Said the excitement, bailiyi even shed tears, choked: "those who were put on the rebellious hat of the county people, also can rest in peace!"

He's fifth in the list.

He joined the cabinet five years ago.

At that time, he was just a little magistrate of Qipin, the magistrate of Qinyu County in Shuzhou.

At the age of 15, he was elected to the imperial examination, and at the age of 18, he was supposed to be a brilliant scholar. However, he didn't know how to change his mind. He didn't know how to bribe and honor his superiors. Until he was 38 years old, that is, five years ago, he was still a seven grade magistrate.

Qinyu County, Shuzhou five years ago, was originally a very comfortable small county.

There is a special product in the county, qinyusi. It's very beautiful. Because of the water and soil, it can't be produced in other places. Because the Tang imperial concubine in the palace especially likes the clothes made by qinyusi, the price of qinyusi is suddenly up, a thousand silver.

Ziping, who is in charge of the national weaving Bureau, immediately focuses on Qinyu county.

He personally ordered that all the farmers in the county should turn rice into mulberry. Don't plant rice fields, only mulberry trees, and then use the lowest price to reap rain silk, and make huge profits!

Where are the farmers in the county willing?

The crops in the rice field are the rations of a family. The rice field can harvest three times a year. All the rice fields have been pushed. What do they eat this year?

No matter how high the price of Qinyu silk is, when the imperial court collects it from the farmers, it gives the lowest price as ordinary silk. Not much money at all!

The peasants refused to obey.

Ziping, of course, won't sit back and ignore him. He directly borrows an army from Tang Qing and forcibly destroys those rice fields. The peasants tried their best to stop them, causing countless deaths and injuries.

Bai Liyi was a county magistrate at that time. His strength was too small to resist Ziping. He watched the villagers who had been together for more than 20 years die one after another.

Ziping didn't kill people.

In the end, he branded these dead peasants as disobeying the control of the imperial court and attempting to rebel!

You know, once you put on the label of treason, all the three generations and nine nationalities in the peasant family are not allowed to take part in the imperial examination or practice martial arts, and countless people are destroyed all their lives.

That rainy night five years ago.

Bai Liyi looked at the countless corpses of the villagers and cried bitterly. He bowed his head and roared: "why can't the villains always get evil? Why do innocent people have to die with injustice? "

"Heaven is merciless! The official slaughtered the common people, the imperial court... "He trembled and threw the seven grade black gauze hat on his head to the ground, trampling on it.

This court, no matter!

What's the point of being an official?!

It was also on that rainy night.

At the age of 38, walking on the fork road of life, Bai Liyi, who was extremely confused and angry, met a teenager who changed his life.

"Want revenge?" The boy was dressed in a black robe with dark red sleeves and beautiful appearance, just like the dark god coming out of the thunder on a rainy night.

He stretched out a white hand to his bloody and muddy body, "I can help you."

Ghosts and spirits, one hundred Li Yi trembled, holding the young man's hand.

It's like catching the last ray of light in life.

"You hate corrupt officials. I'll help you enter the imperial inspector's court, monitor all officials, impeach and strangle them, so as to correct your hearing and hearing."

"What about Ziping?" Bailiyi's heart is beating out of his throat.

"It's not that we don't report. It's not the time."

"I understand." Bai Liyi kowtows respectfully.