
Wang Dali didn't know that many high towers had fallen and countless buildings had been destroyed in the wilderness of hunting star.

The perfectly evolved aliens displayed their great power, captured many places, killed many hunting star people, and successfully propagated wantonly.

After nightfall, the whole hunting star surface and underground became a hell for aliens to kill wantonly. The whole hunting star is out of control, and the hunting soldiers can't stop the alien from spreading to the whole surface.

At this time, most of the Starhunter's spaceships are not to suppress and eliminate aliens, but to hunt down Wang Dali all over the world.

Outside the hunting star, in the planetary halo.

Countless ships are desperately chasing the sun.


Another meteorite was hit by a laser and broke instantly.

The sun spacecraft is like a clever swimming fish in the meteorite belt.

Behind him, countless small and medium-sized spaceships went upstream and kept shooting deadly lasers.

Countless meteorites were broken, triggering a chain reaction. Wherever the spacecraft passed, there were no meteorites and it was dark.

If someone looks at the planets in the starry sky, they will find that the original perfect planetary halo has become pitted, like a broken hole eroded by a silkworm, which makes people sigh.

"This evil has been done --"

"Brother Dali, get rid of them -"

"These star hunters are like mad dogs -"

"Brother Dali, don't go crazy with them. It's important to run."



The audience gave advice one after another. Wang Dali sat in the captain's position and shouted to the ambulance: "find a way to get rid of them. If you play like this, I don't think it's a game of cat and mouse!"

"Commander, I suggest we leave the hunting star and stay here. We have no good fruit to eat!"

"Yes, I've made a profit anyway. Leave first and call back when I'm free. I'll make a good calculation with these souls!"

Wang vigorously waved his hand.

The sun spacecraft suddenly turned in a direction and flew out of the meteorite group, ready to rush into the starry sky and stay away from the hunting stars.

Behind him, a large group of spaceships closely followed like flies and were about to leave the halo area.

"Do you have any powerful weapons? Blow up their aura and see how they chase!" Wang Dali said murderously.

"All right!"

The ambulance gave the order. In an instant, hundreds of missiles flew out of the sun spacecraft and rushed to the halo meteorite belt behind.

Boom, boom!

The halo suddenly exploded, like a chain reaction. The halo of the whole planet was like a fracture, and a huge gap was blown out.

The sun launched miniaturized nuclear weapons, with a number of about seven or eight hundred. They exploded together and immediately rolled up countless dead lights.

The meteorite belt was immediately chaotic. Large and small meteorites were destroyed, and some were affected, bumped and flew.

The Starhunter's spaceship suddenly suffered an unprecedented blow. The spaceships in front exploded one after another, and the spaceships behind were hit by meteorites and crashed one after another.


The king cheered vigorously and stood up.

Good guy, what a grand fireworks.

From the sun spacecraft, the halo of the hunting star is broken.

This is simply a magnificent celestial spectacle, which is rare for thousands of years. What's more, it is man-made destruction. It also has the beauty of infinite violence and destruction, which is very shocking to the soul.

The audience was stunned and immersed in infinite shock.

The sun spacecraft entered the starry sky. In the infinite fire of the planetary halo, dozens of large and small spacecraft went out of the halo.

This is the surviving Starhunter spacecraft. Although there is no one in ten, it is still a great threat to the sun.


Wang Dali burst out a rude remark. Unfortunately, he shouted, "it's a pity that they didn't blow up all of them. If there are any weapons, launch again!"

There's nothing the ambulance can do.

"Commander, there is no way. Originally, our sun was short of energy. Now after a round of fighting, there is a shortage of weapons. We really can't fight any more, otherwise the spacecraft will have no energy and weapons. For a deep space spacecraft, it has no self-protection power and is very, very dangerous!"

"Why don't you fill up your energy and weapons and come back to me?" Wang Dali frowned.

"There's no way. You're hijacked by the hunting star man's mothership. People on earth are making trouble. They want to send the sun out immediately. How can we have time to fix the sun?"

"Blame me?" Wang Dali's face was strange.

"Of course you're to blame, commander. Let's open the wormhole and get rid of them!"

"All right!"

Wang Dali curled his mouth.

"Sit down, the countdown begins, 4,3,2,1..."

The sun shook violently and immediately disappeared into the starry sky and entered the wormhole channel.

The hunting Starman spacecraft that caught up also disappeared in an instant and also entered the wormhole channel.

"What's the matter? Didn't you get rid of them?" Wang Dali looked at the monitor and was speechless. He saw a lot of ships behind the ship's ass. he couldn't shake them off.

Bang Bang

Laser beams came from the rear. The sun dodged immediately, but it was still hit.

The sun shook violently. Wang Dali couldn't stand stably and was thrown three feet off the ground.

"Shit, they are so shameless that they use weapons in the wormhole channel. They are really not afraid of the wormhole collapse. Will everyone die together?" Wang Dali was furious.

"They're going out of their way. It's crazy!" the ambulance was stunned. Using weapons in the wormhole channel is easy to destroy the wormhole and cause collapse. The power of space will directly tear everything in the wormhole, which is suicide.
