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Wang vigorously grabbed a sun stone and threw it in front of the tunnel. Suddenly, the darkness was illuminated.

I saw a giant lizard with a length of seven or eight meters lying on the ice with its tail pounding on an ice wall. The ice wall seemed to be hollow, but very strong.

"Ice lizard!"

Wang vigorously stared at the lizard, and the eyes of true knowledge immediately fed back messages.

"Do you recognize this monster?" Delia was a little frightened.

"I haven't seen it, but I know!"

Wang stared at the lizard vigorously. The lizard's whole body seemed to be covered with ice crystals, and its skin was like cold ice. Wang Dali can even see that the blood flowing in the ice lizard is milky white, which is very magical.

When the ice lizard found the sun stone, he immediately climbed up and ate it into his stomach.

For a moment, the ice lizard's eyes lit up, like two night pearls.

"Trough, it turned out to be an albino Lizard -"

People were relieved to see the lizard.

Although it is said that lizards are big, people think of giant lizards on the island of death.

For such a giant lizard, brother Dali can kill it every minute.

"Gaga, the royal highness of the princess is terrified --"

"Why are you so timid -"

"Little girl, it's the first time to face this creature. She's a little scared -"

"Poor, your royal highness is so small that she exiles the earth."

People sympathize with Delia. Although Delia is a krypton, her pitiful little appearance immediately aroused the love of countless people.

The world is like this. Most of them are perceptual animals, lacking rational thinking and evaluation.

In fact, the constitution of kryptonians determines that they can become gods on earth!

Although Delia has just come to the earth, her power is growing all the time. Now she can't be described as an ordinary little girl.

"Don't be nervous. It's just a little reptile. It's no threat to us!"

Wang Dali handed the sun god spear to Delia and taught her, "go, you can kill the ice lizard!"

Delia took a deep breath and stepped forward to confront the ice lizard.

Some people can't see it, especially the mothers and mothers who make complaints about their love.

Wang Dali was unmoved. Damn, those brain cripples, have they forgotten that Delia is a krypton! Kryptonians on earth, can they be ordinary people with no strength to bind chickens?

"Ah, ah, ah"

Delia rushed forward, and the ice lizard rushed forward and bit the girl's foot. The ice lizard retreated and quickly dragged the girl into the dark tunnel.

Wang Dali stood unmoved, shook his head and said, "it's disappointing. It seems that the little girl is not ready to fight to death. It's a pity!"

"Brother farkley, your highness Lori was killed by you -"

"Brother Dali is so cruel -"

"Go to save your royal highness, brother is murder."

"It's a complete mistake to overestimate your highness Delia -"

"Stupid brother Dali, stupid public action -"

In the darkness of the countless people, the fierce fighting broke out in the gloom, and occasionally make complaints about the ice walls falling down.

"Oh, God, Delia is not dead!" people realized that the girl was a Kryptonian, a supergirl, not an earth girl as delicate as a greenhouse flower.

In the dark, a figure came step by step, and the sound of footsteps sounded in the silent tunnel.

Delia, stained with white ice lizard blood, with a sun god spear in one hand and a pounding ice lizard heart in the other hand, came to Wang Dali and handed her heart.

"For me?"

Wang vigorously Leng, the ice lizard heart is the essence of life right, but for themselves, the meaning is not big.

"Yes, here you are. Thank you for coming down with me and looking for the grey dwarf!" Delia said gratefully.

"But I didn't find it!" Wang vigorously shrugged in disappointment.

"No, I'm sure now that the tunnel here was dug by the grey dwarf. There can be no mistake!"

"How dare you think so?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Yes, since there is a life like ice lizard in this place, there must be enough food. Otherwise, it is impossible to feed such a monster!"

"You mean the grey dwarf would be food for the ice lizard?"

Rao Shiwang is bold and bold. He also wants to inspire spirits. Well, if the grey dwarf is really weak, it is estimated that it will become the food of the ice lizard. In nature, the law of the jungle is nothing wrong!

But now, the most important thing is to find a way out, no matter the grey dwarf or anything. In short, Wang Dali doesn't want to go on endlessly in this dark tunnel.

Take the ice lizard's heart. Wang Dali is surprised to find that the ice lizard's heart is constant at zero and still beating. It's strange.

"There's a tunnel over there. I have a hunch that the end of the tunnel is the way out!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Wang Dali strode to catch up. The body of the ice lizard lay on the edge of the ice, with huge and deep wounds everywhere.

"I wipe it. It turns out that Delia is a corpse abuse maniac!"

Wang vigorously, make complaints about the ice lizard, and a steep tunnel appears in front of people. The tunnel is like a giant snake, which is drilled out and round.

"Are you sure this is the way out?"

"I can feel it, I'm sure!"

"OK, bet!" Wang Dali put the shield of the goddess of victory on the ice and shouted, "come on, have you ever played skiing? Let's slide down on the shield to save some time!"

"Delia was stunned. She didn't know what skiing meant.

"Come up!"

Wang Dali pulled Delia over and put her on the shield. Then he sat on it and roared down the tunnel.