The name of eight murderers is not evaluated by any organization. Each of them has more or less done great damage.

Luna Jones, for example, turned Australia into a dead land 70 years ago. (although he himself insists that the pot belongs to Sophie ajani)

For another example, Jiang Jianhong swept half of Europe during World War II and went to North America to make a big fight, resulting in seven figures of casualties.

Ximen Qing... Let alone her. The Qingyi sect under her command alone has killed and worn through the island army in the last century, with more than one million dead and injured.

The killer "phantom" is recognized as powerful in the whole mysterious alliance. It is said that except for the eight murderers, there is no existence in the world that he can't assassinate.

However, because he only kills the target every time he takes action and rarely causes large-scale disasters, he is known as the "Ninth murderer" without a crown.

This time, the United States actually invited the "phantom" for a national treasure, which shows their importance.

"Then you should be careful," Lao Qin told Jiang Xiuchun solemnly. "According to my investigation, the mission success rate of 'phantom' seems to have remained at 99% so far. The only failure was to attempt to assassinate the leader of Qingyi sect, but he was repulsed. Saving his sexual life under the eight murderers this time also greatly increased his fame."

Jiang Xiuchun said: "it is precisely because he came that we are more convinced of the value of that national treasure. This time we are determined to get it. If he dares to step into China, we will keep him in this land even if we pay some price."

Li Zhengyi and Lao Qin both have dignified faces. The old classmate, who has always been very confident, actually said that she had to "pay the price". It can be seen that the pressure of "phantom" on her is by no means ordinary. Perhaps she is ready to sacrifice herself.

"Unfortunately, I can't help?" Li Zhengyi shook his head and sighed.

Lao Qin is the same: "my ability just makes me rich, and it can't help."

If you want the phantom to fail, of course, the safest thing is to arrange an eight murderers to deal with him.

However, the ancestor of the yuan family has been dragged down by the one in the United States. The two contain each other and can't intervene in this matter. The other six eight murderers and three have national ownership. They are certainly unwilling to intervene in the battle between the world's two strongest powers.

The remaining three, one is a otaku in space, ignoring the world. A world tour, no fixed place to live, can't be found at all.

There is another

Another one happened to be in xiakong City, but it was impossible for Jiang Xiuchun to invite XiMenqing. As for the destructive power of tiannv, it doesn't necessarily mean to protect or destroy it.

"A sneeze!" a fairy who didn't know the truth sneezed heavily at this time.

Song Yunwu sat by the bed and fed her porridge: "won't you catch a cold?"

"Are you kidding?" Ximen Qing said, "I'm also a zombie anyway. Well, you've seen zombies catch a cold? My physique can kill a cow with one punch, okay?"

"You've been provoked by someone's cow? Why hit it?" Song Yunwu slipped a spoon into XiMenqing's mouth, "eat porridge."

Simon Qing swallowed the strange porridge and said, "I'm not trying to prove that I'm strong? Hey, charterer, pull the curtain. The sun is shaking my brain."

Song Yunwu sighed, turned back and drew the curtain: "it seems that Sophie ajani's ability has completely disappeared."

Simon Qing said, "I don't think things are so simple."

"What do you mean?"

"Sophie, at most, makes people very lucky or unlucky. She can't directly let me control this power." Simon frowned and found that things were not simple.

Song Yunwu nodded. She also thought about this question: "so what's your guess?"

"I think the external factors that can let me control this power must exist objectively," Simon said. "Sophie should have manipulated my luck and made me lucky to meet that condition, and then I can not be afraid of the sun without sucking blood."

"Conditions? You have eyes?" Song Yunwu asked.

Ximen Qing looked proud and said, "of course, all this can't be concealed. It seems that there is no big dragon on the outside, but it's a big detective Ximen with a straight iron man in the heart."

She paused, and saw that the lady who had make complaints about the rent had no intention of Tucao, so she had to continue to say, "what did I do before I met Sophie last night? I did not do anything in the past. Do I go over the wall to beat a tiger? Or steal a boat out of the sea?"

If she hadn't seen a death pupil, maybe she wouldn't be connected to the wine all at once. But if it's really wine, it makes sense.

She didn't drink wine after waking up from a hundred years' sleep, but she drank the wine mixed with blood for the first time last night. This drink is broken. It's absolutely abnormal.

So she seriously suspected that the introduction that led to her ability to become docile was the blood wine. Just like death pupils, although they can get the effect temporarily, they will soon change back. Even, the body will develop drug resistance.

Is it because of Sophie's ability that blood wine, which had no such effect, suddenly achieved such effect?

Or does blood wine have such an effect? It's just a coincidence to meet Sophie ajani and make a wish.

This can no longer be verified.

What Ximen Qing knows now is that blood + wine is likely to be a "panacea" that can make her wave everywhere.

"Charterer, go and prepare more wine and blood bags for me. I want to do an experiment."

Ximen Qing waved his hand as if he had commanded the servant girl.

However, what song Yunwu got was the same look as an idiot: "what wine to drink, eat porridge."


Simon Qing's mouth was full of white thick porridge. Some also drip down the corners of her mouth to her chest.

Fortunately, the cushion area is large enough to catch it, otherwise the quilt will be dirty.


The day passed quickly. That night, the sun set early.

Little darling looked at the time and decided to go out and finish the task.

As she sat in the porch changing her shoes, her two heads poked down the stairs on the second floor and watched quietly.

"It seems that she has another task." Song Yun danced,

"Then hurry up," Simon urged. "You can't expect me to go to the end of the line, can you?"

"You're sick!" Song Yunwu gave her a white look. "Can't you kill a cow? What kind of patient?"

"Metaphor, that's just a metaphor." Simon Qing stressed.

Although she tried to pretend to be Lin Daiyu, song Yunwu forced her out of the door. As always, they followed Xiaoguai and escorted her.