Gu Min has been through so many years and never thought that she would marry the big slag man Liu she in history.

Before marriage, I was still very nervous. After marriage, I felt that Liu she was not good for nothing. After adjustment, she was also a model person.

Before marriage, Liu she was barely suitable to be a little wolf dog boyfriend, but she still lacked a little distance from a qualified husband.

For their own future, we should naturally take good care of it.

For example, correct bad habits, quit smoking, drinking and overeating, and learn her physical fitness and martial arts on weekdays

"Why do I learn this?"

Liu she was puzzled. Those strange martial arts moves were really shameful.

It's even more painful for him to get up and exercise before dawn every morning. He wasn't so tired a few years ago.

Gu min hummed, "in order that when my family rapes you in the future, you won't be killed by me."

Liu she took a puff from the corner of her mouth and said sadly, "... Are you serious?"

Gu min couldn't help laughing. "What do you say? Look at your weak appearance. I usually have to restrain myself and feel uncomfortable."

Liu she: "

If he didn't look weak, would Gu min beat him to death?

Soon after, Gu min found that her new husband also had some straight male cancer and Shapi male chauvinism.

"It seems that just strengthening your body is not enough. You have to correct your mind."

Liu she asked, "why is my mind crooked?"

Gu Min said, "three outlooks are not correct. I'm afraid you will suffer in middle age."

Historical experience tells her that emperor Chen's thought is advanced, and Liu she, an old and stubborn woman, will be repaired by his majesty sooner or later.

Gu min did not teach people in one step. Instead, he tried to test the bottom line bit by bit and made transformation unconsciously.

Liu she didn't find this, but Liu she's mother found it.

Since Gu min entered the door, she had alienated herself from her close son and became more and more out of control.

The problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been an inevitable problem since ancient times, not to mention that the mother-in-law had a grudge with Gu min's mother when she was young.

Her mother-in-law often makes things difficult for Gu min by virtue of her identity. Gu min is not angry, so she turns around and throws the problem to Liu she.

In Gu min's view, the so-called mother-in-law and daughter-in-law problem is just the result of the son in the middle regardless of everything.

The more her mother-in-law tossed about, the more she drifted away from her, and Gu min took more time and energy to run her own business.

Liu she has a problem with her husband. Does he have a good look at those messy accounts?

"It's not that I can't afford you. Why do you work so hard? Don't you look at me more?"

"Whether men or women, they should always have their own career and financial resources. You don't understand." Gu min calculated and settled the income of the whole year. The profit of each year was doubling and rising. Looking at the rich small Treasury, she was particularly comfortable. She smiled and said to Liu she, "there is silver in her hand. Don't panic. If you marry a concubine in the future, I also have the capital to feed more faces to satisfy my greed."

Liu she is also used to Gu min's speaking style.

I always felt that if I said more to her, I would lose my life, but if I didn't say it, I would die immediately.

This is probably the difference between reprieve and death penalty.

"Can I have a good look on my face?"

Probably in order to completely cut off from the slag man in Gu min's dream, Liu she is obedient to Gu min, and because her wife has been too popular in the circle of noble women, she can harvest a lot of love at the end of each banquet, and his sense of crisis has not decreased. Liu she also doesn't understand. Gu min speaks so impolitely in private. Why are there so many women in love?

He didn't realize it until he quietly saw Gu min attending the party.

This man is dishonest!

In front of a lady is a set, gentle like water, dignified and generous without losing free and easy heroism. In front of him is the other side, and his mouth is super poisonous!

What's more, Liu she also vaguely heard that a lady hinted that Gu min wanted to grind mirrors with her boudoir, and his nerve burst.

A group of women outside covet his wife, and her wife always wants to raise her face. Is it true that he can herd sheep and horses when his head is grassland?

"The face is not as good as Liu Zhongqing's husband, but others win by quantity. You know, the same face has no freshness after a long time."

Liu she said bitterly, "you really dare to say anything."

Gu Min said with a smile, "I dare to do anything."

Liu she gritted her teeth and said, "concubinage? It's impossible to concubinage in this life. Don't dream of raising a face. It's impossible in this life!"

Gu min smiled so loudly that Liu she was angry and angry.

Maybe it's really tragic. After marriage, his love for Gu min is growing day by day. It's clear that Gu min doesn't have the gentleness and virtue of ordinary women, but he just likes it very much. Perhaps, as his mother said, his brain was poisoned and completely hopeless.

