Although Alex was taken aback by the emergence of the numerous corpses and decapitated heads around him, he still stood proudly with his feet planted firmly on the ground, completely butt n.a.k.e.d with his d.i.c.k fully exposed.

He wanted to flee immediately from the dangerous young lady, but he knew that if he was to turn his back and run, he would be instantly cut down by her.

The young woman had gotten the wrong idea about Alex. His d.i.c.k was not in any state, erected at all. In fact, his d.i.c.k was currently in a terrified state, hiding inside his foreskin, having been frightened by the sudden state of events. No matter how depraved Alex was, there was no way he could get hard while standing in the middle of so many corpses.

After he parted ways with Erza, he was unable to find any cloth or rags to cover himself with as the mine was under complete lockdown. The slaves had all went into hiding on the demons' instructions, and the demons themselves were nowhere in sight, having gone to reinforce their lord.

"Wait! I can explain!" Alex exclaimed anxiously with the loudest voice he could muster.

"Shut your trap nyaa. I'm not going to listen to any words a pervert says. How dare you show such unsightly object to me nyaa. You'll suffer a horrible death nyaa, it'll be an excruciating experience fitting for a sc.u.m like you. I'll slice your d.i.c.k off and make you pay slowly afterwards nyaa. Argh, I'm going to ask Nina to treat me to a nice meal for helping her nyaa. I'm so unlucky. My accent is coming out and it's all your fault nyaa... Prepare to die!" After the constant blabbering, the young lady drew her katana and stood in an agressive stance with the tip of her katana pointed at Alex. Alex could physically see a crismon aura that smells of murderous intent being emitted, wrapping itself around her. The killing intent was so strong that Alex could foresee his own death in a few seconds later.

Seeing that negotiation had failed, and desperate times calls for desperate measure, Alex made an important decision drawing from his years of experience online.

In times of danger where one find themselves face to face with a vicious beast such as a lion, one must never show any sign of weakness or nervousness as that would prompt the wild animal to attack, deeming it as a sign of its prey's vulnerability.

Instead, one must appear strong and confident as if everything is in control. It's even better if one could assert one's dominance to show the beast who's the boss. As such, Alex grabbed his d.i.c.k with his hand, and slowly started jacking off, throwing an unexpected curveball at her.

"W—W—What is he doing nyaa? D—DID IT JUST GROW EVEN BIGGER? WHAT A SAVAGE MADMAN! TO BE ABLE TO MASTURBATE EVEN THOUGH HE IS SURROUNDED BY DEAD BODIES! Just how confident and powerful is he to remain unfazed by my killing intent that was directed towards him nyaa. W—W—Wait a minute, is he brazenly looking straight into my eyes and my b.r.e.a.s.ts? HE IS! HE IS USING ME AS HIS MASTURBATION MATERIAL NYAAAAA!" The young woman shrieked and switched into a defensive stance as soon as she discovered Alex's intent, her katana was held horizontally as she wanted to cover her b.r.e.a.s.ts. It's been so long since she was intimidated and it was caused by a mere human.

"Tch... How laughable. As an honourable ninja of the bloodmoon neko beasts division, how could I ever be afraid of a mere mortal. And here I thought I've discarded those useless feelings way back then." The young woman clad in black camouflaging clothing shortly laughed at her pitable self after realising that she was afraid of Alex. She managed to regain her cool shortly after losing her composure caused by Alex's bizzare action in a minimal time frame of five seconds, showing the splendid result of her extensive training that she had undergone.

"Hmph, brace yourself for my secret ultimate ninjustu. This technique will allow me a temporary speed boost unlike any other, my moving speed will become so fast that all you will see are blur afterimages of my figure generated by your incompetence eyesight as they will be unable to capture my swift and elegant movement. You will die before you know it, sliced by my specially made katana that has been folded continously for 100 times. The blacksmiting process..."

"Did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?" Alex interrupted her. Her constant talking was like an annoying fly buzzing in his ears. He was honestly trying to give her a feedback that she talks too much.

"You... mere mortal, very well. Take this! Neko Clan Hidden Demonic Ninjustu: Ghost Steps Twin Shadow Fang!" The young woman announced loudly.
