"Xiaoyanyan's mother seems to be 24 or 23 this year? Tut Tut, it's said that she's still studying in college," Ximen smashed her mouth with a slightly obscene smile. "Such a wife is great."

The setting sun sank in the West. The sunlight passing through the eaves made her frown and withdrew into the classroom.

The only thing that makes her dissatisfied with this body except that there is no big dragon is that she has no way to deal with the sun. Originally, she thought that her house attribute was basically out of touch with the sun. Who knows that life forced her to work and make money.

"Oh, wait." she sat in the empty classroom and sipped her thermos cup.

In fact, in addition to blood, any other red food can bring her a sense of satiety. Tomatoes, medlar and red skin ducks are all listed here. It's just that the effect of blood is the best.

Having nothing to do, XiMenqing suddenly remembered Xie Yan's singing before. It seems that I haven't seen the song "fairy tale town" since I voted. I don't know what's going on now.

XiMenqing opens his notebook, logs in to bcup website and enters his background. The result was directly startled by the data in the background.

"Shit! What the hell is 999 +? And isn't there a bug in the number of fans? 298871? Let me count, 1, 2... 6, really 6! Mom!"

Simon Qing reached behind and grabbed his ass. he was a little unbelievable: "I should have entered the wrong account just now, and then I happened to log in to a big guy account with the same password and ID as me?"

She immediately opened the only contribution video, fairy tale town. Yes, there is no reason to deny that this is her own account. The data with a playback volume of 140W + is really blind.

"So this song can be so popular." she hasn't been an up host before, but she doesn't know how terrible it is to play more than 100W. In addition, the nearly 30W fans don't brush by themselves. It is said that there are so many fans that they can feed themselves by receiving advertisements.

So the question is... How to realize the number of fans?

At first, Ximen's feeling was just on a whim. She looked confused and forced. The 999 + private letter also made her unable to quickly find out if there was any advertisement for her.

"The key is... How does the up owner in the music area advertise?" she has seen up advertising for gossip and up advertising for ghost animals before, but in the music area... At most, she sings theme songs for some games? Or cover the theme song of some games?

She didn't understand very well anyway. She just opened private letters one by one.

The vast majority of them are urging more, asking for explosive photos, and showing love. There are all kinds, but it's of no use to her.

Turning over, XiMenqing lost patience: "look at a hair!" she simply added a line under the profile: business email XXXX@XMQ.con 。

In this way, if someone wants her to advertise or sing a theme song, it will be easier to see.

Before that, XiMenqing thought he had no chance to make money.

Who thinks she accidentally caught a glimpse of the banner advertisement at station B: in order to celebrate the Ig team's winning the world championship, she is now opening the solicitation of songs for help, and the first prize is 100000.

"100000?" Simon blinked. If she got it, wouldn't she be able to drink a bag and pour a bag?

She hurried in and checked it.

It turned out that just last month, the Ig team in Huaguo LPL swept the opponent 3-0 to win the title in the LOH global finals of the current hottest MoBa competitive online game. This is the first global finals champion of Huaguo. All Huaguo players can be said to be happy and popular. XiMenqing itself is also playing, so they know better.

However, the official celebrations after ig won the title were a lot worse, as if Ig was a stepmother. This has immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many players. Some official staff have fans of other teams, so they don't like the idea that Ig won the championship, and some sponsors like the idea that other teams, so Ig won the championship without much money

In short, it was a bloody scolding of the official activity. As the big boss of Ig team, the boss of microblog ID "hot dog brother" naturally can't bear this tone.

He simply paid for the celebration. In addition to the microblog forwarding lucky draw, the launch of the team help song with bcup is also one of the links.

Not only the first place has a 100000 bonus, but the second to tenth places have a lot of rewards.

Ximen's heart began to move.

The butterfly effect of World War II has the greatest impact on Asia. Many things in Europe and America are still very similar to the earth, such as LOH, which is extremely similar to lol, Mawei, which is extremely similar to marvel, and so on.

She checked the theme songs of LOH over the years and found that they were completely different from those on earth.

To say which lol related songs on earth she likes best, it is naturally legendsneverdie, the theme song of the 2017 global finals. This is also one of the few English songs that she has played in a single cycle.

It happened that the lead singer of the band who sang this song was also a woman. Simon Qing had the idea of taking it.

"There's nothing I can't steal from the Ninja" menmenxi. "She smiled under the mask.

That night, I found my little darling when I got home.

"Come on, help your sister record songs."

"Oh." Xiaoguai didn't refuse. Anyway, she likes Ximen Qing's song very much.

Damon Zi, who heard Ximen Qing sing last time, also came together: "in fact, I wanted to ask last time, why do you sing so well?" she is also a monster. She is very clear that she can't sing such a beautiful and moving song just because she has fine control over the body. Otherwise, aren't all monsters the queen of songs?

"Hey, hey," Simon Qing said with a smile, "zombies have nothing else. They live long enough and are idle. They always have to learn something to enrich their life."

Before the otaku soul entered the body, she had learned many skills. But XiMenqing didn't know what he could do until he opened his voice to sing last time.

Little darling, after playing with the equipment, Ximen Qing began to sing. Damon Zi looked forward to the last fairy tale town. She just didn't know what kind of song she was going to sing this time.


When the world is calling you

Can you hear them crying out your name


As soon as they opened their mouth and didn't sing a few words, Damon Zi and xiaogua felt that they had goose bumps. This feeling... Is completely different from last time!