Chapter 755

Name:The Dream Maker Author:li hong tian
Countless thunder seas, soaring and vertical space, are filled with thunder.

The Immortal Emperor sits high in the fairy palace.

His hair is full of silk. He is noble and elegant. He is like an Immortal Emperor who dominates all sentient beings.

Countless years of planning failed because of the emperor's bet.

Of course, the Immortal Emperor has not accepted his fate.

To this extent, they will not easily admit their fate, although he lost the bet.

However, when it comes to life and death, even if he fails, he will not obediently obey his orders.

"I am the Immortal Emperor, and the will of the universe can't destroy me!"

The Immortal Emperor's voice was magnificent and vibrating.


Countless thunder entangled and wrapped the fairy palace in it in an instant.

The terrible thunder, with a powerful breath of destruction, impacted on the fairy palace. The treasure light was dim, suppressed and could not burst out.

The Immortal Emperor exists as the king of heaven.

The thunder god general sent out in the sea of thunder has almost earth shaking breath.

Countless thunder tears.

The fairy palace sped out of the thunder, floated and sank on the thunder sea, broke the entanglement of many thunder gods, and rushed to the cosmic wall of the human universe.

Above the wall.

The king of heaven fell in one step.

He has a flowing beard.

The fairy palace came.

With the unparalleled power of the Immortal Emperor.

The king of heaven burst into a drink, and the power of Vientiane emerged and hit it with one punch.

The terrible Qi and blood seemed to break through the starry sky and collided with the fairy palace.


The sound of terror exploded.


In the fairy palace, the crazy voice of the fairy emperor exploded.

However, the king of man stood on the wall with no expression.

He didn't care about the voice of the Immortal Emperor.

The fairy palace was defeated.

The thunder god will wind up again, and countless energy erupted around the fairy palace, and the vented energy roared continuously.

In the fairy palace.

The Immortal Emperor stood up from his high position.

His golden crown was broken and his hair was flying. The whole person was miserable!

"As the Immortal Emperor of Xianting, I want to be the last controller!"

The Immortal Emperor said coldly.

He has planned for countless years. How can he say defeat is defeat.

He hates it.

He hated the holy emperor that day and assured him, but he was not reliable at all.

If he did not trust the holy emperor and attacked the human universe with his own strength, he might not have almost invaded the human universe.

There would not be such a dead end!


Far away.

Another Immortal King was killed by the thunder general.

A thunderbolt spear pierced the chest of the king, the body disintegrated and the soul disintegrated.

Before he died, the king was full of reluctance.

He followed the Immortal Emperor and ended up like this.

Many kings in Xianting are also extremely crazy.

The three eyed king holds a halberd, but there is no urgency of life and death.

He laughed.

The halberd clenched, circled fiercely, stepped on the thunder sea and fought with the thunder god general.

The halberd sweeps across and collides with the thunder spear. The thunder light and energy are constantly venting.

Three eyes will fight and laugh.

He suddenly felt hearty.

He knew he couldn't escape.

The Immortal Emperor can't protect himself. What energy do you have to protect them?

In that case, why not give up everything and enjoy this battle?

The emotion of three eye King sealing is very complex. He can't enter the Terran universe. He is not surprised. After all, as he fought with the strong of the Terran, he is very clear that the strength of the Terran in the world and the spirit of guarding are sometimes in a trance.

Guard, this is a spirit they lack in Xianting.

Three eyes will make the Vietnam war more crazy.

He danced the halberd, and the oppressed Thunder God would continue to retreat.

In this last moment of life, the three eyes will show the ultimate youth.

Above the Terran walls.

The six winged King's eyes were a little complicated.

He fought with the three eyed king, which is an old opponent.

In fact, the three eyed king is not bad, just different positions.



A thunder burst down.

The three eyed King roared.

The long halberd in his hand could not be held. It was split by thunder and flew out of the void. It was blown up in the sea of thunder.

The thunder god is in.

There is a dream pattern divine general. With the hovering dream pattern array, the suppressed three eyed King Feng kneels in the thunder sea.

His kneeling leg was splashed with flesh and blood, misted with endless blood mist.

He can't stop it.

A thunderbolt spear pierced his flesh.

Flesh and blood splashed, blood spilled into the void.

The king of three eyes is bright eyed and disheveled. He wants to fight with God at the last moment of his life!

