I uploaded it long ago, but why didn't I see the system refresh?

One hour, two hours

It was almost dusk, and Wang Dali was still motionless. The audience has long changed from panic and fear to despair.

Suddenly, the live camera moved and saw a team of camel caravans coming slowly from a distance in the desert.

"God, it's saved. It's a camel bell -"

"It's incredible that there are people in this desert -"

"It seems to be a native -"

"No, like a businessman in the desert -"

"Anyway, there's hope -"

"Come here, help brother Dali -"

Countless spectators began to swear. In the anxious waiting, the camel team gradually approached. Then, the leading scout found Wang Dali and the camel team stopped.

The Scout is a woman in a grey robe. According to her figure, she is very talented.

She jumped off the camel and ran up quickly, holding a pistol in her hand. She kicked Wang Dali several times with vigilance. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, and then lifted the cloak cover off.

A pretty face familiar to people all over the world was exposed in front of the camera.

"Sleeping trough, it's Gree -"

"Gree -"

"It's Gree. She's still alive -"

"God, it's incredible. Everyone thinks she's dead -"

", it's Gree. Why is she here -"

"It's a miracle that she's still alive -"

"Thank God!"

Before the live video, countless viewers cried out. Gree's parents and family burst into tears with joy.

Many days and nights of waiting, but did not get the news of Gree's survival, nor was she rescued by Wang Dali. The two return of Kyrgyzstan's Stonehenge did not come back, and family and friends were desperate.

But I didn't expect to see this beauty in this case!

She is the famous Gree, among the Avengers. In reality, she is Gree.

Well, she was still on the missing list during the shipwreck.

Now, people see her, but she doesn't know that there is an invisible super camera in front of her.

Gree broke Wang Dali's body, and then explored her hand to see Wang Dali's breath.

"He's still alive!"

Gree turned and shouted at the camel team.

"God, brother Dali is still alive -"

"Thank God -"

"I wipe it. Brother Dali is really a cockroach's life. I'll say, can brother Dali die? I'm really worried about nothing -"

"Gaga, brother Dali is really a small strong man. The spicy and terrible super storm didn't kill him -"

"Goddess Jiang is miserable. Her life and death are still uncertain -"

"Ann, brother Dali is all right. What else can goddess Jiang do?"

"Eight mistakes. They are all lucky guys. They can't die -"

"Ha ha, it's really interesting. I expected brother Dali to rescue the missing people. Unexpectedly, brother Dali let the missing people save -"

"Long live Gree. Gree is so great that she survived and saved brother Dali who died -"

"Thank God for not letting brother Dali die. This is God's decision, because brother Dali still has a lot of people to save -"

Gree doesn't know that her voice is a gospel to people all over the world.

Wang Dali is not dead. This is definitely the best news of the year!

The camel team immediately flew over, a team of people observed Wang Dali's situation, and soon carried Wang Dali to the back of a camel. The camel team continued to move forward.

In the turbulence, Wang Dali woke up. The first face he saw was a smiling face.

"Gree?!" Wang Dali was surprised and almost fell off the camel.

"Are you awake?"

Gree grinned and threw the water bag into Wang Dali's hand: "lucky for you, we found you in the desert!"

Wang Dali took a sip of water and found that he was riding on a hump. Gree's camel was side by side with him.

"Who are you and where are you from?" said Gree.

"My name is Wang Dali, you call me Dali!" Wang Dali stretched out his hand and prepared to shake hands. "I'm a survivor of the sinking of the ship, just like you!"

"Gree!" Gree shook hands with Wang Dali and was in a good mood: "are you from Dongyue?"

"Well, I know Gree, thank God, how did you get to the time desert and didn't encounter danger?" Wang Dali was surprised and curious.

"It's the shore of the sunken ship. It's transmitted from Stonehenge. I'm lucky to meet an expedition camel team. Then I became a business escort here!"

"Can you be a guard?"

"Why not? I have a pistol in my hand. I've killed several sand bandits!" Gree raised her pistol.

"This pistol can't beat the dead sand bug!" Wang shook his head vigorously.

"Did you meet the dead Sandworm?"

Gree was shocked. "That's a terrible guy. It's usually difficult to survive when they meet them!"

"The dead sand worm is not as terrible as expected!" Wang looked at his waist vigorously. The sun god spear was divided into two parts and hung safely on his waist. Well, fortunately, the weapon was not lost.

Wang Dali glanced at the camel team. It was estimated that it was a caravan. At a glance, it was all ordinary people.

"You're in business, aren't you afraid to meet dead sandworms?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"There are no dead sand insects around here. Don't worry. The road we take is relatively safe. Just pay attention to the sand bandits!"

Gregory said.

No sandworms?

Wang Dali looked at the surrounding desert and found that there was a water source in the distance. It seemed like jumping into a river!

"I wipe, unexpectedly found the water source?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Of course, this is the boundary of Shane city. There are few dead sand insects. Even if there are, they will be wiped out!" Gree explained.

"Shane city is a city, a city in the desert?" Wang Dali was shocked. Is there a city inhabited by living people in the desert? it is beyond logic and above reason!