"This Gu fupei has a strange origin."

Ziqianmo said his judgment, "he has evil spirit, but he should not be evil."

At least, it's not purebred.

After listening to ziqianmo's words, zhujiuyin realized that things might have gone beyond his imagination. "The master's meaning is that he came prepared for the purpose of robbing Jiujiu. Does he know our identity?"

"It's possible."

Ziqianmo nodded, "you go to investigate, Gu fupei's identity."

Her demon clan blood has not awakened, and now it is still human, so she can not remember much about the demon world.

But she knew that as long as she was a demon, she would have her own unique evil spirit.

Only the demon who marries with the Terran and the ghost will not be pure. Sometimes they can feel it, sometimes they can't.

Gu fupei is very much like the offspring of the intermarriage of the demon race, the human race and the ghost race.

The offspring of the intermarriage of the demons, the Terrans and the ghosts have great disadvantages, which will lead to the spread of demons, impure blood, and the loss of the most basic self-defense ability of the offspring, and become the weakest demons.

When she was the demon king, the law of the demon clan stipulated that the demon could not intermarry with other races.

However, one of the seven great demon elders triggered the law and intermarried with the human race. Then, he was expelled from the demon world.

She didn't remember the name of the big demon.

But I didn't forget it.

Ziqianmo a mouth, he has locked the investigation target, "is."


It was just dawn. Su Jiujiu, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and looked at Gu fupei lying beside him.

Very good. Breathing is smooth and light, obviously still sleeping.

Instantly judging Gu fupei's sleep condition, Su Jiujiu repressed the excitement in her heart and carefully sat up to liberate her from the brocade quilt. Looking at Gu fupei, who was lying on the outside of the bed, she stood up quietly from the bed, holding her breath.

Su Jiujiu held his heart and looked at Gu fupei for a while. He was sure that he would not wake up. Then he stretched out a leg and was about to step over Gu fupei's body——

"Get up early in the morning and go to bed."

The man who thought he was still sleeping suddenly opened his mouth. Su Jiujiu was startled by this sentence. She could not stand steadily and was about to fall under the bed. Fortunately, Gu fupei was quick eyed and grabbed Su Jiujiu's calf, which saved her.

Gu fupei finally opened his eyes to see her, with a smile in his eyes, "are you throwing yourself in your arms?"

"You just throw yourself in the arms, black belly man, treacherous man!"

Son of a bitch, he woke up early tomorrow, but he still controlled her breathing, made her think he didn't wake up, induced her to make a move to escape, and then deliberately made a sound to scare her!

Su Jiujiu was so angry.

Pretend to sleep, frightening, this is what bad habits, this world, how Gu fupei such a bad man!

"What's the big reaction. Did you fall? "

Gu fupei didn't mention Su Jiujiu's move to escape. He just sat up and carefully checked her arms and knees to make sure that she had fallen on herself. She didn't get hurt at all. Then he let go of her hand and said, "I wish I hadn't fallen."


Looking at Gu fupei and staring at her, it was as if he really cared about her,