"No, I think you're a fan. The filter is as exaggerated as half the diameter of the earth."

Gu min listened to her husband's daily analysis of confessions and make complaints about it.

"What is a fan filter?"

Gu Min said with a smile, "if you love someone deeply, your eyes will always only see the advantages and ignore the disadvantages and shortcomings. This is the fan filter. The thicker the fan filter is, the more exaggerated it is, and even hopeless. Even people's shortcomings and shortcomings are regarded as the standard."

Liu she pinched her chin and said, "I'm probably hopeless. Only you can relieve and prolong my life."

Gu min added, "not only that, I suspect you have a tendency to shake M."

Liu she blinked and asked for advice with an open mind.

"What is mother?"

Gu min rubbed her chin and said, "shaking m generally refers to the character character and psychological tendency with masochistic tendency. You have masochism."

Liu she didn't agree with this judgment.

"Only for you."

This is not a masochistic tendency. He just can't bear to hurt Gu min.

I hope she can belong to herself and hold the best in front of her.

Gu min couldn't help blushing.

She is not hard hearted. She confesses every day. The old man can't bear it.

The two have been married for a year without children, and Liu she's mother has great opinions.

She decided to give Liu she a room girl. She sincerely wanted to disgust Gu min, but she packed it and sent it back.

"It's enough for her son to be alone. There's still a big brother to carry on the family line."

Liu she is not a legitimate leader, let alone an only son. He really doesn't want Gu min to suffer that crime.

Most men in the world only know how to sow seeds and bear fruit, but how terrible it is to have a child. Liu she burst into a cold sweat when she remembered it.

It started six months ago. Gu min followed him out to study and play. On the way, she met a pregnant woman who had been imprisoned by mountain bandits for several years. The other party managed to escape the tiger's mouth, but she was pregnant in July. She couldn't stand her tossing and giving birth halfway.

If no one finds out, she will probably die halfway.

Gu min helps her produce. Although Liu she doesn't agree, she can't go against her meaning.

It was this time that Liu she saw with her own eyes how a woman gave birth, and she was so frightened that she didn't slow down for a whole month.

The child's big head came out of that place. There was blood everywhere. It made his legs soft


Gu min accepted well. She came from the future. She began to offer relevant physiological knowledge courses in the third grade of primary school, both men and women.

The course content is not only the physiological differences between men and women, how children get pregnant and give birth, but also personal health care. The professor is very comprehensive.

The royal family has said that sex is nature, not blind, and there is no need to avoid it.

Although I have learned theoretical knowledge, it is the first time to really help someone deliver a baby. It is said that ancient women were weak, their pelvis was narrow, and there was a great risk of fertility. Modern women are different. Almost every generation practices the art of physical training, which greatly reduces the difficulty and risk of childbirth.

Not to mention anything else, this item alone will hold emperor Chen to heaven.

It's a friend of women!

Liu she said with a pale face, "will you be like this in the future?"

Gu Min said, "well."

Liu she's face is even more ugly. She's floating when she walks.

In the first year of marriage, I expected to have two children early, but now I am frightened and full of ideas of dystocia and blood avalanche.

Fate is so wonderful. When Liu she was looking forward to the child, there was no news. He didn't want it, but the child came.

"Although having a child is a happy event, you don't have to faint?"

Liu she's lips moved back and forth, and she couldn't hold a word for a long time.

After hesitating for several days, Liu she said something that made Gu min want to kill him.

"Child, or not?"

Gu min rolled her eyes. "I don't want you?"

Liu she said, "Amin, I'm serious! I've always dreamed that your blood avalanche is difficult these days. I can't hold it."

Gu min sighed, "can't you read me better? What dystocia blood avalanche, it won't happen to me at all."

Pregnant in October, once delivered.

Gu min thought he was the emperor of Chen, but he turned out to be a boy.

Her downwind life began to go downhill from here.

Gu min found a transgressor, a transgressor with great malice towards her. She thought she would be safe if she avoided it, but the facts proved that she was still too naive. Sometimes, she has no intention of stirring the wind and rain, but the enemy will not spare her and kill her.

What frightened Gu min most was that the other party didn't seem to come for her, but for the future Chen emperor!

Several conflicts and contradictions. Although the man didn't really do anything to hurt people, Gu min was still frightened.

Soon, the hunch was confirmed.

