Chapter 8 - The mountain's lake

Once Yue Ling came down from the cab, at the entrance of Mountain's lake,

the entrance was really enticing, it had different types of colours in the pillars, it also have a two way road for cars, one for entry and the other for exit,with flowers used as beautification to design the entrance, it gave it a very lovely style.

at the side of the entrance were standing two security officers, same with the other side.

and at the left side of the entrance, was a well built room, more of like a cottage, it was written boldly at the top of the door "security guards office".

She went straight to the security guards office,

Yue Ling: excuse me, I am the owner of Resident Number 8, and I want to go in.

Just because Yue Ling came in a cab, and not a fancy car and she was also wearing a simple dress, the guards found it difficult to believe her.

The mountain's lake is a place for the rich and influential people, it is true that the owners of resident 8 has not come yet to claim the resident, so maybe she had a little truth in what she was saying.

body guards: then show us your identification card and the house doc.u.ment.

Yue Ling quickly brought out her ID card and the house papers,

once the boys confirmed the papers are not fake they apologized to her and let her go in,

if it were to be other women who came for visit and are not the owners of any of the resident here, they will shout at them, or even make them loose their jobs, but she quietly allow them do their jobs with no complains.

bodyguard; that madam is really nice and simple,

bodyguard 2: she really is nice, unlike some people here, thank Goodness we now have a female owner here.

Mountain's lake is the most expensive and highly guarded area in imperial, only the wealthiest and influential people live here.

There are only 8 residents here, given its name because the place is surrounded by mountains and there are also lakes linking to the 8 residents.

she walked to her residence, admiring her surroundings, as her residence is the last to reach, she had many chance to admire the other surrounding,

As she walk bit by bit, she can't help but be mesmerized by every beautiful colour, every resident has.

She reached her resident and was more surprise because the flooring to her resident was glossy white, with white walls, unlike the others which had more of manly colours instead.

The living room had floor ceiling windows all around.

the view of imperial could be seen from any part of the living room windows.

The white mid century couches were set in an almost L- shape, a white tub chair in one part, with a rectangular marble coffee table. Under was a large white fur carpet. A 50" smart TV was places on a long white TV stand.

The kitchen was separated from the living room, by a white marble wall Island, 4 white stools sat on the outside.

The cabinet were also white with silver pulls, the only colour beside white in her kitchen were the silver fridge, silver oven, silver microwave, and silver air vent on top of the black top stove.

Across the kitchen was a dinning room with a black dinning table and four white parson's chair.

she couldn't help but praise her parents for everything, she knew this was her mother choice of colour for her

she soon climbed the stairs which was also coloured in white, leading to the rooms above. she quickly opened the door of the master's bedroom, the entire place was coloured in coordinate with white black and silver colour.

The entire room was covered with white colour carpet to walk barefoot, in the corner where there is maximum sunlight, a beautiful black colour swing was kept, by sitting there you can enjoy the view of basking in sunlight and read a book in comfort.

white colour sofa in two semi circles is organized in the center of the room, on the center table stood an antique teapot.

the walls were made of glass to let the natural sunlight enter the room, there are spacious round stairs, to go to the ground floor, and books were neatly arranged in the ground floor.


it is now she realize that this is not the main bed room, it looks like a semi living room. she went further and saw a white door with a black handle, if not for the handle, you wouldn't know that there is a door there, because the door blended with the colours of the wall.

she opened the door and saw a big king size bed having a white bed shit with a black blanket on the top. on the other side of the room was the wardrobe, it has her clothes on them, but unfortunately they aren't her size anymore, she checked her phone for her account balance, she still has a few million yuan,

" I'll go for shopping tomorrow and also buy some food stuff, as the ones she is having are now spoilt.

She has to study with the Mo corporation doc.u.ments and also make research about what is going on now in the Mo corporation, she has to do that before going to the Mo company.

In the Mo family doc.u.ments, explains the family of the Mo, there she saw the names of every member of the family;

Mo elders

Grandfather Mo_ Mo Shen

Mother Mo _ Zhao lifei


Mo Shira: eldest son

Mo Jihnu: second son

Mo Lin: daughter.

"bla bla bla "

the phone numbers of each and everyone of them were also written down.

she then took out her phone to call grandfather Mo Shen.

