"It's opposite!" Danielle believed that this one must be Qin Yuyao. "It's impossible to live in three eight murderers in one place. If it's true, the water god won't have a headache?"

Danielle picked up the backpack on one side and turned the window out of Xiliang demon village. The backpack was full of pinhole cameras. Her family has money, so she is very willful. She bought hundreds of cameras at one go and plans to lose them when she runs out.

Although Danielle is basically an ordinary person in addition to the legendary ability of the world in the mirror, she also exercises regularly, and her skill is no less than that of ordinary special forces. Turning the window from the second floor is just a small thing.

She quickly ran to the opposite villa and began to install a camera while avoiding the exposure of the mirror.

But she didn't know that Ximen Qing was looking at the door of the toilet with a mirror in Xiliang demon villa at this time.

XiMenqing has dealt with evolutionists with the same ability, so she knows some details of this ability.

The world in the mirror is fixed when the capable person enters. No matter how the reality changes, the world in the mirror will not change until her ability disappears and the whole world is refreshed. It's like temporarily drawing a frame of "reality" and creating a copy.

In other words, people in the mirror world can't see the mirror she is holding now, because in that world, the mirror is still on the table. Simon Qing can see the world in the mirror through the mirror.

In addition, according to the strength of the evolutor, the world in the mirror is limited in scope, which is basically a spherical range centered on the evolutor. Once beyond this range, the "copy" will automatically collapse and become an ordinary mirror. Therefore, as long as the scene seen in the mirror is different from the reality, it can be determined that the person using this ability is nearby.

Simon Qing looked through the mirror and saw the humble pinhole camera on the wall opposite the toilet. Looking back at the real wall, there was nothing there.

"Well... It's really that kind of ability," Simon Qing said to himself. "Is it that guy? Or her offspring?"

But anyway, 80% of her snail photos were taken, which she absolutely can't allow others to see.

"If it's a beauty, grab it and beat it up, and then let her leave everything in the mirror world. If not, it'll burn." when XiMenqing said this, the snow on the top of the mountain began to melt.

Sophie ajani, who was eating steamed stuffed buns in the villa opposite, suddenly looked around in doubt: "why is it getting warm suddenly? I didn't turn on the air conditioner?"

When XiMenqing checked the whole Xiliang demon village, Danielle opposite also installed a new pinhole camera. This time it was not as comprehensive as that in Xiliang demon villa. After all, time was limited. She only installed some in some places where it was easy to take pictures of her face, and then began to wait for ajani to pass by the mirror.

As long as someone is seen in the mirror, she can pull people in.

"Oh, so full." ajani rubbed her stomach. Although she had been saving food, she ate the steamed stuffed bun Qin Yuyao brought her. By the way, she poured more than a dozen cups of tap water with steamed stuffed buns.

"Zhua ~ Zhua ~" she smashed her mouth, ready to put the cup back to its original place. Just as she got up, she was caught in a mirror.

"It's now!" Danielle's instant launching ability pulled ajani into the mirror world.

"Oh ~" ajani suddenly felt weightless, but everything around her didn't change, so she didn't care much.

She still put the cup back along the original path, and Danielle is doing it again. She plans to hide at the corner next to the kitchen and take a group photo when ajani appears.

But as she walked past, she suddenly felt a pain in the soles of her feet. It seemed that a needle pierced her special insole and pierced into the soles of her feet.

She made a "ow ~" mouth shape on her mouth, but she didn't dare to make a sound. Just as she wanted to see what stabbed her, she felt dizzy and fell down on the corridor with a slap.

Sophie ajani's old line is a maid. After she moved in, she cleaned the house and cleaned the dusty villa. Qin Yuyao never worried about the health problems here.

But in fact, ajani saw that the villa was always clean after that, so she didn't clean it much. After all, she has been wandering for so many years, and a little dust is nothing to her.

Therefore, the nails that Jin Huayuan sprinkled on the floor have been kept.

It's covered with anesthetic that can numb the elephant.

Ajani walked back and forth so many times and didn't step on it, but Danielle was not so lucky and won the bid directly.

Originally, if her insole were thicker, it would not be pierced. But a few days ago, a new silent insole was developed, which was as thin as socks. Danielle spent a lot of money to customize a pair at that time.

"Wow!" ajani, who was just about to return to the living room, was startled. She didn't know why a man fell in front of her.

I always feel that this scene looks familiar.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" she pushed Danielle.

However, I don't know if it happened that Danielle just turned over and pressed all the remaining nails under her.

So the problem is, one nail can turn an elephant over. What about a dozen nails?

Danielle's body twitched instinctively, her eyes began to turn white, and some white foam gradually came out of her mouth.

"Wow ~" seeing this scene, ajani was even more flustered, "help! Is there anyone to save her?"

She wanted to call 120, but the cell phone sent by Qin Yuyao had no signal at all. There is no satellite in the mirror world, of course there will be no signal.

"What to do? What to do?" she looked at the gate. Now the only way left was to go to Xiliang demon villa for help.

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to save you." ajani tried to hold Danielle up, but because of the wrong posture, the whole person suddenly lost her balance.

Dong! Danielle fell to the floor again, and ajani was pressed down.

This time, the dozen nails suddenly went deeper. Danielle glared, and the next second she lost consciousness again.

But ajani didn't find this. She grabbed Danielle's hands and dragged her to the door: "come on, you must hold on, you will be saved!"

Jin Huayuan's poisonous nails are all made according to the shape of horse nails. When ajani dragged Danielle sliding on the floor, some of these nails were stuck on the floor, and then... Stabbed! There were blood holes behind Danielle.