One day, Gu min stayed at home to deal with cumbersome chores. She suddenly received terrible news. The nanny who served her son woke up from her nap and found that the little husband in the house was gone! You know, the child is only in his early two years old. He walks steadily but not fast. There are maids waiting outside the house. How can the child disappear out of thin air? Gu min was shocked and hurried to find her son. As a result, she was ambushed halfway.

"Zhong, Zhong Qing..."

Gu min tried hard to open her eyes. She had a splitting headache. It seemed that someone tore her brain on both sides with bare hands, and there was nausea in her throat.

Liu she's eyes were blue and black, her eyes were full of blood, her face was covered with stubble, and she looked particularly haggard.

He said with tears and trembling, "Amin... You finally wake up..."

Liu she had never been so desperate. Two great blows came to him from the same day.

The two-year-old son disappeared, and his wife was bleeding all over and lost in the side hospital. She almost didn't save her.

Gu min slowed down for a while, and scattered memories flashed in her mind.

She remembered that she lost her son and hurried to find it... But she met Wang Huiyun?

Wang Huiyun!!!

The best friend's handkerchief occupied by the crossing girl!

Gu min suddenly woke up, grabbed Liu she's hand and said, "where's her son?"

Liu she said, "I haven't found it yet..."

As soon as the voice fell, her son's nanny hurriedly ran over, slammed the door open, and cried, "I've found Da Lang!"

Did you call?

Gu min was happy at first. Seeing the nanny's reaction, her heart clicked again.

It's good to find the child. Why does she cry?

"Take me to Dalang."

Gu min lifted the quilt and staggered up. His heart seemed to sink to the cold and piercing deep sea.

The child was found in a deserted and remote courtyard, his small body curled up in a ball, his calf was blue and swollen, and his whole body was cold and stiff. Gu min almost went crazy, pushed the maid away, grabbed the body of the child with closed eyes, and cried to death.

According to the doctor's examination, the child should be playful. When he came to the small courtyard, he was bitten by the five step snake entrenched here and died.

Where does gumin believe?

The child is only two years old and is guarded by a maid and nurse. How could he walk thousands of meters to such a remote place and be bitten by a snake?

"It must be her! It must be that woman!"

The poisonous woman who took Wang Huiyun's body and plotted against master Xie Qian!

I don't know what ability the other party has. It can not only hurt Gu min, but also take the child and poison him.

Gu min almost rushed into the palace to settle accounts with the poisonous woman, but Liu she grabbed her.

"I have no children, I can't lose you!"

Gu min took Liu she's collar and gnashed her teeth. "Then my son died so white?"

"There will be a chance! There will be a chance to avenge. Let's take a long-term view. Amin, you have to calm down before you can avenge Dalang!"

Since then, Gu min's body has gradually broken down, and she will get sick from time to time. Others say that Gu min suffered too much because of the loss of her beloved son, but Gu min doesn't think so - her deterioration is definitely related to the attack on that day!

In fact, her body deteriorated not only because of her eldest son, but also because she was used by the crossing woman. Liu she also entered officialdom from this time. To outsiders, the couple seemed to have come out of grief, but they knew they didn't.

Two years passed, and many things happened in Dongqing, but Gu min didn't care.

She found that she was pregnant again. After October, she nearly gave birth to a pair of children under the condition of dystocia day and night.

The twins are white, fat and lovely. When they smile, they will show a pair of lovely dimples.

"My nephew and niece are so smart and lovely. They look very clever."

At the Zhuzhou banquet, the eldest brother Liu Fu looked at a pair of nieces and nephews and smiled and praised them.

Gu min was stunned.

Smart, cute, smart?

She suddenly turned her eyes to her daughter, and a cold feeling spread from the soles of her feet to her head.

Soon after the Zhou banquet, Gu min found an excuse to take her daughter to the Buddhist temple to meet Master Chen.

After some inspection, the dust's face didn't look very good.

Because the baby girl's soul is complete, her eyes are clear and flexible, and she can clearly shout "a father" and "a mother" just one year old.

I don't know what they talked about. Gu min left with her child in silence and went back to Langya county to see Mr. Yuanjing.

"Chun'an, I beg you to find a way... Can't you have the best of both worlds?"

Gu min holds her sleeping daughter, looks broken, and her eyes are filled with despair.

"You can't have both fish and bear's paw, and there's nothing I can do -"

Mr. Yuanjing was helpless.

Gu min lost control and cried. The movement woke up her daughter in her arms. The mother and daughter cried miserably.

