Chapter 53 - Guess who came back

"hi everyone meet Sheilah my f... "

"I'm his girlfriend " Sheilah said without waiting for him to finish,

"yes... my... girlfriend, and Sheilah meet my brother Mo Shira and his wife Yue Ling,

Mo Shira:its nice meeting you Sheilah please join us for dinner,

"thanks Mr and Mrs Mo" she said as she sat down close to jiang yanran and Mo Jihnu sat beside her.

both:you are welcome

Yue Ling: meet my bestfriend jiang yanran,

"hello" Sheilah said to jiang yanran while smiling at her,

"hi" jiang yanran said before turning to face Yue Ling

"please let's eat now" Mo Jihnu said seeing the atmosphere getting tensed.

they all began to eat, Mo Shira and Yue Ling were busy eating and feeding each other whilst smiling and laughing unnecessarily about nothing actually,

Sheilah and Mo Jihnu were busy talking about random things while eating their meals sometimes Sheilah will put food on Mo Jihnu's plate and he will gladly eat it,

jiang yanran wanted to just pretend like she isn't seeing anything but she doesn't know why it feels like she is passing through slot of pain seeing them together, she then excused herself and went to the washroom,

she look at herself in the mirror and saw that her eyes are wet with tears,

"what's wrong with me, why I'm I feeling down, I'm supposed to be happy that at least he won't trouble Yue Ling anymore as he has finally gotten a girlfriend for himself, then why I'm I feeling pain, maybe I don't have appetite to eat, no it can't be the case, now I know why , it's because I don't like him and I'm feeling like this because we are eating in the same table, yes that's why, I can't be jealous never. " she said to herself before washing her face and went back to join the others.

Mo Jihnu notice some changes in her, he doesn't know why but he felt like he should go to her and find out what's wrong with her, as far as he knows her she is never down, nor is she always quiet then what's wrong with her now, but he couldn't go to her because of Sheilah who was asking stupid questions that he has to answer.

while Mo Jihnu and Sheila went to the bar side of the ship to grab some drinks.

mean while outside the ship where there wasn't any shade, jiang yanran sat on the edge of the ship looking at the sea, she doesn't know why she is feeling so down so she decided to come take fresh air outside the ship, she doesn't know for how long she stayed there but she only came back to her senses when she felt someone's palm on her shoulders,

"jiang yanran I have been looking everywhere for you for about two hours now what are you doing here all alone? " the person asked as he turned her to face him,

she was shocked to see who it was,

"Harry what are you doing here"

"don't tell me that you aren't happy to see me?"

"of course I am Harry I missed you" she said as she hugged him really tight"

but then she realized something and stepped back from him,

"what took you so long Harry and how did you know you'll find me here?"

"well I have been really busy dear I know you are very angry because I didn't call you for a whole year but I'm really sorry I did want to call you but I lost my phone and all my contacts I couldn't reach you, and as for how I know you were here , well Yue Ling told me,

when I first came back a week ago the first place I went was your house in Country D but your parents told me you were in Country M for Yue Ling's wedding although I collected your number from them but I didn't call you as I wanted to surprise you so I called Yue Ling instead and she told me you'll be here so I decided to come surprise you, "

"hmm so what's your room number?"

"it's 209"

"that's nice come I'll escort you to your room I don't want You to catch a cool " he said as he stretched out his hand to hold her,

"okay" she said as she took his hand and walked beside him.

Harry already came to the ship, but he was finding it very hard to locate jiang yanran's room, he tried calling Yue Ling but she wasn't taking his calls so he decided to stroll round the ship to see if he'll see her, and right at that moment he saw wandering about in the ship like someone who was lost, he decided to follow her but then he didn't know where she went as she disappeared from his eye sight it was not after two hours that he decided to check the outside of the ship, where he found his queen sitting all alone.

(A/N: who is Harry ?)

well Harry Smook is jiang yanran's boyfriend who traveled abroad three years ago for some business adventures, his father owns a big company on airlines in Country M, her father and his father became business partners seven years ago and that's when she first met him, but they've been in a relationship for a year before he traveled abroad due to some circ.u.mstances that occurred and that's when he promised to come back for her once he was done with the problem that occurred but unfortunately he didn't show up, but they'd always talk on phone and before you know it two years pass and he still didn't come back he will say something came up, well the project was postponed, bla bla bla but he'll always call her to comfort her giving her hopes and the rest, but after those two years his number wasn't going through , and he didn't even call her to know how she is dating, she even went to see his parents and they also said the same thing that he'll surely come back. and now here he is, he is finally back.

when they got to jiang yanran's room, he sat down on the couch and made her sit close to him, he started telling her things that occurred abroad and why he wasn't able to come back early,

"I'll see you tomorrow goodnight,"

he said before living her room and going to his room, but when he came out of her room he felt somone staring daggers at him but he didn't pay attention to it so he just left.

once he was gone jiang yanran couldn't help but think that maybe it's because she felt his presence that's why she was feeling down, but she doesn't know why she is still not happy seeing the fact that he has finally come, she has waited for this day but yet she isn't happy why....

she asked herself as she went to her bed and slept.