Wipe, the monitor is broken!



On the tip of the sword, a drop of blood evaporated into the smallest particles. The second drop burst into flames and burned up in the blink of an eye.

The last drop is crystal clear and dazzling.

Liang Bing was surprised at first, then shook his head and sighed: "although the hook snake is the blood of the dragon family, its blood is thin. The gene code is not very pure, so we have to find the authentic dragon family!"

"Then keep looking. There should be authentic dragons here?" Wang vigorously shrugged.

"There must be!"

Cool ice closes his eyes and raises the flaming sword.

The flaming sword began to flicker again. After a while, the sword body returned to normal. Liang Bing was surprised: "we are very lucky. There is a place in front that emits the smell of dragon nationality. We can go and have a look. Maybe we can have an unexpected harvest!"

"Then move on!"

"Walking too slowly, or I'll take you faster!" Liang Bing grabbed Wang Dali's shoulder. When his wings shook, people had already flown up and flew to a large area of mountains ahead with Wang Dali as fast as a meteor.

This is the nth time that Wang Dali has been flown by the angel liangbing. Wang Dali still feels inexplicable excitement.

The speed of flying makes people excited. It's really too fast. It's very free. The earth, mountains and rivers pass under your feet. You feel like a king!

The super camera presents the vision of flying to the world.

The grandeur and vastness of the secret land of mountains and seas makes people sigh the magic of creation. The mountains are high and steep, and the peaks are often covered with ice and snow, but below the snow line, up to the foothills and valleys, forests are everywhere, full of vitality.

All kinds of animals and plants are very rich, which exceeds Wang Dali's imagination.


"It's much better than flying a drone -"

"If you have wings, it's different. The flying speed of the cold ice angel is to blast the sky -"

"Brother Dali, goddess of cool ice, also took me to pretend and forced me to fly -"

"This secret place feels very old. The mountains are so tall -"

"The vast mountains and rivers are very different. Wow, there is a relic in front -"


Liang Bing and Wang Dali fell in front of a huge mountain. The front of the mountain seemed like a huge dragon head, and there was a cave in front of the mountain, like a dragon mouth.

In front of the cave, there is a circular square built of rock with a diameter of more than ten meters. Around the square, there are eight circular stone columns carved with dragon totem.

In the middle of the square, there stands a large bronze tripod, blue and black, very simple. The tripod is full of rain and fallen leaves.

"There is a relic here?"

Wang Dali looked at the square and the big tripod. He was surprised. There were relics, indicating that there had been people here.

"It's not surprising, but it's been deserted for a long time!"

Liang Bing looked at the stone slabs in the square. Many places had been broken, and the totem columns around him had been broken. It can be seen that this situation existed only after many years of wind and rain.

"The circular square is facing the cave. Does that mean anything?" Wang Dali said.

"It's a dragon playing with beads!"

Liang Bing suddenly understood, pointed to the square and said, "this square is dragon ball, the mountain is a giant dragon, and the opposite cave is Longkou.

"Yes, yes, indeed. The mountains in front are indeed a bit like a dragon head!" Wang vigorously looked at the front of the mountain and found that the strange rocks in the front of the tall mountain are jagged, combined with the black hole. On the whole, it really looks like a ferocious dragon head.

They went to the cave and looked up.

The entrance is more than ten meters high and twelve meters wide. It is dark inside and seems to have red light.

Above the hole, two ancient hieroglyphs are vaguely engraved.


Wang Dali read out these two ancient characters.

"It's here that the Yanlong family is in your civilization of the eastern moon. This hole should be the entrance to the tomb of the Yanlong family!"

Liang Bing suddenly realized, "no wonder I feel the Dragon flavor here is so strong. It turns out that this is a dragon mausoleum!"

"Are we going in?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Of course!"

"That's not good. We're not a gold school captain. It's necessary to fight?" Wang Dali spread his hand.

"You're wrong. The dragon people always have the tradition of accompanying the dead. In addition, there are various strange ways to form immortal people in the Dragon civilization. The most popular way is to use the tomb. Who can be sure that there is no half dead and half alive dragon people in it?"

"Well, exploration is my nature!" Wang Dali's eyes brightened slightly. The funerary goods are the key. As for whether the dragon family can be found or not, Wang Dali doesn't care very much.

Liang Bing walks into the cave. Compared with people, everything here is empty and tall.

Wang Dali followed and said, "everyone, it's a great honor to bring you an extraordinary exploration. This time, angel liangbing and I conducted a scientific research on a Yanling mausoleum... Ha ha, you know, this is the inverted fight, but we poured the mausoleum of the dragon family. According to liangbing, this is the mausoleum of the Yanlong family. There may be funeraries and big zongzi in it!"

"6 have to fly -"

"It's actually a dragon tomb. I feel scared -"

"There must be big zongzi. If there is a dead dragon, it's cool -"

"It must have been built by people before, but now, where are people?"


The audience was excited and felt that the wonderful adventure would begin again.

The open and dark cave was quiet. Wang Dali and cool ice stepped on the stone floor and made a clatter sound.

Liang Bing turned his hand. A light ball condensed and hung on her head to illuminate all around. Wang Dali turned his head and looked around. He found that the cave was still dry, and there were countless murals about dragons on the four walls.

The murals are typical oriental dragons, with snake bodies, antlers, body covered with scales, spitting flames and dragon beads.

At the end, a stone wall blocked the way. There was a dragon relief on the stone wall. The only thing wrong was the dragon's eyes, which didn't seem to open.

"Behind the stone wall is the tomb passage!" Liang Bing affirmed.

"How can I get in?" Wang Dali puzzled.

"See the dragon's eyes? You drop two drops of blood. As long as the gene code of the dragon's blood is activated, it can trigger the mechanism and open the channel!"