She thinks her daughter is demented and spiritless. In the future, this body will usher in a strong soul and get a real sense of rebirth.

What happened?

My daughter was born with a complete soul!

This means that this daughter is a new life, but also her gumin's daughter.

How could she accept that after twelve years of raising her daughter, she was occupied by another doomed soul?

If we do not do so, the Jiang dynasty that should have been established will no longer exist, and the troubled times that should have ended early will continue.

In troubled times, there will be countless lonely ghosts.

Even if the world is unified, the dynasty established is not Jiang Dynasty.

"Maybe... Emperor Chen has someone else..."

Gu min returned to Hejian county with this idea, but master liaochen gave up her dream.

The child in her arms is an early face, but she can't live to be 12 years old. The trajectory of her life will sail to an unpredictable future in this year.

God, it's probably that Gu min had a good time in the first half of her life. Now he even asks her for debt with interest.

She raised her child to the age of four with anxiety. She had another little life in her belly and looked at the coming birth.

Just when she thought the haze was about to dissipate, the tragedy came again.

Just after the Spring Festival this year, the snow in Hejian county has not completely melted, and his second son accidentally fell into a pond and drowned.

When Liu she got the news and came back, she only saw her daughter sitting by the pond and patting Gu min's thin shoulder with her little hand. Gu min knelt on the ground and held a wet thing in her eyes. When Liu she looked at the battle, her legs softened and fell down the corridor.


Gu min was surrounded by no one but her maids and servants who dared to come forward to comfort her.

After a while, the sky darkened.

As soon as the cold wind blew, Gu min returned to his senses. His eyes had long cried without tears.

"I didn't even save Erlang... But he can't play in the pond..."

It is well known that the child was born afraid of water and could not play anywhere near the pond.

Liu she found this and had already sent someone to fill up the pond in the house. Unexpectedly, the child drowned in another place.

Gu Minqiang was too tired to finish the child's funeral. He gave birth to a thin young son early. His once healthy body completely collapsed.

She thought that the person who poisoned her was a woman who had malice against her and Emperor Chen. She reluctantly said that it was her daughter who died of illness and fell into the water, trying to hide it from the world. Gu min is very worried. According to the ferocity of the crossing woman, she is afraid that her daughter can't even live at the age of 12. She was never happy with the feeling that she wanted revenge but was unable to do it.

She is not only worried about external harm, but also worried about the self correction of history and that her young son will not escape.

Depressed in the heart, the disease is more serious.

Liu she's cousin Bai die sees this and takes the initiative to stay to take care of Gu min, who is seriously ill.

Occasionally talk with her, relieve boredom and try to enlighten her.

Rao is so. Gu min's situation is getting worse day by day.

Gu min felt vaguely that he was afraid that he would not live long. He simply confessed everything to Liu she, even pulled out the lie of one body and two souls, and wrote down what he knew and left it to Liu she. If she can, she hopes Liu she can live well and never repeat the ending in history.

Just after spring and before summer, her life began to enter the countdown.

Unexpectedly, Gu min's dowry servant girl became the last straw to crush her.

The servant girl is clever by nature. Gu min likes her very much. She decided to help her find a good marriage. The whole family is on duty in the family. When she learned that the servant girl was coming, Gu min thought she was also coming to enlighten herself. Unexpectedly, she said a bolt from the blue news.

When the eldest son was poisoned by a poisonous snake, the servant girl saw Liu she coming from the direction of the deserted courtyard.

She was going there to find a big husband, but she was separated by Liu she.

Later, the eldest brother died early, and the servant girl didn't doubt Liu she's vicious. Without proof, she said it to destroy the feelings of the host couple. Erlang drowned in the pond. She seems to have seen Liu she too. As a result, Liu she came back from the government office. It's really strange.

Gu min's eyes were wide open. His thin hands were holding the bedding. He was short of breath and disordered. His face was unbelievable.

That night, Gu min died of illness.

No one knows that a quarrel broke out between the loving couple in the eyes of others. Gu min was strangled by her beloved husband.

When Gu min was quiet, Liu she released her hand ferociously. Her eyes were full of hostility, not as gentle and generous as usual.

With a flick of his hand, Gu min, who was in a terrible state of death, returned to a weak and pale appearance, as if she had just slept.

"Liu she" smiled grimly and muttered to herself, as if warning someone.

"See, that's what happens when you try to resist me."