The eyes between his eyebrows burst out a dazzling divine light.

Unexpectedly, the body of a thunder god general was penetrated, making the Thunder God directly explode.

Then another spear came.

Pierce the three eye seal king and nail him to death in the thunder sea.

Blood flowed down the thunder sea.

Three eyes sealed the king's eyes began to gradually relax, and his immortal spirit began to decompose.

He looked at the Terran universe.

Once upon a time, the Terran universe was also his home.

He grew up in the Terran universe and lived in the Terran universe


Now he can't go back

Perhaps this is retribution, because they have become what they once hated.

One king after another was destroyed in the great cleansing.

Life is dying.

The vigorous energy emitted by the fall of each king seems to become the nourishment energy of the new world.

The alien King fled madly.

They have no resistance to the power of heaven and earth.

They hit the wall of the Terran universe, but they were blocked by the Terran king.

They were desperate.

They regret it.

Finally, with endless resentment, it was destroyed in the sea of thunder.

Some extreme alien kings laughed wildly and pointed at the strong people in the Terran universe. Their eyes were full of resentment.

"Our end will be yours sooner or later!"


The thunder rolled over.

A statue of Wang Zu was reduced to a corpse.

The God of machinery, the huge body of machinery, crisscross in the thunder sea.

Countless thunders hit him, but they set off any energy fluctuations. 
 the God of machinery didn't resist heaven, because he knew he couldn't win.

God, who can fight with heaven?

The rules of the universe will destroy you. Who can resist?!

A roar.

The God of machinery chose Bing Xie.

His whole body disintegrated, and countless machines turned into small mechanical parts, flying between heaven and earth.

He was demobilized with a strong reluctance to disintegrate himself.

He did not fly to the human universe, but to the depths of the alien universe.

Of course, because of the PLA, he has no control ability. Every small part is probably under the nebula, so he is not targeted by thunder robbery.

However, he can't control his swaying.

He broke down into countless and fell into the depths of the universe.

Perhaps, in the long years to come, many machines of the God of machinery can be reunited and reunited into the God of machinery controlling heaven and earth.

However, at least, compared with many foreign kings, the end of the God of machinery is much better.

Not just the God of machinery.

Other mechanical Protoss people also learned the means of mechanical God and chose military solution.

This is the last method they want to choose.

However, there is no way. In life, there are always so many reasons to choose.

If they don't choose this method, they will eventually disappear completely in the thunder punishment.

Natural selection, perhaps this is the truth.

The king of Xianting is also collapsing.

Some strong people break up their accomplishments

All powerful accomplishments were suppressed, and the accomplishments fell under the nebula just to live.

But it's no use.

Only the cultivation under the nebula is left, and I can't live in this thunder punishment.

The flesh is cut black and the life energy disintegrates.


One king after another fell.


Above the Terran walls.

The ancient Buddha and Xuannv stood in the void. They sighed and sighed.

The Little Buddha, Xuanmu and other Tianjiao trembled. This was the first time they saw the power of the great cleansing. It was terrible to the extreme.

Shadows will be born in their hearts.

It's terrible

In the future, if the cleansing of the Terran universe breaks out, they will also be involved.

They are a little desperate.

Can their ancestors and female emperors really protect them?

After the war just now, they know that zufo and the female emperor are not the strongest.

Better than the Immortal Emperor, isn't he struggling and struggling to survive in the thunder?

The Immortal Emperor is really strong.

Surrounded and beaten by numerous thunder gods.

The fairy palace was cracked and the treasure light was dim.

However, he still hasn't fallen. He has been fighting.

He would not yield to these fates.


Sue woke up.

He touched his back, where there was a slightly concave line.

That is the dormant place of the barbarian dream pattern.

At this moment, Su Fu, who gathered five patterns together, also fell into meditation.

Because he didn't feel any change in the flesh.

"Is it because the five patterns are not all eternal dream patterns?"

Su Fu frowned.

Barbarians, immortals and dragons are complete eternal dream patterns.

The dream clan and the ghost clan are not complete eternal dream patterns.

Although Su Fu was the first to contact the eternal dream pattern of the dream family, it was because of this dream pattern even since the great catastrophe of the earth.

However, Su Fu knew that his dream family's eternal dream pattern was incomplete.

