Chapter 19 - Resignation letter not accepted

the next morning Yue Ling went straight to the Mo company to submit her resignation letter,

but when she got there she felt everyone staring at her, like she did something wrong,

but the stare that was really obvious is that of the managing director Jessica Wilson, she is a very beautiful girl, with her curves and everything in place,

she doesn't like Yue Ling at all because she has been trying to get the attention of Mo Shira, but this Yue Ling came from no where and stole every opportunity she has.

though every body thinks that Mo Shira hates Yue Ling, but she can't help but be worried because Mo Shira is always with her, to monitor her.

today, she went to sneak a look at Mo Shira in his office, when she heard both Mo Shira and Hu wuting discussing about Yue Ling, that she has finally decided to submit her resignation letter, and she will be doing that today.

she became really happy when she heard this. she couldn't contain her happiness, that she went and told her assistant about it, they are close friends.

but she became very angry when she heard Hu wuting telling Mr Ho that he shouldn't accept her letter, that Mo Shira will handle it himself.

that is why she is glaring at Yue Ling in such a way that it felt like she wanted to kill her with her eyes.

but Yue Ling didn't seem to mind it at all she walked pass all of them, and went to the office where she is supposed to submit her resignation letter. Mr Hos office.

Yue Ling: good morning Mr Ho, how are you?

Mr Ho, I'm fine and you?,

Yue Ling: I'm absolutely fine, hmm I came to submit my resignation letter,

Mr Ho: I'm sorry Miss Yue, but I can't accept your resignation letter.

Yue Ling could not even believe her ears,

Yue Ling: you can't accept my letter, but why, I don't get you,

Yue Ling: that stupid man is always troubling me, I will definitely deal with him, she said why pouting her lips.

Mr Ho: I'm sorry, but did you say something?

Yue Ling: "oh_" it's nothing .

Mr Ho; alright.

Yue Ling: I will go see the boss first.

Yue Ling went to Mo Shiras office, not minding whether he was busy or not, she slam the door open, and went straight in.

Mo Shira furrowed his browns, and looked at her, with an expressionless face.

but Yue Ling did not mind his looks, she dropped the letter with a "bang" on his table,

Yue Ling: here is my resignation letter, I want it to be accepted now.

Mo Shira: so you still haven't change, if Mr Ho does not accept your letter, then how can I accept it?

Yue Ling: I know that you are the one who ask him not to do so,

Mo Shira: oh my gosh miss Yue, why would you think I told him not to accept your letter, I have been trying to make you live, now that the opportunity has come, why would I let it go,

Yue Ling: thought for some seconds, before turning her head to face him,

Yue Ling: I know you did it, but I will find a way to quit.

Mo Shira then smile for about 2secs, before changing to his normal face,

Yue Ling: did he just smile, or I'm I seeing things. no the latter must be the case.

Mo Shira: did you say something, well never mind, go to your office and start your work for today.

and pleads stop wearing such clothes to this company it doesn't suit you.

Yue Ling could not help but look at her dress, she wore a turtle neck black shirt, with a long skirt, she used it to cover her skin, because it has become red because of the scrubbing, she didn't want anyone to see it.

she didn't know what else to say, so she left to her office.

Mo Shira couldn't contain his smile anymore, he smiled widely,

Mo Shira: I will make sure you fall for me miss Yue.

but soon Hu wuting entered without knocking, and saw his boss smiling for the first time, he felt like he was day dreaming,

just some minutes ago Yue Ling left and now he is smiling,

but as soon as Mo Shira saw Hu wuting, his face became cold again,

Hu wuting: boss you called me,

Mo Shira: yes have you made arrangements for me to go live in Mountains lake?

Hu wuting: yes boss, everything is set,

Mo Shira: good I will be living there from today,

Mo Shira: hmm, what are my schedules for today??

Hu wuting: Sir there is a board meeting today to discuss the new project, and sir you have 30mins left for the meeting,

Mo Shira: is that all?

Hu wuting: there is also a lunch meeting with Mr Shen,

Mo Shira: okay, tell Yue Ling to prepare for this board meeting, she will be in charge.

Hu wuting: okay sir.

then Hu wuting went to tell Yue Ling that she is in charge of the meeting.

Yue Ling could not even understand why she should be in charge of this meeting but thank God she prepared before hand, because she knows Mo Shira will come out with such an ideal.

then she started doing some work in the system, before she knew it she is already late for the meeting,



the meeting room is is a big spacious hall, with neat chairs and long table,

in the same office, there is also a small office at the right hand side of the office, it is a place where those that want to present anything in any board meeting prepare.

At the board meeting room, everyone was already sitting down waiting for Mo Shira, his assistant and secretary.

some minutes pass by and Mo Shira came in followed by Hu wuting,

Mo Shira sat down and Hu wuting sat at the right hand side of the table closed to Mo Shira, and the sit opposite Hu wuting is meant for Yue Ling, but the sit is empty, as Yue Ling hasn't come yet.

Mo Shira knows that Yue Ling is doing this to make sure he signs her resignation letter, but he is not going to let that happen.

Mo Shira wanted to tell the board members to wait a little bit because he felt them getting impatient, but before he could say it someone spoke,