The mermaid bared her teeth and rushed up fiercely, like a crazy group of sharks.


Wang Dali was able to shout in the water. The sea water could not be poured into his mouth.

The arm shook, the wrist was strong, and pulled up a spear light. The golden spear light was as fast as lightning, and drew a big circle around Wang Dali.

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, his.

Wang Dali succeeded in one blow and floated up quickly.


"I'm so nervous. My baby thought brother Dali was going to be dangerous -"

"Metoo, these mermaids look so ferocious -"

"Startled, brother Dali is good. It seems that the spear technique has improved again -"

"Wipe, I was shocked to see that I could hurt so many mermaids in one blow -"

"Shit, brother Dali has become an expert in Wulin. With a spear in hand, the world is invincible. Do you have --"

"It's hard to defeat four hands with two fists, or do you want to show off -"

"Brother Dali, you should learn to be wise. Wisdom is the most powerful weapon -"

"If you have the ability to hurt the enemy with your head, brother Dali, you have to use intrigue. That's powerful -"

What kind of eyes do you have? I use the big round spear technique in spear shooting.

It takes a lot of strength and skills to display. Among them, strength, speed, explosive power and five senses are all demanding and indispensable.

Once you use the big round spear technique, you can hit ten with one shot in an instant!

To put it bluntly, this is the group attack skill, not afraid of the enemy's siege.

It seems that people don't know all their abilities and great potential. Hum, even if I don't use wisdom, no tricks, and only use a spear, I can sweep these mermaids!

It's just that you can't pretend to be forced. Pretend to be struck by thunder.

Don't you have to catch some mermaids? Otherwise, they would have seen all the blood!

Wang Dali floated out of the sea, took a deep breath, looked up at the Annie, and saw that the crew were casting nets along the side of the ship.

"Brother Qiang, get ready!"

Wang Dali waved immediately.

"Come on, come on, get ready to get off the net. Come on, don't linger -" brother Jushi roared and commanded.

"OK, OK, come right away and get ready to put it!"

With that, a huge fishing net jumped down from the boat, covered its head in the sea, and was caught within ten or twenty meters.

Wang Dali turned his head and looked into the water. The stupid Mermaid caught up foolishly. It seems that they were killed by Wang Dali.

"Gaga, stupid Mermaid, if you don't die, you won't die. You don't even understand the truth that poor aggressors don't chase. Do you expect to escape my brother's palm today?"

Wang Dali turned over, dived into the water and hit several mermaids who caught up with him.

Poop poop poop

The sun god spear sweeps the neck and back of the head of the other party and stuns several at once.

There were several others who used a stone axe to cut Wang Dali's arm and back, but they just let the strong defense of Liuguang feimi clothes absorb the damage.

"Dare to resist and get caught!"

Wang Dali turned over and hooked his foot. He hooked a mermaid, hit his forehead and recorded the authentic "iron head skill". The other party was suddenly hit with peach blossoms all over his face.

"Wow, ha ha, Da Ge Zan -"

"Witness brother Dali's authentic iron head skill. It's really sharp -"

"Brother Dali is so handsome -"

"Magic hat trick? Wang's forehead is not ordinary magic -"

"Handsome, brother Dali, I love you -"

The audience couldn't help singing praises when they saw Wang Dali fighting the mermaid with ease.

At this time, the big net has begun to close!

"Come on, put it away, hurry up, pull me hard, run one, and I won't give you dinner today." brother Jushi shouted, nervously directing the crew to take in the net.

Wang Dali felt tight, and he was caught in the net.

After a while, seven or eight mermaids were successfully pulled onto the ship.

When the fishing net was untied, Wang Dali vomited the sea water, stood up from the net and smiled, "yes, I caught several big fish. Ha ha, I didn't waste my time as bait myself!"

Wang Dali feels fishy. Grandma's fishing net stinks. There are seaweed on it.

Some of the Mermaids fainted and some struggled, but they were subdued by the crew who rushed up in an instant.

"Li Zi, hard work!"

A sister-in-law smiled and handed over a cup with hot water.

"Thank you, sister-in-law!"

Wang Dali's heart is warm. He still knows how to care about himself. The hot water is sent so considerate.


Wang vigorously looked at his sister-in-law and found that the life magnetic field on her was a little missing, or defective, especially in the abdominal cavity. The magnetic field light was a little turbid and disordered.

When Wang Dali thought about it, he suddenly understood something.

He also knew something about his brother and sister-in-law, and couldn't help sighing.

"Sister-in-law, you wear this thing. Find time to get a thin rope and hang it around your neck!" Wang Dali took out a gold coin of Sunstone and put it in sister-in-law's hand.

Close to sister-in-law a little, lower your voice and give advice: "sun stone is also called life gem, which has the magical effect of improving the level of life. Sister-in-law, when you wear it, you'd better be close to your lower abdomen. The light radiation of sun stone is very magical, which may solve the problem of you and one

I'm sorry for many years! "

"Ah, Li Zi, is this really OK?" Yi's sister-in-law was pleasantly surprised. She grabbed Wang Dali's hand and was quite excited.

"Well, I don't know yet, but it shouldn't be a big problem. So, if I have time, I'll give you another treasure of the essence of life. After taking it, you can definitely solve your troubles.

Bao, the story of brother Jushi Qiang has been spread. You should know it too! "

Wang energetically shrugged his shoulders and looked like "praise me quickly".

"Ah, I know. Thank you so much, Li Zi. I don't know how to thank you. You have to be so attentive to our affairs!" Yi sister-in-law's eyes turned red.

"Hehe, it's nothing. It's OK to thank me. Wait until I help you find the treasure. At that time, your husband and wife must ask me to rub a meal, and my Wang Dali must kill you severely!"

"That's no problem, that's it!" the sister-in-law thanked inexplicably.


Wang Dali comforted a few words, turned his head and looked at the escorted Mermaid. He thought it was time to torture grandma, but he wouldn't torture people at all!

Do you want to give the Mermaids a branding first, or go directly to the top ten torture in the Manchu Qing Dynasty?