
More and more barbarians gathered in front of the Sun Temple.

The barbarians threw themselves into the ground and paid homage to the temple. The whole temple sent out a soft light. It seemed that there was a light column that rushed to the secret of heaven and disappeared into nothingness.

Outside the stone hall, the radiance spread all the way down the hillside and gradually spread to the tribe. Until the radiance enveloped the tribe for ten miles, all of them were permeated by the radiance.

Within the radiance, the cold disappears and is replaced by the warmth like spring.

Wang Dali stood in front of the temple, with a strong glow of the sun, which was so soft, so sacred, so pure and inviolable.

A vast voice, spread in the air, has been shaking to everyone's mind.

People can hear it. It's the gospel of God.

"Those who believe in me will do what I do well and evil what I do."

"Those who are lost, suffering, evil, still good, those who are faithful to me and read my name, I will save them from the sea of suffering and reach the eternal kingdom."

"When the gods of the old generation fall, the new gods will be born again after the dusk of the gods and open the dawn of the gods!"

"I am the newborn God of the world. I hold the sacred truth of the sun!"

"Faith is the only way to reach me. Those who believe in me know that I am your light, I am your truth, and I am the source of your immortality!"

"Those who serve me piously will get the power I give, walk in the world and bring my God's grace..."

"Blessed is he who loves me, believes in me and follows my way, for I will love him!"

"In front of me, everyone who believes in me is generally high and no difference. Whoever believes in me, no matter where you come from, you are brothers and sisters. Unite with each other and love each other, because this is my will!"

"I make a covenant with all living beings. Whoever believes in me and pursues my way, I will entertain him in the kingdom of God and share immortality with him!"


Sentence after sentence of God's sayings, recalled in people's minds, this is God's word, full of goodwill, guiding the confused people to the right path.

This is the language of good, preaching God's love.

Barbarians have not heard such a language for a long time. Even some young barbarians have heard similar words only from the mouth of wizards.

But there is no doubt that those words can't shock the soul more than what we hear today.

Wang Dali smiled and observed everyone with insight. He found that the barbarians' belief in the God of the sun had been consolidated, so he was relieved.

In a world, having a foothold is the beginning of success.

The spread of faith is sometimes so easy, but without resources, wisdom and practice, it is impossible to spread faith and the glory of faith.

"Open the porridge shed today. You should also prepare soft bread. In the future, you should prepare it every few days so that everyone who comes to pray can have bread!"

The king commanded Oliver's master servant vigorously.

"Yes, your highness, I see!" Oliver understood as soon as he thought. It was to think of tricks and keep the hearts of believers. Wang Dali nodded. It's enough for the little fat man to have this experience. Such a God chosen person is also OK.

Night fell.

Wang Dali and Wang Xiaoya stood in the temple of the sun. The statue stood upright. As soon as Wang Dali pulled Wang Xiaoya's hand, their soul thinking had been separated from their bodies in the light, and jumped into the depths of the void of the universe along the channels built by countless threads of faith.

The next moment, Wang Dali and Wang Xiaoya returned to the shadow city.

In the lower Solar Temple, the two men possessed by Wang Dali and Wang Xiaoya recovered their senses. They soon regained control of their bodies, knelt down on one knee towards the statue and prayed piously.

During this period of time, in the days of attachment, although they can't dominate the body, they can see, hear and think.

Wang Dali and Wang Xiaoya's words and deeds, they all feel and understand the wisdom.

So they also converted to the divine light.

"Your Highness, are you going back?" Oliver's master servant came quickly, surprised to the extreme.

"Yes, sir!" the two stooped slightly and said.

"How could this happen? Your Highnesses left me like this?" Oliver was stunned, as if she had lost her backbone.

"How could it be, little master? Aren't they still here?" the old servant smiled and pointed to the temple and statues. "Where there is glory, there is the will of his highness. He pays attention to us all the time!"

"Yes, yes, that's it. I want to cheer up and help your highness develop his followers. Yes, that's it. We agreed before!"

Oliver perked up immediately.

In the city of emptiness, Wang Dali and Wang Xiaoya quickly walked to the door of emptiness. In the dark place of the emptiness world, stars have been lit up.

It is not the light of stars, but the glory of belief lighthouses. One of them is the Sun Temple worshipped by barbarians on the ice field.

"We're back?" Wang Xiaoya was surprised. She suddenly saw the latest lighthouse light in the empty world, which was her own masterpiece.

"Brother, why don't you stay a little longer!" Wang Xiaoya said.

"No need! The beacon of faith has been firmly established, and our pioneering mission has ended. Next, there will be thousands of pioneers in the Empire, who will continue our steps, enter the world, or experience, or continue to explore. In short, our mission has been completed. As superiors and pioneers, we only need to take the first step to determine a time for the latecomers Just empty road signs so that they will not be lost in the void! "

"Well, well, there's no need to play. Our predecessors planted trees to let future generations enjoy the cool!" Wang Xiaoya stalled.

"What strange words do you say? Latecomers are much more boring than us pioneers. If you are interested, you can go to the world where belief lighthouses have been established. Those worlds are generally safe!"

"I'm not going. It's so boring. Where can I find the world? It's exciting to open up wasteland for the first time!" Wang Xiaoya said.

"That's it, but next time you go back, you must go with a powerful team and prohibit you from acting alone. If you violate it, you don't need me to ban you. The impeachment of the supervisory court is enough for you!"
