Wang Dali is too tired. He is at the limit of his current body and is almost exhausted!

In a daze, Wang Dali also fell asleep.

The storm is still raging outside the cave!

But above the very high clouds, on the broad horizon, there was a touch of the sun.

Dawn is coming quietly!

Under the thick clouds, the mysterious island is as stormy as ever.

Wang Dali didn't know that after several hours of brewing and fermentation, his live video is causing a stronger response in more than 190 countries and regions around the world.

In the case of losing contact with the Brunei queen all night, Wang Dali's live video can imagine the earthquake triggered all over the world.

In the Western Hemisphere, it was day.

In North and South America, the loss of contact shocked the whole western hemisphere in less than half an hour.

You know, on the Brunei queen, there are no less than 50 resident journalists from well-known news and entertainment institutions in various countries tracking and reporting in real time.

Mijian ABC, NBC and other dozens of TV stations tracked and reported for the first time. It is said that many people in China are obviously losing contact.

Geely BBC also reported for the first time.

In more than 190 countries and regions around the world, some could not confirm whether the news was true or not. They all temporarily held down for several hours. Whenever their own stars and rich people lost contact, they sent special search and rescue teams to the sea area of the accident for search and rescue at the first time.

After a few hours, the night in the eastern hemisphere passed and a new day was coming.

The morning newspapers of China, Han, Ying and Southeast Asian countries, as well as the morning news and front page headlines, have tacitly reported the news of the loss of the Brunei queen.

For a time, the eastern hemisphere was a sensation!

The news of CCTV 1 even reported the WDL domain name website in detail. Wang Dali's basic information and avatar appeared on the CCTV screen.

"Wang Dali, male, aged 21, studied in the Finance Department of Nanjing University. As a waiter on board, he miraculously survived the shipwreck last night and sent the first-hand message of the shipwreck to the world at the first time. At present, his live video is still going on. Anyone who wants to know the actual situation can watch his video. The live video address is: fork Wang Da "Force point sill"

When the CCTV news announcer said this, he thought, "well, the young man is going to be famous. At this moment, TV, radio, newspapers and networks in all provinces and cities across the country will soon discuss this event that has caused a sensation all over the world!"

"Bang Dang!"

The cup in Wang Zhiguo's hand hung on the ground and broke.

Poor Wang Dali's father got up early in the morning and just had breakfast. When he opened the morning news, he saw this report.

"Wife, it's bad. Something happened to my son!"

Wang Zhiguo roared so loudly that the whole floor heard him.

Li Li's mother came out of the room and frowned, "what are you shouting about? What can happen to your son?"


Wang Zhiguo patted his thigh and shouted, "Wang Xiaoya, Wang Xiaoya, you dead girl, come on, something happened to your brother!"

"Dad, what can happen to my brother? Don't be surprised. It's scary!"

A beautiful and lovely high school girl came out of the room in her pajamas, rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Dead girl, come on, take your laptop, open the website, fork Wang vigorously, hurry up!" Wang Zhiguo put down his reading glasses and roared.

"Oh, oh, oh"

Wang Xiaoya took out her notebook, input the website and instantly open the live video.

"Wow, my brother is not bad. He was broadcast live. Where is that? Camping?" Wang Xiaoya cried excitedly. "It seems wrong. My brother said yesterday that he went to work as a part-time waiter on some cruise ship. Didn't he go to see the stars?"

"Bastard, the news came out and the unlucky cruise ship sank!" Wang Zhiguo sighed and sat down.

"Dad, don't talk nonsense. What queen can sink? Don't be funny!" Wang Xiaoya curled her mouth and the devil believed it.

"Watch the news yourself!"

Wang Zhiguo grabbed the notebook and watched the video. He was relieved to find that his son was sleeping, but he could see a face clearly.

Fortunately, there was no accident.

I wish there were no big accidents. Should there be a rescue team right away?

Wang Zhiguo was worried again. What if he couldn't wait for the rescue team? Would he encounter wild animals, cold and hungry?

Dali's mother also knew the situation. She immediately got worried. She grabbed the notebook and cried: "the thief God, why is he so blind? Dali, the unlucky child, won't let him go. He wants to go. Now it's all right. The ship sank. If he has three long and two short comings, I won't live!"

"Shut up, you are cursing your son. He is not dead yet!" Wang Zhiguo shouted angrily.

Dali's mother shut up immediately.

Wang Xiaoya's head was confused. She quickly picked up her mobile phone to search for news. When she looked at Baidu, the search was already in the first place. When she searched a little, there was a crash. All the headlines on the front page were about the shipwreck and her brother.

"Big hair!"

Wang Xiaoya's mouth became type 0.

"Dad, mom, you see, my brother is very angry. He is now on an island and has saved Pei Xiumei, the first love of neighboring countries!"

"What Pei Xiumei?"

"It's Pei Xiumei, the first love of the people of the cold country. So you don't know, it's a very cute and beautiful female star!"

Wang Xiaoya's eyes were shocked and incredible.

"What nonsense? I care about your brother's affairs now. Don't talk about other people's affairs!" Wang Zhiguo said angrily.

"Dad, that's my brother's business. How can it be someone else's business? Also, the beautiful thing is also my business. My classmates and I like her very much!"


As soon as Wang Zhiguo lost his newspaper, he picked up his home phone and dialed 110

Collect it!