Chapter 20

After the presence of Amelia’s party disappeared completely, the master of the opera sat on the sofa and leaned over.

His black hair flickered all the way to his waist. His long eyelashes cast shadows on the skin under chandelier lighting.

“Whoa, I almost got caught.”

The man muttered and snapped his finger. But, instead of his long black hair that had been hanging just now, a short, unsparing silver hair was revealed.

He then blinked a few times and turned into golden irises resembling the sun.

He had a face that resembled Amelia, who had just stepped out of the building.

“Our youngest sister is even sharp.”

Leonhart laughed, and made a sound.

How did our youngest think of me in the midst of all this? I’m so proud of her.

Leonhardt recalled Amelia’s face, who was a little embarrassed about bringing that up.

In fact, Amelia had never been shy, but it didn’t matter to Leonhardt.

The important thing was that he saw their youngest’s cute aegyo in VIP seat.

“As expected, her being cute is the best.”

It was when he picked up the contract on the table, recalling their lovely youngest sibling’s face.

Then the top entrance opened with a bang!

A man with a robe deeply covered appeared.

It was the strange man who guided Amelia and her group to the Opera Guild a few hours ago.

Leonhart blinked his eyes and waved.

“Oh, you’re here?”

“…Leonhardt Kamar Cedric.”

Unlike Leonhart, who is calm, the other person’s voice was burning with anger.

The man who recited his name as if he did a crime walked to the sofa and grabbed him by the collar.

“Wow, you’re so powerful.”

Leonhardt shrugged with a face as if he wasn’t scared at all.

Bastian, a man who grabbed Leonhardt by the collar, rose up.

“You’re crazy after all.”

“Hey, I guided the youngest well. What’s wrong with you?”

“I guess you should know what I am talking about.”

Robe-clad Bastian took off his hood nervously.

There was a strange tear in the area where his cold blue eyes were supposed to be.

Bastian gritted his teeth.

“You must have been calm after making my face like this.”

“I can’t help it. You asked me to make you look normal.”

“Is this normal in your eyes?”

“Yeah, it’s so normal.”

No matter how much he looked at it, it is far from normal .

But Bastian couldn’t beat Leonhardt’s impudence.

Leonhardt smiled and flicked his finger snap, revealing Bastian’s original face.

When Bastian confirmed that the magic had been lifted, he let go of his brother’s collar.

Leonhardt grinned at his brother.

“But thanks to me, you didn’t even show me the way, did you? Change your face, change your voice, Amel, clean up all the people here noticeably. I wouldn’t have done it if I was alone.”

“Humans can be cleaned up, too.”

“You didn’t clean them up you fool, you’ve killed them.”

Bastian clenched his lips due to his straightforward remark.

Leonhardt pulled up one corner of his mouth. And yes, Leonhardt wins the game.

“……the contract.”

“Well done. I can’t back off now that I’ve stamped it.”

Leonhardt waved the paper.

Bastian, who received it and confirmed it, nodded satisfactorily.

“Good job.”

Nod. The two brothers looked back and forth.

The whole story of the incident was like this. The two brothers, who met on the main street, looked at each other with dumb faces for a while.

But soon the two realized they had followed Amelia for the same purpose and entered a temporary alliance.

The goal is to clean up the mineral market before Amelia sees the roughness, the craftsmanship’s treasure, and secure the contract first so that Amelia can safely bring the Full Moon Stone.

Of course, Amelia, who is as good as a baby elk, would be shocked by the fact that her grand business plan if she knew the truth, that her two brothers are cute little ones.

It had nothing to do with whether their younger sister did business with Full Moon Stone or juggling the annex.

All that Amelia wanted to do, is the only part where her two brothers would certainly agree.

Arriving at the mineral market, they swept the guild members without hesitation. Leonhardt swept them all to be exact.

To be exact, he tied up hundreds of people and threw them somewhere in his subdimension.

Unfortunately, there is no concept of guild members’ human rights or dignity in Leonhardt’s head.

Usually, a wizard would have caused a mishap that would tear a man into a million branches in the process, but Leonhardt is the youngest wizard ever.

His magic is neat without a hitch.

Of course, he didn’t forget the two gatekeepers alone because their youngest sister would be astonished if there were no people at the entrance.

Leonhardt thought, looking at the mineral market that was clean without a single ant.

He thought I’m so cool. As expected, I’m the best brother.

While Leonhardt was admiring his ability, Bastian found his way to the Opera Guild.

And with the experience of being a disciplined killer, he grabbed the guild master at once, gave him a gag and tied him up.

