Behind Mo Yan is a screen of Imperial Green and emerald.

Such a large piece of jade, the top glass species, is rare in the world. On the other hand, three typesets were carved out in the ancient style: Da Dao 50, Tian Yan 49 and Ren Dun one.

This is why he changed his name to Mo Yan.

He has suffered a lot since he was born. However, Dadao did not abandon him after all. He gave him his life by using his forty-nine and escaping from one.

"My Lord, the blood sickle of yingsha Pavilion asks to see you."

A voice came from outside the door.

"Come in."

Mo Yan stopped writing.

Looking up, a pair of black eyes like burning soul.

Blood sickle pushes the door.

He was the fourth killer in the list of shadow killers, and he was famous for his cruel head harvesting. But who would have thought that instead of being strong, he was thin, dressed in white, with a clear face and a smile on his face, like a good son of a family.

The girdle of blood sickle is silver iron rope.

That cold sickle, don't in waist behind, is symmetrical double sickle.

At this moment, in the hand of the blood sickle, he was carrying a blood stained cloth bag, round. It was easy to see that the head was in it.

"The head of Xi Qingfeng."

Blood sickle looked excited, but his eyes were full of joy after revenge. "Thank you for your help! This scum has already died ten thousand times! "

Mo Yan said in a deep voice: "head, take it away."

At the beginning, Wu Songbai, the second leader of the Department of punishment, directly killed the nanny's family.

Xi Qingfeng, the leader, is an accomplice at best.

But between xuesickle and Xi Qingfeng, there is a bitter hatred. Mo Yan's revenge plan has already begun. He simply pushes the boat along with the current and lets the blood sickle out to achieve the purpose of deterring the opponent.

"My Lord's kindness is unrequited."

Blood sickle's voice, implied a trace of effort to suppress the desolation, "my sister in heaven, will also be able to rest."

Blood sickle was born in an ordinary civilian family. Her parents died early and she was raised by her sister.

My sister is skillful and beautiful. She is good at making incense. She sells it in the market for money.

Five years ago.

Xi Qingfeng takes a fancy to her sister.

He took it by force.

Within a few days, my sister died in Xi Qingfeng's backyard.

The straw mat was packed casually and thrown into the mass grave. When xuesickle saw the terrible scars on his sister's body, he was crazy. He picked up a kitchen knife and hid on the road that Xi Qingfeng had to go down every day.

It can be imagined that he was still weak at that time, and his assassination failed.

He was beaten severely, broke seven or eight bones, and was thrown into prison.

Blood sickle still remembers that day - in the cramped cell, he lay on the straw full of blood, waiting for death in despair. A deerskin black boot appeared in front of him, a voice, as if from the nether world of hell.

"Want revenge?"

It's the voice of a teenager.

With the unique husky voice changing period, "I can help you realize your wish."

Blood sickle raised his head, saw a life-long unforgettable beautiful face like God, it is Mo Yan. In front of him, the young man in black was almost the same age as himself, but he had a strong sense of oppression from the superior, which made people dare not look him in the eyes.

Blood sickle doesn't know how Mo Yan does it, so he takes himself out of prison smoothly.

Then, he entered the shadow killing Pavilion.