
Empress Youmei seized Wang Dali, crossed the sea of clouds and landed on an isolated island.

This is the only island in the whole dust magic sea for hundreds of light-years, located in the center of the magic sea. All the elements, energy and clouds of the whole dust fantasy sea revolve around the island.

"What is this place?" Wang Dali said.

"This is Weiyang Island, the core of the magic sea!"

"You brought me here to see the black emperor?" Wang Dali was curious.

"That's right!"

Empress Youmei took Wang Dali to the middle of the island. She saw several people playing chess under a tall pine and cypress tree.

"How dare someone play chess here?"

Wang Dali's eyes would stare out. This place is a place that almost all creatures in the universe can't step on. However, in such a place, how many people are playing chess?

"Don't go there!"

Empress Youmei stopped and let go of the purple light that trapped Wang Dali.

Wang Dali was full of curiosity. Instead of running away, he twisted his neck and waist, relaxed, and then looked at the chess players.

Chess players are obviously divided into two groups.

There is only one person in the left group, to be exact, not a person!

With Wang Dali's insight, he has never seen such a strange existence. He is a shadow, human shape, crow head, and his body changes back and forth between virtual and real, just like breathing.

"What's that Brucea man?" Wang vigorously asked empress Youmei. Up to now,

"He's not a human being, he's a monster. He calls himself a Yin crow!" empress Youmei seems to be very afraid of the monster and only answers quietly with spiritual thinking.

"Yin crow? What's that?"

"It's nothing. The Yin crow is the Yin crow. He's a creature from the outer universe. He's very evil and powerful. You never know how terrible he is!"

"Outer universe?!"

Wang Dali was startled. The three words of the outer universe were unusual. The information it revealed was by no means easy.

"Forgive me for my ignorance. Is there anything else beyond the universe?" Wang Dali hurried.

"Of course, you don't think that the universe we live in is all?" empress Youmei sneered slightly.

Wang Dali was stunned. Is there a universe outside the universe?

This is unimaginable. You know, the universe is very broad. Wang Dali never knew that there are many more universes, that is to say, the universe has boundaries.

"Don't think too much. The micro dust fantasy sea is close to the edge of the universe. We have long come to the boundary of the universe!" empress Youmei seems to have insight into all Wang Dali's thoughts.

Wang Dali took a deep breath and calmed down.

Today we know the vastness of the universe, and for the first time, there is a sky outside the sky and a universe outside the universe.

"You said the Yin crow came from the outer universe. Do you know which universe he came from?" Wang Dali was curious.

"No one knows, unless the crow himself reveals it, but be careful. No one knows whether what he said is true or false!" empress Youmei shook her head.

"Well, how do you know that he really came from the outer universe?"

"Look at his essence carefully!" empress Youmei was not impatient. She answered all questions about Wang Dali.

Wang Dali observed the Yin crow from a distance. The essence of this creature, just like his body, was the shadow of the exchange of virtual and real. Wang Dali didn't know what the essence was, but felt very powerful.

Most importantly, his life brand is incompatible with the whole universe!

At this point, Wang Dali immediately determined that the Yin crow was indeed an alien creature, not a life in the universe.

However, the essence of the Yin crow was the same as that of the dust fantasy sea. For a moment, Wang Dali seemed to understand that the dust fantasy sea should be the territory of the Yin crow.

"How did he come to our universe?" Wang Dali was interested.

"Of course, he swam across the chaotic sea, crossed the vast chaotic sea, and came in through the pass of the universe!"

"Cosmic pass, what's that?" Wang Dali was full of doubts.

"The universe is like a cell. When it comes out of the cell wall, there is a small opening to the outside world. This is the pass. Its function is to breathe, exchange internal and external energy, and so on!"

"Where is the pass?"

"In fact, the cosmic pass is not too far away from here. In those days, when the Yin crow came in from the pass, it was not far from the pass and encountered the rejection and obstruction of the whole universe. He had to stop and create a micro dust ocean conducive to his survival, slowly intercept the material and energy of the universe, grow slowly, and then devour the whole universe, just like some vicious cells of your human beings Same! "

"The sea of dust is here?" Wang Dali suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the sea of dust was incompatible with himself. It turned out that this was an environment created by the Yin crow, which was conducive to his survival.

This environment is certainly not suitable for the survival of organisms in the universe.

"Yes, here it is. This nebula is a miniature universe, also known as the sea of dust. It is what he created and tried to devour our universe!"


Wang Dali was shocked when he first heard such a secret.

This is simply the most terrible secret since the birth of the universe. It is estimated that only a handful of people know the whole universe.

Wang Dali even suspected that even queen Kaisha didn't know the secret!

Only empress Youmei and the legendary dark demon king, the black emperor, are qualified to know this secret!

Wang Dali looked at the other group of players.

There are four other people in total. The first one looks like a middle-aged man with a purple collar and black robe, full of dignity.

He is sitting opposite the Yin crow. Between them is a stone platform, on which is an exquisite chessboard.

"I think this is the black emperor!"

Wang Dali's secret heart is broken. This man's essential power is unfathomable. His vastness is as amazing as the total amount of dark matter in the whole universe!