The so-called Liu she is just his seven emotions and six desires.

It's just something that doesn't even count as life, trying to resist him again and again?

I don't even learn a lesson from losing two sons!

This stupid woman named Gu min, too, killed herself trying to challenge his bottom line. Damn it!

As soon as the voice fell, Liu she's body suddenly began to twitch violently and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, the news of Gu min's death spread. It was rumored that Liu she was greatly hit and could not get up.

After that, the situation changed, and it was years in the blink of an eye.

The wheels of history are moving forward in an unknown direction.

On the other hand, Gu min, who was plunged into darkness because of lack of oxygen, thought he would die. In the gap where his consciousness was about to lose, strange scenes suddenly emerged. She saw the gentle scum "Liu she" in a suit talking to Jiang Chen at the school gate. Finally, she reached out and handed Jiang Chen a yin-yang fish jade pendant. Gu min couldn't help shouting and tried to keep Jiang Chen away from "Liu she".

This beast is not a good thing!

Excited, a rush of fresh air rushed into the chest.

She breathed greedily and suddenly opened her eyes.

The scene in front of her was familiar and strange. The snow-white ceiling of her bedroom was magnified in front of her, and countless memories filled her brain.

"Nine Star Lianzhu?"

Gu min climbed down from the bed and looked at the night sky outside the window. Her heart clicked.

Hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Chen.

"Chen Chen - where are you?"

Gu min's voice was panicked.

Knowing that Jiang Chen was at the school gate, Gu min passed by on her bike. Unexpectedly, she saw an "old acquaintance".

What she saw at that moment was what Jiang Chen and Liu she were talking about.

New hatred and old hatred, love and hate, forced Gu min to lose her reason and came forward to slap Liu she. Looking back on the past two lives, she found that this Liu she was the other Liu she. After doing such a disgusting thing, did this man dare to appear in front of her?

"Liu she!" Burst a foul mouth, "go to NIMA!"


Liu she didn't get angry but smiled. It seemed that he wasn't the one who was slapped.

Blind people can see that his mood is very happy. If there is a background, a hundred flowers must bloom.

"Are you still human?" Gu min was so angry that the veins on his forehead burst, and his expression was somewhat ferocious. "What do you want to give this broken jade pendant to Chen Chen? What do you want to trick her into taking it to the mausoleum? What's in your stomach? Say it! Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb!"

Liu she said with a wry smile, "if I say I didn't do anything, do you believe it?"

"Tell the ghost that!" Gu min angrily said, "if I believe your half a ghost story again, I'll write Gu min upside down!"

As Jiang Chen watched the situation change, his mind almost didn't turn around.

When did Minmin get so familiar with Professor Liu she?

In the final analysis, it's family affairs. Gu min continues to talk in his apartment at Liu she's suggestion and plea.

"I really didn't do those things..."

Gu min smiled and sneered. She said, "what nonsense do you want to tell me?"

What didn't he do?

He told her everything before he strangled her!

Dalang was bitten to death by a poisonous snake. Looking at his throat, Erlang was drowned in the pond with his own hands!

Both children are his flesh and blood. Why on earth did he do this?

"Can you listen to me explain? About three minutes."

"OK! Explain on your knees."

Gu min laughed angrily. She wanted to hear what the beast like man could say.

From Liu she's mouth, Gu min heard another story.

Liu she is not human, he is a systematic separated emotion, relatively independent but not completely independent.

"You said... Dalang Erlang and even my death were all done by the so-called noumenon while you didn't pay attention to your attachment?"

Gu min also guessed, but only suspected Liu she's split personality.

But I never doubted that Liu she was not human.

Liu she stared at her hands and said sadly, "yes."

Gu min sneered.

"You really shirk your responsibility. Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

Half an hour ago, she was strangled by Liu she.

Now tell her it wasn't herself who killed her?


Really think she loves this person so much that she doesn't even have the most basic principles?

Liu she smiled bitterly, "I can't expect you to believe it."

Gu min sneered, "I can't forgive you."

She got up to leave the place where she felt suffocated. Liu she suddenly stretched out her hand and took her wrist.

"What are you doing?"

Liu she's lips moved back and forth, and it took a long time to hold out a word.

"I know you hate me and want me to evaporate, but... For the sake of children..."

Gu min's mood exploded like a powder keg.

"You still have the face to mention children to me! Liu Zhongqing, you make me sick!"

Liu she took her hand and forcibly dragged her into a room. The decoration in the room made Gu min forget her anger.

