pressed the teacher to death.

The breathless teacher was still in shock: "Why are you so strong?"

"Ah? Yes?" Yu Xiaoting tried to pull the teacher up, but failed. "Where's my strength? The teacher is so heavy."

"Don't mention my weight!" the teacher said MMP, but he couldn't say to his students, "I'm a muscle."

Yu Xiaoting didn't understand very much. She suddenly thought of the girl: "by the way, teacher, come and see her!"

At this time, they had arrived near the girl's position. They could see her by bypassing a big stone.

However, after Yu Xiaoting took her teacher over, she didn't see anything.

"Ah, alas? Where are the people?"

Teacher: "are you teasing me?"

"No, teacher, she was here just now," Yu Xiaoting said with both hands. "Why is there such a big person?"

Teacher: "Yu Xiaoting, I think you want to write a review."

"Really," said Yu Xiaoting, suddenly prejudiced against the blood on one side of the stone and immediately rejoiced, "teacher, look, where is the blood she just vomited?"

The teacher saw that there was really a small piece of blood. His face changed several times, and then gave Yu Xiaoting a meaningful look.

Then, the teacher took out his wallet from his pocket and took out several ten pieces to Yu Xiaoting: "go and buy a bag. This is something you must face in adolescence. There is nothing to avoid. This time, the teacher should not see it, but you should remember that in the future, don't go into the water again. It's bad for your health."

With that, he put his hands behind his back and walked away with a pace that he didn't recognize.

Only Yu Xiaoting was left stunned: "ha? What? Why give me money? Buy a bag of what? Teacher, make it clear!"

After that, Yu Xiaoting found her clothes and trousers, put them on and returned to the team of the class spring outing. However, because I had been thinking about the girl, I was absent-minded. The whole spring outing basically didn't leave much memory.


In a cave by the sea, Watanabe gasped: "Ha Si - Ha Si - I thought I was going to die."

She was awakened by pain.

The memory before coma stayed at the position where she triggered the belt of Yongye 8 rocket. When her consciousness returned, she had appeared by the beach and a large depression in her chest.

Watanabe umbrella is a man transformed by black technology. The strength of his bones is better than that of Zhenjin in the cartoon.

As a result, I was beaten down. Who else can do it except the eight murderers?

"It's ability attack! The ability of eight murderers is too terrible! I can't even notice how I got caught!"

Watanabe felt a feeling called "despair".

No wonder any ranking list doesn't include the eight evils. The gap between them and other evolutors is too big.

No wonder she used to perform assassination missions. This time she was only asked to monitor. She couldn't kill the eight murderers at all.

Although deeply aware of the terror of the eight murderers, Watanabe will firmly implement the established task.

She had just moved to this hidden position with her rocket belt and decided to repair herself first.

The first is the waist parts, which can be installed upside down. Those assistants are really stupid.

Then the chest... Looking at the concave chest, the parachute was almost crying.

Three years! Do you know how she's been for the past three years?

Rub your chest every night.

It's not easy to get a little bigger, but now it's concave directly.

How long will it take to reach the a cup?

"Why don't you... Go back and let the doctor transform it? Although it's fake, it's better than sinking." Watanabe sighed.

Doctor's technology is definitely the top in the world, but I don't know why there are some inexplicable pits in every invention.

For example, the Yongye 8 rocket belt is the highest grade as soon as it is launched. If you don't know in advance, everyone has to be like her. Fortunately, her head is iron, or she will break her head and neck.

In the cave, the parachute silently repaired her body. Because she was not in the laboratory, her repair speed was not fast. It took her ten days to recover her mobility.

"Oh, it's still concave." she touched her chest and felt very sad.

However, Watanabe umbrella has a professional quality, and soon adjusted its mentality: "the nest is like a pigeon. It is a human weapon that can't get feelings. Performing tasks is the first priority."

She decided to lurk in Xiliang demon village again.

With the lesson of last time, she should be much more careful this time. Especially after finding that the border was strengthened, she spent a lot of effort to decipher and successfully lurked in.

It's not that song Yunwu's border is not strong, but this border is set for evolutionists. The existence of Watanabe, which is not an evolutionist, is not within the defense range of the border, so it will be much easier to break through.

[hum, this time I won't make the same low-level mistake as last time.] Watanabe umbrella landed slowly. This time she didn't choose the swimming pool, but chose an area near the swimming pool that would never fall.



Watanabe's umbrella fell heavily to the ground.

"NIMA's! Why?"

Watanabe doesn't understand. Why does he fall on the ground every time he comes here?