"If you want to obtain complete eternal dream patterns, it may be related to small dreams."

Su Fu raised his eyes and looked at the boundless thunder sea.

Where's Xiaomeng?

In the magic battlefield, Su Fu and Xiaomeng parted ways.

Now, the magic battlefield has been destroyed. Where has the little dream gone?


That's not true, because Su Fu has the inheritance of the dream family and has a connection with Xiaomeng. If Xiaomeng falls, Su Fu will feel it.

At this moment, the magic battlefield and restricted area are covered by the great cleansing.

Therefore, Xiaomeng should not be in the magic battlefield and restricted area.

"In addition to the dream family dream pattern, there are also the ghost family dream pattern. If the ghost family eternal dream pattern wants to be complete, it's almost... The ghost family dream pattern at the corpse ghost king must be obtained!"

Su Fu took a deep breath.

The corpse ghost king, the corpse ghost king whose corpse had undergone necropsy in the little demon day, had eternal dream patterns of the ghost family.

If Su Fu wants to get together, he must get the dream pattern on the corpse ghost king.

With Su Fu's current combat effectiveness, when he meets the corpse ghost king, he is basically crushed.

The corpse ghost king was just a new king. Even if he has made progress in cultivation, he will not make much progress.

"At the beginning, the ghost Wang an miesheng fled into the God devil battlefield. Where did he go?"

"Did he die in the demon battlefield?"

Su Fu was silent.

If an miesheng really died in the battlefield of gods and demons, he would be really fucked.

"I hope not."

Su Fu exhaled.

If an miesheng cannot be found, Su Fu may have to re-enter the demon battlefield to find the trace of an miesheng.

As for Xiaomeng

Su Fu has an intuition that if Xiaomeng is alive, he should have entered the Terran universe.

He shook his head and didn't think about these problems.

Su Fu climbed up the wall.

Many Terran strongmen greeted Su Fu enthusiastically.

Su Fu smiled quietly.

Yan beige, Zuo Tianyi and others looked at Su Fu with complex eyes.

However, they didn't say hello and looked at the boundless thunder sea outside the Terran universe.

Countless thunder seas are exploding.

There was a terrible roar.

The fairy palace pounded the wall again.

The king of man punched back the fairy palace with an expressionless fist!

Inside the fairy palace.

The Immortal Emperor's face was full of madness and resentment.

"Manhao! Stay on the front line! "

"Let me enter the Terran universe. My survival will not affect the order of the Terran universe!"

The Immortal Emperor roared.

The fairy palace is broken.

His robe of God was torn and extremely embarrassed.

His tone even brought a little pleading.

However, the king of man was still unmoved.

"Plant the cause in the future and get the fruit today."

"Since you chose to escape the Terran universe, the end and end have been decided."

The pretty heavenly king said faintly.

"Manhao, you stupid pig! You will come to my end sooner or later! "

"The fourth cosmic age, you can't escape!"

The Immortal Emperor roared.

His words were extremely venomous.

Then he shifted his goal.

He looked at the demon king.

"Let me in!"

"I want to enter the Terran universe!"

However, in the face of the Immortal Emperor's request, the demon king scoffed.

"Uncle man won't let you in. Why should I let you in?"

The demon king held his hands and said very dogleg.

The Immortal Emperor looked at the old man qingdeng again.

"Green Lantern! Look at your friendship with me... "

The Immortal Emperor begged.

"The Terran universe is also my home. I want to go home!"

The old man with a green lantern was carrying a bronze lamp. The light was on and off indefinitely. The old man shook his head slightly and sighed with emotion.

"If I had known so, why did I have to..."

"Your home is gone. From the moment you choose to give up, you can't go back."

The Immortal Emperor's eyes were full of pain. He turned his head and looked at Fang Changsheng.

Because he was not familiar with Fang Changsheng, he opened his mouth.

Fang Changsheng held a cigarette in his mouth, lit it and burned it. The smoke was misty and the rest curled up.

"You can learn the magic weapon solution of machinery, or... It's good to be a mortal."

Fang Changsheng said.

Soldier solution?

Self scattered cultivation?

The Immortal Emperor's eyes fluctuated, and then he was ferocious. How can he give up when he has achieved his accomplishments now. What's the difference between letting him give up his superior strength and become a mortal and killing him?

