Chapter 45 - she's been kidnapped

while they were dancing, Yue Ling felt her head was spinning so she excused herself and went to the washroom,

by the time she was in the washroom, she felt like someone followed her there, but didn't budge as the feeling slowly went away,

when she was done with the washroom, she heard a noise outside of where she was, only for her to come out and be met with a mysterious man, who intentionally blocked her way. Yue Ling turned to a different direction and encountered another road block in a human form,

all around her fierce looking men obstruted her way and close In on her, before she could react, someone from behind her brought out a handkerchief which was obviously drugged and pressed the handkerchief to her nose, she struggled and struggled, but to no avail, she even torn one of the men's shirts and left it on the floor, and also left her wristwatch there so Mo Shira would have a clue of what happened here, before she finally gave up and everything blacked out.

they took her through the back door and left the place immediately.

some moments later in the party, Mo Shira was getting impatient seeing that Yue Ling isn't back yet, so he decided to go look for her at the women's washroom only to find it empty, he became really anxious, thinking that she ran away from him as she isn't ready yet for marriage.

but as he walking out from the washroom he matched something on the floor and stopped there as he saw that it was Yue Ling's wrist watch, and then at the other side he found a piece of cloth material, which means she wasn't here alone,

but then he went to the other corner of the washroom only to find out that the back door was opened, then he rushed out to see if he could catch up with them and called Mo Jihnu immediately telling him that Yue Ling has been kidnapped.

when he got outside he saw so many Footprint on the floor, indicating that he was right they kidnapped her.

that was when he rushed inside the hall informing his family of what just happened and due to that the party was called to an end saying that there was an emergency that needs to be attend to then grandpa Mo, zhao lifei and Mo Lin went home while Mo Shira and Jihnu went out looking for her,

grandpa Mo shen informed the police and everywhere was on fire as everyone was busy looking for Yue Ling.

then he called Mo Shira who was obviously not with Mo Jihnu anymore as they split,

Mo Shira : is she back??

Mo Lin : no but...

Mo Shira :but what talk to me,

Mo Lin : the ring,

Mo Shira: the ring, oh yes the ring, he then hung up.

he had specifically told Mo Lin to put a tracker In that ring, not because he wants to stalk her but because of the threats of Daniel Shaw.

that reminds him Daniel, he called some persons to help him check the whereabouts of him, and as expected he was granted bail, and was not in country M,

he had already checked the CCTV footage of that place and saw how the men were carrying her and putting her into a black van with no plate number on it, they watch another footage of the route the van passed through, but then that was it, seems like the van pass through somewhere that doesn't have CCTV camera

"so he is out, could he have kidnapped her, there isn't anyone he could think about except him. Mo Shira thought.

Mo Shira : find out his location and track him, there is a tracker on Yue Ling find out where it is, then he hung up.

Mo Shira was busy tracking Daniel, and Yue Ling's location meanwhile at a remote area far away from the city where CCTV cameras are no where to be found, there is an hidden building, it was not actually like a secluded place where gangster would normally put someone who was kidnapped, but this was different as it was a very fine building, seems like someone's home, it wasn't a mansion nor was it that small, it was beautiful.

Yue Ling woke up and found herself in a king size bed, was she saved she thought as the place wasn't a place where she was supposed to be brought, but then she noticed that her hands were tied to the bed, but there wasn't anything wrong with her clothes so she was sigh in relief and was calm.

she wanted to shout if anyone was there but then she heard footsteps coming in, and then the door opened revealing two men, they were the same men that kidnapped her at the party.

they stared at her as she was also looking at them,

Yue Ling: what... do guys want? she asked stuttering on her words

men1:miss please stay calm, we aren't here to hurt you,

Yue Ling : then let me go, how much do you guys want I can give that to you,

"boss" she thought, then she remembered Daniel, her heart began to beat fast, thinking of what he would do to her once he gets here, beads of sweat starts coming out of her face and back, she is really scared of him,

she knows he would first of all use a whip for her or even his belt, and she knows for sure he is gonna **** her this time,

but she tried her best to remain calm, but then someone came in, it wasn't Daniel, it was Mo Jihnu, he looked at her and then frowned,

Mo Jihnu: oh Ling thank God we found you, I will call Mo Shira right away, he might be really worried about you, but thank God I found you on time before these folks did something to you,

Yue Ling : thank God you came please do call him, and get me out of here, she said calmly but then something she didn't expect happened, he came close to her hug her like he found his missing rib, and then kissed her passionately, he let her go when she was out of breath,

Yue Ling : how dare...

her word were caught short from her mouth as Mo Jihnu started laughing really hard like a mad man.

Mo Jihnu : you thought I'll call him, you must be a fool to think that I'll let you go just like that, you think I came here looking for you, story story, I am actually the boss here. he said with an heavy smirk on his lips.

she looked at him in disgust,

Mo Jihnu : he won't ever find out as he is busy tracing Daniel, and the only way he could get here is your ring, which has a tracker on it, but my guys already took it off and has thrown it away in a place very far away from here, and they wouldn't have the slightest Idea that you'll be here as this is a home, not a gangster's house, bring them in, he ordered and one of the men brought came in with an elderly man and woman,

Yue Ling looked at the two people who seems really scared of Mo Jihnu,

Mo Jihnu : this is Mr and Mrs Jacob, they are the owner of this house, if the police should maybe come here they will be at the door, and sat this is their house and the both of them have been living here for a very long time, and you know what will happen after that? he asked looking at Yue Ling,

Mo Jihnu :the police will go away, as there wouldn't be any suspicious of you being here.

Yue Ling: how could you do this to your brother?,

Mo Jihnu :why can't I, he stole you from me, he forced you into a relationship when he specifically knows that I love you, is that what you call a brother,

Yue Ling :fine, tell me what you want from me, why are you keeping me here??

Mo Jihnu : good question, and a simple answer, I want you, I want you to get married to me...