Chapter 26 - Chu Feng's birthday party

since then everything went well between Mo Shira and Yue Ling, as he always stay by her side even in the company, they will drink coffee together, laugh and talk about things,

I must say they are now really fond of each other.

(A/N: I hope nothing come between your new found love Mo Shira)


In an hotel hall, at imperial city, people were moving up and down, wearing different types of dresses, drinking and dancing at the same time.

Yue Ling was no exemption, she was also there sitting at a corner, watching the people dancing, she was wearing a pink dress mixed with white, she also let her hair loose, even though she was sitting at the corner, everybody that passes there always notices her, as she looks like a fallen angel from another world.

meanwhile at the other end of the hall was also a very beautiful lady, although she tried to hide her appearance people still notices her but they can't see her face as she was facing the hall with her back, she is trying to make sure that no one sees her there, because she came for an important mission.

soon the MC made an announcement to welcome the celebrant,

there was a round of applause and cheers as the handsome Chu feng made his way to the stage.

all the girls were admiring him, he looked so dazzling in his blue tailored suit,

Chu feng: thank you all very much for being here today, although I just newly joined the Mo corporation, I must say I'm really pleased to see that most of the people here are from the Mo corporation.

thank you very much once more, and please enjoy yourself drink and eat as the party as just begun."

as he was addressing the crowed, his eyes was roaming around searching for Yue Ling, he is really hoping she came,

but soon he saw her, with her pink dress, he couldn't help but smile, while looking at her, he has this kind of admiration in him, as in it is not like he likes her for them to be in a lovers relationship, he just like her as a sister, the very first day he saw her, he saw his late sister in her, the same shape, same smile, and Innocent look, only the complexion and face, are different, so he had the urge to always protect her,

he really want to protect her, although she is senior to him when it comes to the company, but by age he is the older one, so he wants to treat her like his sister,

once he was done with his speech he came down and walked towards her,

Chu feng: hi he said with a smile,

Yue Ling raised her head to the sound, and smile back at him.

Yue Ling: hey, happy birthday, she said handling him the gift she brought for him.

Chu feng: wow thanks, I'm really happy you came, why aren't you taking anything, waiter, he called out.

Yue Ling: I don't take alcohol,

Chu feng: it doesn't have to always be alcohol right, you can go for juice,

Yue Ling: right I will have an orange juice.

Chu feng: do you know why I'm very happy to see you?

Yue Ling: why!!

Chu feng: because I respect you a lot, I see you as the CEO's representative,

Yue Ling: but why??

Chu feng: well it is because you are close to the boss, and when he wasn't around, you've been in charged, so that is why I like you.

Yue Ling: oh really she said why smiling.

soon the DJ changed his songs of blues and started playing a rocking music, and it made everybody started dancing.

while chu feng and Yue Ling were discussing, she started feeling hot, she had that heat in her, and she doesn't know what to do,

Yue Ling: chu feng i...

Chu feng: miss Yue I will be right back

Yue Ling: okay she managed to say.

her face has become so red, and her face was flushed from the hotness she felt,

Yue Ling: what is happening to me, while do I have this strange feeling in me,

she doesn't really understand what was happening to her, as she has never felt that way before in her entire life.

meanwhile at the certain corner where the woman wearing black was, were two guys, their body were well built, they were also not bad in a way as they were also handsome,

woman: you see that girl over there, she pointed towards Yue Ling,

man 1: the girl wearing pink??

woman: yes that's the girl,

man 2: so what's our work??

woman: good question, I want you to f.u.c.k her in the middle of the dance floor.

man 1: um!! she looks really beautiful and innocent, I love this kind of women,

man 2: we could even do this for free, I wonder how she is down there.

man 1: my little brother is already hard, don't worry consider it done.

woman: good, don't worry take your time in doing it, I want everyone here not to miss out on anything.

man 1: how are you sure she is going to be submissive, we don't wanna **** anyone, we could be arrested for it.

woman: like I said everything is under control, you only have to just sleep with her there, and that's all.

man 2: no pro mam, but pls find a way, to get the celebrant distracted from her, they seem really close,.

woman: don't worry concentrate on your job here.

woman: you think you can embarrass me and go scout free, then you must be mistaken my dear Yue Ling, nobody as ever snatch my man and would still be able to walk around freely.

you collected my Mo Shira from me, I will make sure Mo Shira hates you forever,

is there any man in this world that will be shameless enough to continue a relationship with his girlfriend when she voluntarily sleeps with two men at his worker birthday party??

I don't think so, she said with her face filled with joy she is just too excited to watch the play.

" let me see how Mo Shira will be able to save you today, like before, because he is not even coming here, and even if he does, by then you would be laying on the floor n.a.k.e.d, and you would have been used.

ha ha ha ha, she laughed, and sat down well waiting for the show.

[A/N : I just hope someone will be able to save you my dear Yue Ling, you have to fight for yourself. ]