Gu Qianxue didn't describe the terrible or confused state of mind in the face of death, nor did he exaggerate the atmosphere of despair too much. He just told the strongest idea in his heart.

After hearing this, the emperor laughed, "not only when I was dying, I was always reviewing the past, but also thinking about the results if I did that. In fact, this feeling is called regret. "

Imperial concubine Qin lowered her eyes and thought coldly in her heart - yes, I'm sorry. She should have tried to put the queen to death at the beginning. She had many chances to kill her. Unfortunately

Duke Kang sighed faintly. Speaking of regret, he also had many regrets.

For a moment, people are reflecting on the past.

"Since life goes on, I would like to ask you," although the emperor has a smile on his face, his eyes are as sharp as eagles and falcons. What are you going to do next

Gu Qianxue raised his head and looked at the tall emperor in front of him. "Back to the emperor, in the kingdom of Nanyue, or in this world or the whole world, when a man is ill, he has a doctor. How can a woman do if he is ill?"

Emperor a Leng, "nature is also looking for a doctor to cure."

It's a general case of encephalopathy? Not to mention anything else, but to say that there are still medical women with special training and excellent medical skills in the palace. What about outside the palace? Women outside the palace can only rely on stable mother-in-law. Although she has experience, she does not understand medical skills. Many women die not from dystocia, but from infection, sequelae and complications during childbirth. Since the emperor asked Qian Xue, then Qian Xue answered seriously. If life continues, I would like to train a group of folk medical women to cure diseases for women in the world. "

Imperial concubine Qin was surprised. Even the maids who were waiting on her side were moved. She should not show her personal feelings in front of the emperor. She still couldn't help but cast a look of praise and gratitude to Princess Qianxue.

After hearing this, the emperor praised him in his eyes, but he still asked, "did you study medical skills all your life? What's the fun of studying medicine? "

Gu Qianxue blinked, "in addition to studying medical skills, what else is fun?"

"A woman's pleasure, of course, is to marry and have children." The emperor said.

Gu Qianxue wanted to laugh, but he held back, "the emperor, please forgive me. Qianxue really doesn't think it's fun to marry and have children. It's that Qianxue is willing to have children if she doesn't marry in this life."

The emperor was helpless, "you are still young."

This sentence, Gu Qianxue did not agree, "Qianxue has a sentence, the emperor is afraid to be angry, but does the emperor want to hear it?"

"Say it." The emperor was curious.

"First of all, men and women are human beings, so don't treat them differently. Secondly, "Gu Qianxue's voice stopped and lowered the tone," if the emperor doesn't become emperor one day, what's the fun? "

"Bold!" Without waiting for the emperor to declare his position, Duke Kang is now responsible for exporting.

Imperial concubine Qin also disagrees. She stares at Gu Qianxue with nervous eyes and shakes her head slowly. The emperor's joke can't be played. Qianxue, you are ecstatic.

But I didn't expect that the emperor was not angry at all, "you girl, when you said this, I suddenly realized. Well, in view of your loyalty, you can do whatever you want. I will support you, "and then I will be fair to Kang Gong." let's go. "

The meaning is to go to the early morning.

Gu Qianxue kneels down in a hurry to send off the emperor.

Qin feifu Li, around the palace people kneel.

Shaoqing, when the emperor left, Gu Qianxue just wanted to go to the house of internal affairs, but was pulled by imperial concubine Qin. "You child, you really scared the palace to death. How can you make fun of the emperor like that?"

Gu Qianxue said with a smile, "on the contrary, Qianxue thinks that there is no plan to talk to the emperor."

“……” "Qin Fei has no language," it is not to say with mind, but should not say

Gu Qianxue restrained his smile, "the meaning of Niang, Qianxue understands, I didn't say anything that shouldn't be said today. All that is said today can be said. Qian Xue knows that her head is smooth and has no intention. In addition, the emperor has studied people's mind all his life. Instead of being seen through at once, he should speak his mind plainly. "

Qin Fei was dumb, "then you What kind of doctor do you really want to be? "

Gu Qianxue nodded, "if you live a lifetime, you have to pursue something. When you die, you can't regret it." In this world, she has no real family members and no lovers. It can be said that she is out of tune with the world. If she does not set some goals for herself, she will be confused forever.

Imperial concubine Qin was eager to speak, and finally sighed, "well, the emperor has agreed. This palace doesn't say anything to pour cold water on you. Go ahead."

"Yes, empress Qin Fei. That thousand snow left first and stayed with her later." Finish saying, salute respectfully for Qin Fei, leave.

When Gu Qianxue leaves, mother Shen comes forward.

"Empress Qin, is there anything wrong with this

Qin Fei looked at Gu Qianxue's back and shook her head slowly. "I don't know. Just let her go."Gu Qianxue drags the drawing, takes the fragrant chrysanthemum and the fragrant chess two people straight to the house of internal affairs, can be said to race against time.

Nanyue's house of internal affairs is similar to and different from that of ancient China.

The same thing is that they are all in charge of the internal affairs of the palace.

But the difference is that compared with the seven divisions set up under the second grade of Baizheng, the head of the house of internal affairs in ancient China, the scale of Nanyue's domestic affairs office was much smaller, basically managing the affairs of the imperial palace.

After all, the land scale of Nanyue kingdom can't even catch up with half of ancient China's territory. Although the Imperial Palace covers a large area, it is not as complicated as ancient China in details, numerous personnel and complicated mistakes.

When Gu Qianxue comes to the house of internal affairs, the chief executive sees Gu Qianxue. However, when he sees the emperor's token, he immediately becomes nervous. "I don't know that the princess was ordered by the emperor. I'm sorry for your neglect."

Where does Gu Qianxue care about these details? "May I trouble you to find the best blacksmith in the house of internal affairs," and then, as if thinking of something, "find the jeweller, especially the skilled craftsman who inlays the crown for the emperor."

The head of the house of internal affairs is puzzled, but I think it should be princess Qianxue who has any new invention. On the one hand, he respectfully promised to send someone to find the craftsman. On the other hand, he murmured in his heart that he was really the number one scholar in 360 lines of business. He would invent and create and be appreciated by the emperor.

While speaking, the craftsman has been found.

There are not many people. Three blacksmiths and two jewellers are, as Gu Qianxue required, the most skilled craftsmen in the Imperial Palace and even the whole Nanyue kingdom.

These top craftsmen also have a grade, although the level is not high, but if placed in Xiaocun small county, it is also a very good person.

After the five came in, they kowtow to see the ceremony. Gu Qianxue said anxiously, "excuse me, masters. Come and see if you can make it." Then he handed over the drawings.