
Magic insects began to recover, one after another from the state of eggs to adults, and flew.

Soon, the gray and black matter became a black evil wind and began to fly around in the box of sacred brilliance.

"Don't let them fly out!" the blue Archduke was flustered.

"Don't worry, they can't get out!"

Wang Dali laughed and really worried about the sky. Although there are hundreds of millions of magic insects, as long as he sweeps them with his mind, he can make dumplings. Where can these little things run away?

Big Duke Baolan sighed when he saw that the devil bug couldn't fly out.

"Why did you bring them back?"

"Research, of course!"

Wang Dali threw a fist sized metal into the box. He saw the evil wind rush up immediately and lie down on the metal surface.

After a while, the metal began to disappear little by little. Instead, the black evil wind grew several times.

Wang Dali's eyes widened.

It turned out that the magic insects lay on the metal and began to eat the metal. Then, each magic insect was divided into two like a small water drop for terrible division and reproduction.

After devouring the metal elements, the devil insect divides into two, two and four... Until the whole piece of metal is devoured by the devil insect. Finally, the devil insect stops splitting when it has nothing to eat.

"It's terrible, it's a metal nemesis!" Wang Dali was shocked. If this demon bug spreads in the sun empire or on the earth, everything of modern civilization will collapse.

Everything on the earth, metal materials penetrate all aspects of society, from buildings, bridges, cars, trains, aircraft, to electronic products, components, and even circuit boards.

Thinking of this, Wang Dali trembled.

Shit, accidentally destroy civilization. This demon insect really has this ability!

Archduke Baolan was staring at the devil bug, thinking that if the devil bug flew out, she would kill the bug at the first time.

Wang Dali smiled and said, "look at these insects. What did you find?"

"What can you find?" Baolan was stunned.

"Does this insect have life?"

"Of course, this is a devil bug!" Archduke Baolan was determined.

"Does it have thinking, how strong thinking is, how does its division work, what weaknesses does it have, and how do we kill them, do you know?"

"This needs to be studied carefully. However, the devil bug is too dangerous. How can we study it? In case it runs away, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Well, it's really dangerous!"

Wang vigorously stared at the devil bug like the black wind and said, "I've been observing and testing the devil bug with thought and divine brilliance just now and found a wonderful phenomenon!"

"What phenomenon?"

"This demon insect's thinking is short, but their countless thinking can be gathered to form a group consciousness!"

"Group consciousness?" Archduke Baolan was stunned.

"Yes, speaking of this group consciousness is powerful. It is similar to the insect group thinking of the Zerg. However, the insect group has a core, the Zerg queen, and these magic insects have no specific consciousness core, or their consciousness core can be transferred at will!"

At this time, the black evil wind suddenly changed and formed a black ferocious face.

"Look, this is group consciousness!" Wang Dali said, pointing to Heifeng.

"No wonder these demons are like an army, and their actions are so unified!" Archduke Baolan was also startled.

"Yes, there is more than this secret. They also have a very terrible place, that is, infinite division and reproduction. As long as they swallow enough metal materials, they will be divided into two, two into four, four into eight... Until they divide indefinitely and form an amazing number of groups!"

"Don't let it slip out, or our solar civilization will be over!" Duke Baolan hurriedly said.

"You can rest assured that although it can devour metal substances and divide infinitely, it is not without weaknesses!"

"What weakness is it?"

"First of all, it's tiny. It's easy to catch it as long as it has a wide range of mental power. Its advantage lies in its strong splitting ability and an incredible number of groups. It is resistant to high temperature, but it's not resistant to cold. Therefore, these demons are trapped on a cold planet. They can't even escape from the planet's gravity and spread to outer space and reach another planet by themselves Life planets, that's why they are called eschatological demons, not cosmic demons! "

"You have found out their weaknesses?" the blue Duke was surprised.

"Their weaknesses were speculated when I saw the planet! This is a biological weapon far more terrible than aliens. It is similar to viruses and has a subtle constitution. Ordinary people can't observe them with the naked eye, let alone understand their characteristics!"

"It's really hard to understand!"

"When you find their tracks, that is, when you find a black demon wind, it is already very late. At that time, the demon insects have definitely spread. They are not high-level life. It is absolutely difficult to stop them from destroying the metal materials on the planet's surface, or even destroying the metal elements in organisms and indirectly destroying life!"

"What shall we do now? Shall we blow up the damn planet?" the blue man was afraid.

"Never blow them up. Planetary explosions may not kill them. It's also troublesome to let them float in the universe!" Wang vigorously shook his head.

"Then we don't care about the planet, just go around it, and designate the planet as a forbidden area to prohibit any spacecraft from landing!" Duke Baolan hurriedly said.

"It's OK. That's all I can do. I'll order you to list the planet as a forbidden area and prohibit landing!" Wang Dali said immediately.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

Suddenly, the ferocious face turned into by the black evil wind hit the box composed of the divine radiance, trying to break the cage of the divine radiance!
