"That elder sister has already tried her best. There is no way to do such a thing."

Ziqianmo's expression was not relaxed because of Qi Xin's comfort, but more serious.

After thinking about it, he said: "I believe the other party has found us. After all, he has the ability to resist the process of my calling back the soul. He should have intercepted the breath and so on. What we call back is the Qi family's soul. If you barbarians put all their hearts together, they will probably find this coincidence."

Qi Xin listened to ziqianmo's words, but his eyes became firm: "it doesn't matter. If he dares to come, my Qi family won't let them go easily, but it's a small barbarian. When there's no one in the ocean continent, will they come? If they didn't dare to come out, they would have been wiped out. "

Ziqianmo patted Qixin's head and didn't speak.

She always felt that behind the barbarians is not so simple.

Mo Yan said that people have come down from the wasteland. It is very likely that you barbarians have reached some cooperation with people who have come down from the wasteland. Otherwise, you barbarians who have just risen will not have such strong strength.

Qi Xiu pushed the door and went in: "I don't know if you have found a strange smell in the southeast corner of the ocean continent."

Ziqianmo and Qixin looked at each other, and they all had some thoughts.

Just when something happened to summon the soul, there was a strange smell in the sky. It was too coincidental to think about it.

The three quickly walked out.

The sky was dark, with a bit of rich black air spreading out.

Mo Yan at this time has also found something wrong, found the purple field, dignified voice: "this is the breath of antiquity."

"Are you sure?" Ziqianmo frowned. She didn't find out what the breath was in her perception.

"Of course, I'm sure. It's just that this breath is impure. It's with a faint breath of the nether world. It should come from the barbarians." Mo Yan said, has always been cold in the eye light unexpectedly is a little murderous.

He can feel that the source of the strange things in the horizon is caused by the surging of the ancient atmosphere that does not belong to the world, and that person is definitely from the ancient environment.

"In this case..." ziqianmo stretched his body, and Feijian appeared in his hand: "should we go to meet him? It can also be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. "

Mo Yan chuckled: "it's natural."

Two people hand in hand, and Qixin informed a, then fly away.

Intention to hurt their children, but also the real hand, this revenge, they want to avenge!

Ocean continent covers a vast area, in order to preserve the corresponding strength, they did not reach the fastest speed, just kept flying to the southeast corner.

"Can you feel where the man is?" Ziqianmo asked as she flew.

Mo Yan concentrated for a long time and frowned: "the breath of antiquity is too strong, covering up a lot of things, but what can be sure is that it must be the breath of people in the wilderness. The human world can't have this kind of strength, and it doesn't have such pure magic."

"Well, just go and have a look."

Ziqianmo clenched the burning sword in his hand,