Hua Jiujiu looked at her skinny brothers and sisters, and secretly swore in her heart that she must let them live a good life!

First of all, it is to make them full.

By now, the old house should have finished cooking.

Hua Jiujiu asked Erya and Sanya to stay in the house to take care of their younger siblings, and then went out to check the situation by himself. After all, the old woman was still angry.

When I went to the kitchen, I found that Laohua's family didn't cook at all, and the stove was cold.

Went to rummage for something to cook, also found everything locked up.

The old woman!

Hua Jiujiu walked to the old house with a cold face, only to see that everyone was holding their stomachs and shouting hungry.

"Howling, you won't die of hunger if you don't eat a meal!" Mrs. Xu came out of her room and shouted angrily.

All of a sudden, I lost a hundred coins, and my heart was bleeding. How could I be willing to take out something to cook?

"Mom, we didn't eat at noon. If we don't eat any more, we won't have the strength to go to work in the fields tomorrow." Boss Hua yelled, clutching his stomach.

Obviously, he didn't go to ask for a doctor, and leaving before was just a show.

Poor people only eat two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.

"Tomorrow, only those who will work in the fields will have food to eat!" Mrs. Xu finally regained her senses.

If they can't even do their jobs, then they will have to suffer from the northwest wind.

This sentence made some people in the Hua family happy and others worried.

"Mom, I have to study tomorrow." Hua Laosi put on the airs of a scholar.

This is the only person in the family who reads.

He spent a lot of money on studying these years, but he didn't even pass a child's exam, but Mrs. Xu was still a baby.

Because Hua Laosi is not only the only one in the family who can read, but also the best-looking person in the family.

White and clean, just like the young master in the town.

"Oh, you can't miss the fourth if you are short of anyone, don't worry, mother will keep it for you." Mrs. Xu's words made everyone around look at the fourth with envy.

Hua Laosi looked at the others proudly, he is a scholar, but he is different!

"Mother, if I lose weight from hunger, Young Master Jin won't like it." Mrs. Xu's sixteen-year-old daughter, Hua Meili, shook her plump body.

"Good girl, mother will definitely not let you starve and thin."

Hua beautifully lifted her slightly dark chin proudly.

Everyone else was itchy with anger, but there was nothing they could do. Who made this one the most educated person, the one who was the best at hooking up with rich and powerful men, and the most important thing was that they were all liked by Mrs. Xu.

"Mom, what shall we eat then?" Hua Lao Si was already very hungry.

"Come on, mother will take you to my mother's house to eat, shh, keep your voice down, don't let those losers know." Old lady Xu said quietly.

The others didn't want to go hungry, so they all pestered Mrs. Xu, begging her to take them with them.

Hua Jiujiu stood at the door, did not push the door to go in, but played with a strand of hair on his chest, hooked the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

Then, he turned and went back to the room in silence.

A group of people sneaked out, and when Huajiujiu came out again, the old house was already empty.

Looks like it's all gone.

This autumn wind hit really well.

Hua Jiujiu chuckled, so, are you sure her father didn't pick it up?

Otherwise, why are girls born in the first and third families not treated the same as them?

"Sister, what shall we eat?" Erya followed into the kitchen, looking at the cold stove, her heart was cold.

Grandma didn't even leave any food for them.

"You can eat whatever you want." Hua Jiujiu pulled out a handful of embroidery needles and walked to the locked cabinet.

"Wowotou." Erya replied after thinking for a while.

This stuff is more filling.