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The super camera will present the scene of the life planet in front of the earth people for the first time.

This planet is much more beautiful and huge than the earth.

The blue is the ocean, the green is the forest of the continent, and the snow-white is the snow mountains and the clouds in the sky.

People were stunned.

This is an extraterrestrial life planet. People on earth have never really found such an earth like life planet. It's really incredible, like a miracle.

"Great, where is that? We must take down that planet!" the president of the United States jumped onto his desk and immediately jumped up cha cha.

The authorities of all countries were also heartened.

This is an unparalleled discovery.

On earth, countless politicians, businessmen and scientists all have bright eyes, like a cat hungry for three days and smell fishy smell.

An earth like life planet, which is a gift from God to mankind.

There are too many human beings on the earth, 9 billion. In a few years, it is estimated that it will exceed 10 billion. At that time, the earth will really be overloaded.

It is an inevitable way to expand beyond the earth and find a second planet where human beings can live. Otherwise, human beings will fall into war or be destroyed by war because of the competition for resources.

"Long live brother Dali -"

"Brother Dali is worthy of being the greatest explorer. He found an earth like planet -"

"This is an incredible discovery -"

"Human survival is finally guaranteed -"

"Onboard, onboard -"

"Thank big brother smecta, thank Spider Queen smecta, thank Eagle Star Smecta -"

"Let's sing about interstellar colonization. Our journey is the sea of stars -"

"Where is that? Send the coordinates, star colony, from now on -"

"In our lifetime, we can finally see the day when human beings migrate to aliens. It's not easy -"

"The baby should make a monument for brother Dali -"


People are so grateful. Finding earth like planets is a matter of gratitude to God. The future of mankind is no longer confused and afraid.

Rose, the Spider Queen, looked out of the window at the planet and showed a trace of joy.

This planet is much bigger and more beautiful than I thought.

Such an existence should inhabit such a beautiful and huge planet. This is an ideal planet. A planet like the earth is small and the air is dirty.

The eagle man looked at the star map and said carefully, "this is a wild planet, because the danger level is high, it is not suitable for human beings!"

"Dangerous planet?"

Wang Dali can't see that this planet is full of vitality, unlike a dangerous planet.

"How dangerous?"

"That is, the planet is in a wild era, there are more ferocious beasts, and human body is weak and difficult to survive. However, now the earth human beings are in great change, it is possible to explore and colonize this planet!"

The eagle man explained.

"That's good. This planet is mine. I, Spider Queen rose, will reign in the world and become the master!" Spider Queen rose fell in love with this planet at a glance.

"Nonsense, this planet is mine!" Wang Dali is unwilling to be weak.

The eagle man immediately got nervous, looked at the star map for a while and said, "this planet seems to be registered in the star domain ruled by the solar civilization. This... Was once a planet of the solar civilization!"


Wang Dali was surprised. "Did the solar civilization once have the right to rule this planet? How many life planets did the solar civilization have?"

"Many, a long time ago, the solar civilization was a powerful higher civilization, and the ruling star regions were naturally vast. Most star regions of the solar system are the possessions of the solar civilization. If you don't believe it, you can check the encrypted database of the solar civilization!"

The heavenly Eagle Star man gave great advice to the king.

"OK, let me have a look!"

Wang vigorously raised his head and called out EVA.

AVA actually appeared, not because she was too far away from the earth to show up. This is quantum entanglement. Even if she was far away from the other end of the universe, she still came in an instant.

"This wild planet was really ruled by solar civilization?" Wang Dali asked.

"Yes, sir," said EVA.

"How much space does the solar civilization rule?"

"Very big!"

EVA immediately released a projection showing that most parts of the Milky way were once ruled by the solar civilization.

Wang Dali was overjoyed. The sun civilization was so awesome.

"Now, is the solar civilization still in the interstellar space?"

"I'm sorry, solar civilization has declined, but some planets will still have relics of solar civilization, and more planets under the rule of solar civilization have been abandoned and become wild planets!"

"Well, well, as the successor of solar civilization, I hereby announce that this planet is mine!" Wang Dali was elated.


Rose, the Spider Queen, sneered, "who can be bluffed by an old heir?"

"Bluff the vassal civilization once ruled by the solar civilization. On this planet, I am the heir of orthodoxy. You are a monster and want to rub benefits, don't you?"

"Orthodoxy is useless. Strength is everything!"

The Spider Queen rose stared at the eagle man and ordered: "drive the spacecraft into the atmosphere quickly. We're going to land, tell someone and tell him to go away. I've announced that this planet is mine!"