It took only 30 seconds to open the doors of the Opera’s guild and tied the master.

The guild master was beaten by a creepy handsome gunman in his 20s and was incarcerated in a warehouse.

It was a ridiculous development to the point where he was even mesmerized. Even if a bolt of lightning fell from the dry sky, it wouldn’t have been more astonishing.

When the master looked at the mysterious man with sullen face, he smiled and said,

“If you make a noise, I’ll cut your throat.”

He had a friendly look but he spitted out a pure threat.

The guild master, who felt threatened purely 100%, he just clenched his teeth.

He won’t even try to breathe.

It all ended an hour and a half before Amelia arrived.

Back to the present, at the stronghold of the opera.

“Oh, right. I’ll let you go.”

Leonhardt twirled his fingers and the man that is being held both hands and feet fell out of the air.

That was the real master of the opera that Bastian had suffered earlier.

He was shivering all over like a flinching tree. It seemed that he still didn’t know how to reason out, how much trouble he had, thus his empty head was full of sweat.


The master’s buttonhole-like eyes rolled around.

Leonhardt, who is just watching the scene, bent down and made eye contact with the master.

“I wrote some contracts for you. Since I stamped it, I can’t let it slide.”

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!”

The master struggled with blood in his irises.

In a rough interpretation, is there such thing as law?

Leonhardt tapped him on the shoulder with no regret in his eyes.

“Yes, yes, I understand. It could be unfair. But that’s how life is.”

He had the nerve to treat middle-aged men who would have lived more than he did.

When Leonhardt backed down, Bastian lowered himself this time. His beautiful eyes with sapphire-colored eyes bent gently.

“It would be better to carry out the contract faithfully. Of course it won’t happen, but if you have another idea.”

Then a shining sapphire sword is pointed at the man’s neck.

“This time, I’ll hang your neck from that chandelier. Of course, I’ll decapitate you.”

Sweat sprained on the master’s head. Scared, he nodded his neck off.

Only then did Bastian put his sword back in after flaring his sword.

Then two people turned around.

“What do you think happened to your missing guild members?”

“Oh, that. Don’t worry. They’ll be back when the sun rises.”

With Leonhardt’s light smile on his face, the pair disappeared.

Sad tears flowed from the eyes of the master, who was left alone, inside the empty opera top.


It was the only legendary day since the opening of the mineral market, with a single trading volume.

When I got home, I placed the contract in the drawer.

Throughout the ride back in the carriage, I looked around to see if there were any traps in the contract, but there were nothing but three neat questions. The stamp was also genuine without a single deception.

I didn’t get scammed.

I don’t know what kind of wind the master of the opera is giving me the Full Moon Stone for free, but it was a windfall for me.

“All right, it’s going as planned.”

I then sat with my fingers crossed at the desk of my office and smiled insidiously, but belatedly composed my face.

I looked like a villain just now. Come on, Amelia. They are the villain, not you.

“…by the way, what about this?”

There were two small gift boxes on my desk now. Without a single doubt, they are my gifts for my two blood relatives.

Earlier, when I bought the appliances of the annex staffs, I also bought gifts for my brothers.

It didn’t have any special meaning, but I bought it because I suddenly remembered them. I can’t leave them out while packing presents for others.

Originally, I am going to give them these gifts as soon as I got home, but I stayed in the mineral market for a long period of time, so my timing became a little vague. And it is almost midnight right now.

I stood up with two boxes while alternately looking at the wall clock and the presents.

“Let’s just go.”

When I entered the main building, the butler was greeted by my visit.

“Welcome, miss.”

“Where’s big brother?”

“He’s in the Oval Office.”

I knew this would happen. As expected, he is still working.

I climbed the stairs and headed to the Oval Office. In case I am disturbing him, I timidly knocked and carefully opened the door.

As the butler said, the office lights were brightly lit. I peeked in through the door.

Bastian was reviewing the documents with his back against the spear.

He is wearing a comfortable shirt and thin silver-rimmed glasses.

Every time he turn his head, his coral hair moved. It was a briliant appearance. …Wow, you’ve been like that all morning and all night? That’s great.


Bastian raised his head as if he felt my presence.

“…if I am interrupting you, should I just come back later?”

“No you are not a distraction. It’s all over.”

Bastian took off his glasses with a friendly response.

“Have you been working?”

“As you can see.”

No, how can a person be so fine after working all day? Maybe it’s because he have a lot of stamina. I stood at the front of his desk thinking that way.
