
The little fairy went out of the temple and looked at a floating island far north.

"Hasn't your emperor come out yet?" asked the fairy.

"My Lord, not yet!" replied the goddess officer.

"Well, it has been several years. The young emperor is really diligent. He is practicing Dharma!" the little fairy looked at the floating island and saw a vast and boundless glory of the sacred sun over the floating island.

What's more terrible is that there seems to be a more vast and terrible energy hidden in the invisible dark void under the brilliance. It seems to be dark energy, but it doesn't seem to be.

Just like the dark and unpredictable sea water under the sea, the volume is incredible.

"This is the power of gathering people. The sun civilization Empire has condensed the will of all living beings, and the power of all living beings has gathered together. The position of emperor is the highest power of monarchy and divine power, which is amazing!"

The little fairy stared for a moment, then turned her head and looked in the direction of the shadow city.

The city of shadow is filled with divine brilliance. Shadow and brilliance are intertwined, making the city of shadow like the city of miracles.

"I heard that the transformation of the shadow city is almost finished today?"

"Yes, fairy!" said the goddess beside him.

"The emperor should come out. This time, the transformation of the shadow city is a big event!" the little fairy was a little excited. "I'll go and have a look myself later!"

"It is said that a special shadow city will be built?" the priest hesitated.

"Yes, it seems that the news has been widely spread. Well, it can improve the morale of the Empire. However, you must not know the real function of the void gate!"

"The gate of void? What's that?"

"Hey, hey, you can tell you, but don't talk to others everywhere!"

"OK, I always keep my mouth tight!"

"Well, that void gate is the most wonderful portal to explore the mysterious universe void. As long as it is really built, Fred... No, the whole empire will be exposed to the mystery of the void and enter the great void exploration era, which is much higher than exploring the star sea!"

"More powerful than exploring the star sea and opening up colonies?"

"Of course, to explore the material world, where can we explore the mysteries of the void of the universe?" the little fairy was elated and popular science said: "do you know all kinds of God civilization, angel civilization, dragon civilization and devil civilization?"

"Know, those civilizations are high-level civilizations, higher than our solar civilization, known as immortal civilization!"

"Yes, they are immortal because they have insight into the mystery of the void. If we want to become an immortal civilization, we must enter the void era. Hey, if we spin in the sea of material stars, we will never become an immortal civilization. It is only possible to enter the void!"

"What's in the void?" the goddess official said in surprise.

"This is the biggest secret in the universe. I tell you, don't tell anyone!"

"Of course, of course!"

"There is immortal life in the void!"

"Immortal life?" the goddess official was shocked. "It's impossible. The scientists of our solar civilization said that the void is the synthesis of anti cosmic space. There is only violent energy and strange space, which is impossible to have life, and the positive universe we are in is the space of material stability, which is the basis for the birth of life!"

"It is the basis for the birth of material life, not immortal life. In fact, anti cosmic space is the excellent environment for the birth of immortal creatures. You know, angels and Demons actually come from anti cosmic space!"

"Ah... Is this true? Are our scientists lying?"

"It's not easy to lie, because even they don't know! How do you think Xia Chong can speak ice?"

The goddess officer's eyes widened.

"What about the immortal life in the anti universe? How were they born?"

"This is about to start with the structure of the universe!" the little fairy said with unparalleled wisdom: "the universe is produced by the explosion of a cosmic egg, just like two sides of a coin. Our universe has two huge spaces, positive and negative, which are opposite. In the words of the earth people, one Yin and one Yang are positive and negative sides of each other!"

"Does this have anything to do with the birth of immortal life?"

"Of course, there is a great correlation. The positive cosmic space is material, the structure is stable, and the space and energy are also stable. However, the anti cosmic space is just the opposite. The anti cosmic space is an energy space full of violent energy and variable flow. The positive and negative universe has been continuously born, multiplied and died for hundreds of millions of years. Do you know where the spiritual energy generated by those dead lives go?"

The little fairy asked the goddess officer.

"Ah, the spiritual energy is ethereal. Shouldn't it disappear?" the goddess official was stunned.

"Wrong, very wrong!"

The fairy God nagged and shook her head: "since you humans know the conservation of energy, how do you know that the spirit is not conserved?"

"Conservation of spirit?"

"Yes, in fact, those spirits are not disappearing, but transferred to the anti cosmic space in a way that people can't understand. You know, the anti cosmic space can accommodate the spiritual world. Think about it, since the birth of the universe, there are countless creatures born in the positive cosmic space. How huge is the spirit they produce in their life?"

"It's huge, incredible!"

"They gather in the anti cosmic space and stir with each other. When the negative spirit is combined with all kinds of strange energy, there is a small chance to form an evil immortal life, such as the devil! While the positive spirit, combined with strange energy, also has a small chance to form a good life, such as the first angels, the first good gods and so on!"
