Purple fields itch hard.

I can't wait.

If such a street really exists, it should be very easy to find!

Go to ask Mo Yan? Mo Yan's shadow pavilion has the best intelligence ability in four countries!

But as soon as I stepped out, ziqianmo stopped and hesitated——

She seems to have been separated from Mo Yan for less than a quarter of an hour.

And then go to him right away?

Will it be a little too much

Ziqianmo's ears are slightly hot, and she murmurs in her heart: it seems that she can't leave him for a while. It's so sticky that it's not decent.

Besides, Mo Dayan will think more about it.

The system

I don't want him to be proud.

After a fierce psychological struggle, ziqianmo still suppresses the impulse to find Mo Dayan.

It's also a coincidence.

Maybe she is still holding a small fish tank in her arms, with the blessing of silver Koi. Just two steps out of the door, she meets Xiao Yushu head-on.

"Sister Zi, this is Qingyu tea fruit I brought from my family. It's a specialty of the Xiao family. Grandma is good at cultivating it. My brothers and I have loved it since childhood, so we specially brought it to you for a taste."

Xiao Yushu is beautiful and sweet.

He is still a little round face, very pleasing, just like a sweet sister.

In addition, her voice of "sister purple" can directly make people's hearts crisp.

Ziqianmo could not help sighing that if she was a man, she would not be attracted to such a sweet sister.

Unfortunately, she is a banshee.

I can be my best friend.

"Sister Yushu has a heart. I'll take these Qingyu tea fruits."

Ziqianmo looks at those light green tea fruits. They have a strong aura. They look very good from the skin. I believe the taste will not be bad.

Xiaoyushu Qingyu tea fruit pass in the past, and carefully found: "Purple sister is to go out for a walk?"

Ziqianmo nodded: "well."

Xiao Yushu's small face lit up and said excitedly, "take me with you. I've heard elder brother Yulang say for a long time that there is a very busy Xuanwu Street outside the college. There are many things that young people like inside. No matter during the day or at night, the street is full of people."

Ziqianmo's heart moved.

Full of people, day or night?

I little interesting.

Su Jiujiu and Zhu Jiuyin go to the world to avoid disaster. They are hiding in the city. Isn't that the place they are looking for?

This Xuanwu Street, let alone, is really suspect.

"Yu Shu."


"Are you familiar with Xuanwu Street?"

"I'm not very familiar. I haven't been there in person, but I've heard a lot of rumors. You know, my second brother likes to tell me some interesting things about the college. A lot of things happened on Xuanwu Street, because most of the guests on the street are college students. "

"Oh, that's it." Ziqianmo thought deeply. After a moment, he asked, "is there an antique shop called zhujiu black shop on Xuanwu Street?"

"Candle nine black shop?" Xiao Yushu a Leng, "have not heard of, black shop?"? It's a strange name. Which shopkeeper can't think of giving the shop such a bad name? "

Ziqianmo ==

You have to ask elder Zhu Jiuyin.

What's wrong with him.

In other words, what kind of stimulation did Su Jiujiu get.

"I haven't heard of zhujiu black shop, but there is a wine and gambling shop, which is very famous." Xiao Yushu thought about it and was very sincere,