Chapter 339

Name:The Dominant CEO Daddy Author:乔越
Gu Yimo is good-looking, especially with a deep side face and just the right ups and downs. His eyes and eyebrows are deep, which may be the relationship of peach blossom eyes. When he looks at people, he feels very affectionate. He knows how to laugh at himself and move forward and backward. When he is strong, he will be strong, and he can just show weakness, With such a beautiful face, no wonder so many girls are deeply involved in his sweet words.

How can people not believe that they are good-looking and talkative?

Tang Li's heart moves to the beginning. Everyone has the maximum tolerance for beautiful things. She doesn't like ambiguity. She doesn't like to give hints to people she doesn't like. If she doesn't like it, she has to be clear and crisp, although this principle is also applied to Gu Yimo, But if it wasn't for Gu Yimo's good appearance, she doubted whether she would be a little more crisp.

She had a little pain in the head and said helplessly: "Gu Yimo, I think you can try to enter the performing arts circle again, except for racing cars and painting. How good your acting skills are? You must be very popular. Maybe you can get an Oscar. What do you think?"

Gu Yimo, who was found, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "that may not work. My acting skills are too bad. Don't you see it all?"

"That's just because I don't believe you like me so much. You just stay at the level of interest in me, which is based on the similarity between me and a painting." Tang Lixin seriously asked Gu Yimo: "how do you think this is like?"

"Can't it be like that? What do you like? I like the person in that painting only because she is completely in line with my aesthetic, just as I like you now because you are completely in line with my aesthetic, is it because the liking on the skin is going to be hit by you? Furthermore, I like your character very much. Some of your talents include your hard and soft nature Gu Yimo asked: "isn't that enough?"

"Well, I can't say you." Tang Li's heart choked for a moment, and he could only reply in this way.

"So what I said is so reasonable that you can't find a point to refute it?" Gu Yimo looked at Tang Lixin affectionately and continued: "do you believe in love at first sight?"

After a pause, Tang Li neither answered nor said no.

"You hesitated. It seems that you are still willing to believe in love at first sight. Isn't love at first sight based on appearance? I must be in love with you at first sight. You see, even the little red mole in the corner of your eye makes me like it so much." Gu Yimo spoke seriously, his voice fluctuated, and his serious manner was very convincing.

"I have a boyfriend!" Tang Li was helpless and finally bit his teeth to emphasize this point.

"You don't believe that I like you, but you believe that Gong Chen likes you. Why?" Gu Yimo didn't care about Tang Lixin's sudden change of topic. He went on asking Tang Lixin's questions.

"Because..." she was asked a Leng, actually can't say the reason.

Gu Yimo is very patient. He seems to be the devil who tempts Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. His voice is deep and infectious. He continues to ask, "are you sure Gong Chen likes you?"

"He told me! He told me Tang Lixin seemed to want to persuade Gu Yimo, and his voice was slightly raised. "I believe him, he won't cheat me."

"He told you he liked you?"

In fact, Gong Chen's confession is very vague. It's more like a trial after finding out the right person for a blind date than a frank confession to the right person. Does he like her or not? He didn't say, but he was almost 30 years old, where he would really talk about whether he liked it or not like a hairy boy in his twenties.

Yes, it is!

At least he is very serious. He is willing to marry her. When a man is willing to marry a woman, it is such a solemn commitment and responsibility. He doesn't even dislike that she has two children. He chooses her under the premise of so many better choices. Even if he doesn't say what he wants, she can feel it.

Can she really feel it? Of course she can feel it!

Tang Li's heart depressed the sixth sense of uneasiness, pursed his lips and white face, looked at Gu Yimo, but did not answer Gu Yimo's question.

Gu Yimo turns a blind eye to Tang Lixin's discomfort. He squints his eyes and continues to ask: "do you really know Gong Chen? Tang Lixin, you know what kind of person Gong Chen is. You are so sure that he is a gentleman. Do you believe him? In my impression, he doesn't have any good face for any woman, but he suddenly pushes you out and wants to be with you. Do you really have no doubt? "

"Don't say it!"

"Or say in fact you have doubted, but you are actually you prefer Gong Chen, so this doubt is nothing, even if Gong Chen has ulterior motives, you don't want to leave, so like it?" Gu Yimo continued to ask in a hoarse voice. His voice was too confusing.

"Enough! Stop talking Tang Lixin sternly stops Gu Yimo.

"So excited? You doubt it yourself, don't you

"I told you not to ask again." As soon as Tang Li Xin's face sank, it was clear that Gu Yimo meant that she was going to leave.

Gu Yimo, of course, also realized that when he hooked his lips, he would stop when he saw the good. He said with a slow smile, "OK, I won't tell you any more. If you go ahead and have a look, what's your mood?"

His tone is very light, like to coax her, but the mood is much better than before, as if angered her, he was more excited and happy.

Tang Lixin doesn't want to entangle Gu Yimo with this topic any more, so she just goes forward a few steps. The exhibition is really full of her portraits. I don't know when Gu Yimo painted them, but it's undeniable that she, a layman like her, can also feel pleasing from Gu Yimo's paintings. Even several times, she doubts whether the people in the paintings are her or not.

She doesn't think about Gu Yimo or Gong Chen any more. She just looks at it with appreciation in her heart. She walks very fast. Gu Yimo doesn't walk beside her this time and keeps a little distance behind her. Her mood is much better all of a sudden. With that momentum, peach blossom eyes also have a smile.

In contrast, Tang Kaixin's heart is much heavier. He always forces himself not to think about what Gu Yimo said just now, but to concentrate on the paintings. The exhibition is coming to an end. At the end of the exhibition, there is a pair of calligraphy hanging, with a pair of characters written with a brush.

"You know how to write!"

"I used to be forced to practice by my grandfather, but I didn't think it was much at that time. Now I find it very useful." Gu Yimo smiles.

Tang Lixin puzzled to see Gu Yimo, "what's the use?"

Gu Yimo stares at Tang Li's deep heart and says affectionately: "write love poems for girls you like."

"What, this is..."

"My love poem to you."