He is the Immortal Emperor, he is the Immortal Emperor who dominates all living beings!

Fang Changsheng glanced at the corners of his mouth.

The Immortal Emperor's eyes suddenly became full of murderous spirit and resentment. If Fang Changsheng hadn't suddenly broken the territory, they would have won.

All this is because of Fang Changsheng's master and apprentice!

The Immortal Emperor turned his head again and looked at a figure in the distance.

The twelve wings of the holy winged Terran are crowned king and eternal.

Ann's face trembled badly at the moment.

As the head of a pile of kings who accepted the treasures at the beginning, an Yongheng's state of mind is a little cracked at the moment.

He was afraid of everything.

The Immortal Emperor stared at an Yongheng, like grasping the last straw.

"Put me into the Terran universe and give me a chance!"

"The great cleansing of the Terran universe is coming. If you put me in it, I can protect your family when the great cleansing comes in the future!"

Immortal Emperor road.

Ann's eyes fluctuated violently.

He is very excited.

However, he refused.

Although he is afraid, he is not stupid.

If you promise at the moment, Fang Changsheng, man Tianwang and others may kick him out and kick him into the thunder sea of cosmic cleansing.

Then he will die too!

He doesn't want to be buried with the Immortal Emperor!

So Ann shook her head.


A ray of thunder, entangled like a Thunder Dragon, tore at the body of the Immortal Emperor.


The fairy palace could not bear the power and began to collapse!

The Immortal Emperor's body was exposed in the endless sea of thunder.

He laughed.

The figure of Wei'an is not seeking survival.

He broke out a strong breath, the power of the terrible Road, and chaotic surging around his body.

Since you can't escape, you can't escape.

The Immortal Emperor laughed.

His armor collapsed.

He rocked up and struck the thunder with his fist!

A thunder god will be blown to pieces by him.

However, more spears pierced his body.

The Immortal Emperor is fearless, bloody and starry. If he dares to be the emperor, his strength is naturally invincible.

Since he couldn't escape, he fought this big purge with his own strength.

He exploded one thunderbolt after another.

He is invincible.

He is as real as the emperor and supreme!

Above the wall.

Even the Terran strongmen who are hostile to it are filled with emotion when they see it.

It's really powerful and terrible to be close to the emperor.

If the Immortal Emperor had chosen to fight life and death.

It's hard to say whether the Terran can hold it. I can only say

The Immortal Emperor was killed by his friends.

The holy emperor of heaven and man, the living pit killed two strong men of the same rank.

The Immortal Emperor of the pit is at a dead end.

The mechanical God of the pit is fiercely demobilized

The best third person is the holy emperor!

In fact, the person that the Immortal Emperor hates most at the moment may not be Fang Changsheng, nor the king of heaven, nor Su Fu.

But... The holy emperor of heaven and man.

Pig teammate... The most hateful!


Suddenly, everyone's eyes shrunk.

In the endless sea of thunder.

The will of the universe roars.

The next moment.

Thunder and sea separate.

A terrible thunder palm was patted out of the sea of thunder.

The Immortal Emperor was now covered with blood.

He was full of thunder spears, the order was collapsing, and the avenue was collapsing.

When this palm appears.

The Immortal Emperor's eyes suddenly coagulated.

On the Terran city wall, many kings were suppressed by the breath of this palm. They couldn't breathe. They felt like annihilation.

Even mantianwang, qingdeng old man and so on have this feeling.

"The power of the real emperor!"

The king of heaven stood on the wall and said with emotion.

The Immortal Emperor laughed.

He became emperor all his life, and then at the last moment of his life.

To burn out the splendor, feel the real power of the imperial realm!


The Immortal Emperor rose from the ground.

Rush to the thunder palm.

Immortal Emperor boxing launched.

The thunder's huge palm falls down, like a mole ant, facing the collapsed world!


In silence.

The Immortal Emperor's body disintegrated and was clapped into nothingness by the terrible thunder giant.

The giant palm fell and fell into the endless sea of thunder. There was no startling explosion, but it was silent

Heaven and earth are quiet.

The sea of thunder began to calm down.

Countless thunder gods converged their eyes. They retreated step by step, retreated into the sea of thunder and disappeared.

Only the Terran space wall is left above the wall.

Many dignified and stiff strong men.