"Alas!? are you leaving too? Isn't it just me and the charterer?" Simon Qing said, his expression gradually becoming funny, "Hey, two people's world, just right, just right."

"Although I don't know what strange things you are thinking!" Song Yunwu gave her a white look, "but I tell you, it must be white."

Simon's feeling was surprised: "no, do you want to go home too! No, charterer, don't leave me alone!"

"If you let those guys who are afraid of the eight murderers know, their world outlook will collapse," Song Yunwu sighed. "I'm not going back, but my brother said he would come."

"Your brother? Man..." Ximen Qing immediately showed an extremely disgusted expression, "why do you let a man in? Let him die away!"

Song Yunwu said, "my brother is very rich. If he comes to me for a walk, he may drop more than 100000 soft sister coins to the ground."

"Well..." Ximen Qing hesitated, "can you let him walk at the door and don't come in?"

Song Yunwu couldn't help her: "what are you afraid of? My brother doesn't know you."

"The key... When a man comes, I can't walk around the house naked." Ximen Qing made a gesture of shaking his shoulders.

"Not without a man!"


As time went by, January finally came to the end.

The Spring Festival is less than a week away.

The school has been closed. XiMenqing can fish at home every day.

Qin Yuyao and Damen Zi have left. Xiaoguai gave the video to Ximen Qing, who handed it to the official of station B.

This is the work she used to participate in the New Year Festival. This time, it was not captured by action, but the PV painted by Qin Yuyao and song Yunwu, and specially let Xiaoguai P have dynamic special effects.

After sending it, she looked at the information about her two works on the Internet.

The first is "Tianlong eight", the plot finally came to the middle stage, and the third protagonist, Xu Zhu, finally appeared. At first, no one took him seriously. Readers thought he was a passer-by.

However, when he accidentally broke the kaizhenlong chess game, obtained the skills of wuyazi for 70 years and became the leader of Xiaoyao sect, all the people were suddenly surprised.

"Wow! It's another hanging force! And it's more hanging than Duan Yu! NIMA directly stole the number!"

The sudden rise of Phyllostachys pubescens is the old routine of experts' topping, but it can't stand. The front is well paved.

Before, Qiao Feng took such a big risk to get Xue Muhua's promise in order to save ah Zhu. As a result, there were seven as strong as Xue Muhua. These eight people, collectively known as eight friends of Hangu, are all disciples of Mr. congbian Su Xinghe.

In addition, there is a Xingxiu old fairy with a very catchy slogan. Everyone in the Jianghu is as afraid as a tiger. He is full of force as soon as he comes out.

The two people hanging like this are actually wuyazi's disciples. You can see how terrible wuyazi is.

In the front of Zhenlong chess game, Duan Yu, murongfu and Duan Yanqing were killed. Two of them almost killed themselves. Such a terrible thing was broken by false bamboo, and we won't think it's easy to get skills in the past 70 years.

In this way, there will be a sense of substitution, so after the skill of virtual bamboo, readers are more surprised and surprised.

"No, that's OK!" at the bottom of the mountain, two men and women who can't go home for the new year stay in the house and do nothing.

Lian Feng was bored and began to read comics. Its name is to better understand the Qingyi sect leader.

But this time, he couldn't stop. The content of Tianlong Babu is so wonderful that he can't help brushing Ximen's microblog several times a day to see if there will be any spoilers.

Judging from dozens of words, Duan Yu is his favorite. People are handsome, but their martial arts are still quick. As for licking dogs, he doesn't think it's a big deal. He always believes that licking dogs will have everything in the end.

He would not admit that it was because Wang Yuyan was so beautiful that he had the impulse to be a licking dog.

As a result, now there is another false bamboo, which is more fierce than Duan Yu. It is 70 years of skill at once.

"Why don't I have such good luck?" he sighed, only feeling the envy of Haosheng.

There is no concept of "cultivation" in this world, only "practice" and "development".

Lv. 5 is Lv. 5 from the beginning, and Lv. 1 is always Lv. 1. There is no such thing as "cultivating from Lv. 1 to Lv. 5". What they need to do is to gradually master their power, and then consider what their power can do.

Of course, there is a process of strengthening, but the upper limit is fixed from the beginning. The so-called seven percent depends on hard work and ninety-three percent is doomed. It's about evolutionists.

For example, even their family and the ancestral yuanchu Dragon King did not reach the level of eight evils, so they were doomed to the upper limit of blood. Even Qianjun's infinite access to his ancestors is very rare and exaggerated.

However, if there is "power transmission", this law may be broken. After all, this is not on their own, but external intervention.

"Wake up," said Jiang Shuling, his partner. "How can someone pass on all their strength to you for free?"

"You can't even think about it?" Lian Feng muttered, "what if there is?"

"Look at your cartoon!"


XiMenqing looked at the microblog. Recently, there was a "dog licking party", and gradually a new kind of readers appeared, that is "root blowing party".

Mingming's "Tianlong Babu" and "JOJO's wonderful adventure · battle trend" are three times a week. After reading them, these guys still urge them to watch at the first time.

XiMenqing simply posted a microblog: "you guys are content. Don't you see that people only talk 18 pages a week? If you always blow your roots here, won't your conscience hurt?"

As a result, the group of guys blew more happily.

"Happy new year, blowing roots by the way!"

"Teacher, although you have no roots, I still want to blow!"

"Blow and blow, my pride is indulgent!"

"Don't you like blowing? I'll lick it, PR"

"When it comes to blowing, I think of banana fan. When it comes to banana fan, I think of..."


"Eh..." XiMenqing doesn't dare to read the microblog anymore. Are all his fans abnormal?

If perverts can be graded, these guys must be very close, if not the top?

It's horrible. When you go out in the future, you must wrap it tightly. Otherwise, what if you are recognized by fans on the road? If they come together and lick, she'll die in the sun.