"You will be crowned king!"

A word came to Simon's mind, and she remembered some fragments.

And what can connect these fragments, she thinks it should be the zoo.

"Let's go in." she took the lead in entering the zoo.

"Sorry, we don't open the garden today." the guard stopped her.

Although she is very beautiful, she doesn't have the ability of Qin Yuyao to interfere with people's mind. She can't go in by brushing her face. The doorman even wanted to embarrass her so that he could have a few more words with her.

Simon had no choice but to retreat.

Luna Jones looked at her in surprise: "no, a zoo guard stopped you? In our place, those who dare to do so are going to become fertilized eggs."

Simon gave him a blank look: "I am a pacifist and opposed violence."

"Doesn't the local government have any special personnel to serve you?" Luna Jones asked.

In order to prevent the eight murderers from doing things, all countries treat them carefully. Many times, a person who is responsible for communicating with the eight murderers will be specially equipped to eliminate all factors that may make the eight murderers angry.

"Yes," Simon nodded. "It's just the charterer, but she can't get through now."

Holland said, "just an ordinary man, I can put him down with one punch."

"Don't mess around," Simon Qing said to him. "Everything in this land, including the air, is mine. I didn't say you can't move."

In the face of such an overbearing speech, Holland felt that this was the proper attitude of the eight murderers, and immediately said, "yes."

He held his breath as he spoke.

"You can breathe," Simon Qing looked aside and walked to the left. "I remember we didn't go through the front door yesterday. Come with me."

The three made a small circle and came to the side of the zoo. Looking at the towering wall in front of them, Ximen Qing suddenly said, "it's here! I turned in here with the charterer last night."

She pressed her skirt and jumped straight over the three storey wall into the zoo. Luna Jones let Holland jump in with her.

XiMenqing follows his memory to a park where there are tigers.

On the edge of the rockery, a fat tiger was lying there basking in the sun. Simon was sharp eyed and saw a piece of cloth pressed under his belly by the tiger.

Mom! Isn't that my underwear?

It's here!

She's still in a vacuum. It's cool below when she runs. Fortunately, her skirt is long enough in winter. If it's summer... Well, it should be all right in summer, because she usually wears sweatpants. It was because of the Chinese New Year that I seldom wore a skirt yesterday.

She continued to press her skirt and turned in directly from the edge of the railing more than six meters high. After all, the tiger was not wild. She didn't respond when she went nearby and lay there lazily.

"Open the cerebellar axe." Simon Qing pulled the back of his neck like a cat and picked up the big guy with more than 500 kilograms.

The tiger is completely ignorant. If he is bad, he is also a beast. Is it super fierce?

What's the matter with this human?

The tiger doesn't get angry. Do you really think I'm a sick cat?

So it bit down according to Simon's hand.

Boom, boom!

The tiger only felt that it bit a stone, which made it toothache.

Simon Qing picked up his underwear and stuffed it into his pocket, then patted the tiger on the head: "don't be ridiculous! How about a little dignity? A tiger licks what to lick."

In her opinion, the tiger's attack is no different from that of ordinary kittens.

But her gentle pat made the tiger dizzy and unstable.


The big tiger fell to the ground. XiMenqing looked at it. His memory here last night was finally clear.

"Am I good?"

"Charter Po Niu beer! I announce that you will be crowned king!"

Simon subconsciously touched his pocket. He was really drunk last night. When he couldn't find the crown, he took it off temporarily and put it on the charterer's head.

I vaguely remember being beaten up by the charterer.

"Beating is pro scolding is love, and the charterer really loves me."

She smiled, shook her head and jumped out of the tiger pit.

"What did you just pick up?" Luna Jones asked her.

Simon Qing deliberately blocked his sight with his body, so they didn't see either.

"Secret." Simon Qing naturally couldn't tell them, "I've probably remembered what happened last night. Although there's only a part, there's no need to stay here now. Let's go to another place."


"Where there was a traffic jam just now."

If Ximen Qing is right, the so-called "theft" should be done by her and the charterer.

Last night, she and the charterer were drunk, and the others were a little drunk. Holland mentioned that he had Raffi for 87 years, which was most suitable for blood. Luna asked him to go back to Europe to get it.

After several people chatted, song Yunge inadvertently mentioned his sister's crazy muscle training when she was a child. Simon Qing touched her fragrant and soft body and said with a smile, "where did you get your muscles?"

Unexpectedly, this annoyed song Yunwu, who was already drunk: "I just can't show my muscles because of blood problems! I'm more than enough to fight tigers now!"

"Yes, yes, why don't we fight tigers tonight," Simon Qing said in broken Cantonese, holding the charterer all the time.

"Just fight!" as a result, the charterer didn't know the stem at all. She just stood up and went out, "go to the zoo. I'll find a tiger to show you what it's called Wusong fighting the tiger!"

So the party went out.

As a result, when she went down the mountain, Andrea found Lian Feng and Jiang Shuling coming up at the end of the line.

"My Lord, I'll deal with the tail," she said, and took the initiative to fall behind and block them.

Although Lian Feng and Jiang Shuling have good strength, after all, she is the top of the list of natural and man-made disasters in Europe. One person is enough to hold two people down. The two can only fight and run to seek reinforcements.

After Andrea left, no one cared about Luna Jones.

XiMenqing and the two of them were drunk. Song Yunge didn't know he would get lost. As a result, he found that there was no one around him.

"Eh? Did I just go this way?" Luna Jones was completely confused about the direction in the face of a metropolis with many tall buildings like xiakong.

He walked around and happened to meet Li Xiaosong.

At this time, Li Xiaosong was buying a lace dress from the clothing store and said to himself, "it shouldn't be too much to wear women's clothes for the new year?"