"What is this?"

Liu she loosened her hand and picked up a strange "glass bucket", in which three faint blue light groups floated.

"Soul, the soul of the three children. Dalang Erlang and our daughter 'Liu Xi'. Liu Zhao, the child, had a good life in his life and let him reincarnate without any regrets. But these three children hope to give them a new life and let us take care of them to see the world again." He smiled. The souls of the three children also supported him to wait for more than a hundred years. He found Gu min for a long time. From watching her born to growing up, he was hidden in the dark and didn't dare to show up. Until she became his familiar "Gu Min", he felt that the endless waiting had an end, "I made a deal with the emperor Chen in your mouth. She helped me find these three souls and let me see you as a price... I want to help her finish one thing..."

Gu min put her hands on the transparent glass.

I don't know if it was an illusion. Three strands of strong or weak emotions came over, which was very warm and made her eyes inexplicably red.

Faintly, as if a young voice was calling in her ear.

"They... Can only do this?"

Gu min's irritable mood finally calmed down, filled with only the light in front of her eyes.

Liu she said, "no, we still have a chance to live... We can be test tube babies and let them reincarnate. They will still be our children."

Gu min looked at him suspiciously and asked for a long time, "price? What's the price? What did you promise emperor Chen?"

Liu she said with a smile, "a little thing."

"Little things?"

Gu min doesn't believe it. She doesn't believe everything Liu she says now.

She had to think over every word he said.

"Yes." Liu she said with a smile, "a small thing, a trivial thing."

Compared with Gu min and children, it's a trivial matter.

He is the seven emotions and six desires of the system and is itself a part of the system.

Jiang Pengji wants to collect the whole system and improve the knife. Liu she can't escape.

Because of Liu she's particularity, Jiang Pengji can't forcibly absorb and integrate him like dealing with ordinary subsystems.

Liu she took herself as a chip and made a deal with her.

[I'll accompany Gu min all my life. When she dies, I'll kill myself and return to the blade. How about it?]

He has an appointment with Gu min for three generations.

Now she can only accompany her all her life. It's a pity, but for today's Liu she, it's enough.

Liu she knows Gu min and where her heart is softest.

After all, he was also a victim.

Gu min calms down and won't be angry with him. He will forgive him for his three children.

Liu she's abacus is very comprehensive. He has calculated countless times in more than a hundred years, calculated her every reaction and every move clearly, and knew how to deal with it. Things did go as he expected——

Liu she was dragged by Gu min to get her certificate the next day because she didn't want her child to bear the name of illegitimate birth.

After getting the certificate, I went to the hospital to prepare for the test tube

"It's too fast, and... I don't think we need to make test tubes at our age."

"Do you still want to touch me?" Gu min asked him with a sneer, "you are my teacher now!"

Can teachers and disciples be combined?

Liu she: "

What's the age now.

Gu min also thought of this floor. She had a headache and had to help her forehead. Her professional performance was not very good. She lived in ancient times for more than 20 years. Finally, she forgot how to type on her mobile phone. If Liu she hadn't opened a small stove and opened the back door for her, she would have revealed her stuffing sooner.

The biggest headache is the habit of speaking. Jiang Chen doubted Gu min more than once.

If Gu min hadn't remembered the little secret between them, she couldn't hold it.

The real easing of the relationship between the two began after Gu min became pregnant.

When she saw the two bars of the pregnancy test stick, she hid directly in the women's toilet and cried.

Seeing the tears on her face and the pregnancy test stick in her hand, Jiang Chen went directly to Liu she battle.

If Gu min hadn't stopped her, Liu she took out her marriage certificate. They were afraid that they could tear down the suburban villas while fighting.

Jiang Chen was suspicious, "he really didn't force you?"

Gu Min said, "no, the things between me and him are more complicated... I volunteered, but... Chen Chen, I'll tell you when I'm ready, okay?"

Jiang Chen looked at Liu she and looked up and down, "this man is not very decent. You can think about it carefully."

Liu she: "?"

He's not decent?

Jiang's son, say it again!!!

Gu min chuckled, "I know. If he's a little bad, I'll abolish him myself!"

Liu she vowed, "I won't give you this chance."

They want to live a good life!

Liu she took care of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, saved Gu min's heart, and giggled at the three little guys lying in the crib.

But he still forgot one thing.

"Did you blow up the tomb of emperor Chen?"

Liu she: "
