
The king shouted loudly, and the spear pierced the water snake. With an electric shock and a roar, the whole water snake twitched and was covered with electric light.

Adele broke free, swam a few times and came to the head of the water snake.

The water snake twitched a few times and seemed to recover. Its tail swept, its brain bag shook, and its mouth opened wide, ready to bite someone.

This just fulfilled Adele's wish. She raised the blade of time and split it into the big mouth of the water snake with a puff. The wound was torn from the corner of her mouth to the back of her head. The thick white bones were exposed and the blood was stained red.

The water snake didn't die immediately, but struggled and turned wildly.

Wang Dali and Adele immediately hugged the water snake and fought desperately. The water snake was also exhausted. After a long time, it was dying.

Yao Dan and Guan Er were so nervous at the edge of the pool that they were shocked and frightened when they saw the electric light swirling in the pool and the water billowing and blood gushing out.

"Come out, come out!"

Guan Er saw the water snake floating on the water. Wang Dali and Adele were dragging the huge snake head to the shore.

"Come on!"

Yao Dan hurried up.

On the shore, the huge water snake couldn't live. Wang Dali and Adele sat on the shore, panting and tired.

"How dare you kill such a big monster?" Yao Danmu was stunned.

"What's this? Life and death is just a snake. Although it's a little bigger, it's very stupid!" Adele kicked the snake's head. "It almost swallowed it just now. Fortunately, I was smart and cut off its snake's head."

"Sister Adele, aren't you hurt?" Guan Er hurried up to help.

"It's all right. It's just that the body hurts a little. It's estimated that it sweeps the body, and the muscles, bones and internal organs are a little misplaced!"

As Adele stretched, her bones crackled and seemed to be adjusting her position. Wang Dali also twisted his waist and vomited a mouthful of congestion. The whole talent was more relaxed.

"This evil animal is so strong that it almost dragged it to the bottom of the water!"

Wang vigorously beat the snake head, and said, "this is also an extraordinary life. It is estimated that the heart and snake are the essence of extraordinary life." brother Yao, cut it open and collect it. Don't waste it!

"OK, leave it to me!"

Yao Dan's spirit was shocked. He quickly took the knife and prepared to do it.

"Brother Dali, so I can take extraordinary treasures?" Guan ER was too excited.

"Don't worry, take a look first. Besides, extraordinary treasures are also divided into 369 grades. Put bad treasures first and take them for the first time. It's best to choose what suits you, so as to tap your real potential!"

"Well, I'll listen to you!" Guan er said obediently.

On the shore, a small group of soldiers touched it with lights. They stood by Tan. They found Wang Dali and others, and quickly shouted, "what are you doing here?"

"Is there anyone else?" Wang Dali was surprised and looked at Yao Dan.

Yao Dan hurriedly said, "don't be angry. We're from the 017 team. Where are you from?"

"We are the 303 sentry!"

The other party responded and immediately led the team to meet it quickly.

When he came to the pool, Wang Dali saw clearly that there were 27 people in this small team. Everyone was fully armed, armed with various energy guns and odd weapons. They were well equipped and felt very tall.

Seeing the dying water snake, the team took a breath.

There was a big water snake in the pool. They knew that they didn't dare to get close at ordinary times. Black armour came to kill them several times, but they were all escaped into the water by the water snake.

Unexpectedly, four people killed him today? No, it should be two people, because the other two clothes are not different.

"The man at gate 017, why are you here? This is a tunnel!" asked the captain.

"Of course, we're here to fight monsters and upgrade. We're going to have a look at the city of time, kill monsters and explore, and look for the treasure of the city of time!" Yao Danlian hurriedly said.

"You don't want to die. Is the city of time so easy to go? You're really not afraid of death!" the captain frowned.

"We are not afraid. My two companions are no weaker than black armour!" Yao Dan pointed to Wang Dali and Adele. The captain was stunned and full of admiration. He came up and solemnly saluted and said, "are you black iron guard or black armor?"

"No, we came from outside the desert to look for the city of time!" Wang vigorously shook his head.

"Really, well, well, anyway, since you encounter it, go to our 303 sentry camp to have a rest first. I said brother, we will officially enter the scope of the city of time ahead. It's very dangerous. We don't trust you if you want to go!"

"Is there a camp near here?"

Adele was surprised that she felt really tired now and needed a good rest to recover her strength.

"You are lucky to have a camp. We can provide you with tents, food and hot water. You can have a good rest. Please think twice about whether you want to move on!" said the captain.

"Brother Dali, let's go to the camp. I want to take a hot bath. I'd better have a good rest!" Guan Er quickly advised Wang Dali for fear that he would disagree.

"Well, it's time to have a good rest. You've worked hard all the way!" Wang vigorously waved his hand and agreed.

"Long live!" Guan er jumped up happily.

The captain looked at the water snake on the ground. "Did you kill this snake?"

"Yes!" Wang vigorously nodded.

"How to deal with it? Do you need our help?"

"The heart and snake gall belong to us. You can deal with the rest at will!" Wang Dali said.

"Really? Brother, thank you very much!" the captain immediately ordered everyone to carry the water snake.

An hour later, the crowd arrived at the sentry post, which was blocked in the middle of the road, built a solid fortification, surrounded by iron wire and power grid.

Wang Dali and his party entered the sentry post. After introduction, the 303 sentry post has 500 soldiers stationed daily. The main purpose is to guard important places, remove nearby demons and prevent demons from disturbing the black iron city.