Yue Ling: hello good evening sir

Mo Shen: yes who is this

Yue Ling: hmm grandpa it is me Yue Ling, the daughter of Yue Ming, I just recently got the information that I'm supposed to come work for the Mo company as the secretary sir,

Mo Shen: oh Yue Ming my very good friend, I haven't heard from your father from a very long time, and I thought you wouldn't be needing the Mo company anymore, but never the less a promise is a promise I still kept the sit empty for you my dear, but how come you are getting the details now? where is your father?

Yue Ling: Grandpa it's a long story, I'm already in country M now so

Mo Shen: then come see me tomorrow so we'll discuss about everything okay

Yue Ling: okay grandpa I will come see you tomorrow by 5pm sir

Yue Ling: thank you so much grandpa

Mo Shen: you are welcome.

she hung the phone and went Straight to the bathroom, the bathroom is very spacious, it is two times the size of the room the Yue family gave her to stay, it has a very big bath tub and a shower.

she took a quickly lay on the bath tub and closed her eyes, memories of what transpired today at the airport started coming into her head, as she wore a big smile on her face,

" that man surely does deserve the lesson I thought him, he is just so rude, but Yue Ling you're so stupid, the very first day you came to another country, you decided to make trouble hmm"

she smile widely before washing off the soap off her skin.

she then put on a bathrobe and went straight to the kitchen, she bought some Packet noodles from the shop closed to the airport, she prepared it, ate her meal, and head straight to her room to start studying the Mo company's doc.u.ments,

she went through them, studied them and made a lot of research about the recent happenings of the Enterprise, and she didn't know when she fell asleep.

__ __ __

at the Mo company, Mo Shira sat down in his office that is located at the 50th floor of the company, his office is coloured in all grey, with a big black table that is closed to where he sat down, he was attending to some doc.u.ments, when his mind drifted away to the scene that happened earlier today, he hasn't been able to forget that scene, when he tries to, that is why he is over working himself now to forget the scene, although he manage to get the scene of his head but that rapture blue eyes, that pouting lips is still troubling him,

"ah_" who the f.u.c.k is she, why can't I get her off my head"

suddenly his phone rings,

Mo Shira: yes mother,

Zhao lifei: Shira, you have to come home Tomorrow evening by 5 okay, we are having a guest.

Mo Shira: mother I'm busy tomorrow I can't come, " he is tired of his mother always hooking him up with women, everybody thinks he wouldn't get married just because he wants all the women to himself, but the truth is, he never had a real relationship before, he never had the intention of living one girl and entering another, but all these girls are all after his money, after finding out their true intentions he throws them away, and this did not only happen once or twice, it has already happened more than 10 times, that is why I have decided not to have a serious relationship with any woman, there is no such thing called love, just sleep with the girls pay them off and that's all".

Zhao lifei: see my son it is not about me setting you with any one I promise,

Mo Shira: mother you always say so bye I can't come

bin bin.

he hung up the phone, before his mother could say any thing.

there was a knock on the door, followed by Hu wuting, with some doc.u.ments in his hands.

Hu wuting: boss these are the papers concerning the Li corps, " he drops the doc.u.ment on the table and was about to go when

Mo Shira: aren't you forgetting any thing?

Hu wuting: "oh_..." " how I'm I supposed to tell him that everything about that girl is blocked, there is no single information about her oh God please help me.

soon his phone vibrated, he took it out read the message and signed in relief.

" boss after having to search information about that woman, I found out that all information about her is blocked,

he then felt the temperature of the office, became really hot, he could feel the deadly glare from Mo Shira, and soon he could feel sweat on his forehead and in his dark, even with the tight airs conditioning.

" not even... a ... single information... about her from her birth... but... we've found something about her now

he felt the temperature of the room came down a little.

Mo Shira: in a cold deep voice; then go on

Hu wuting: yes boss, this is her first time of coming to country M, and she is currently staying in Mountain's lake, resident number 8.

it is then he felt the temperature going back to normal.

Mo Shira kept quiet for some moment as if thinking about something,

quickly he remembers that he also has a resident in Mountain's lake and in fact his is resident number 6".

then he stood up and took few steps to the office window, as if something in the window caught his interest

Mo Shira: go make arrangement for my stay in Mountain's lake, I will move in there very soon.

" you think you are smart that I wouldn't find you, I will surely make you pay, for embarrassing me like that in that airport, I will see to it that you regret ever crossing part with me.

Hu wuting: yes boss

" boss doesn't like staying in Mountain's lake, but all of a sudden he wants to stay there, this will be really interesting to watch."

he bowed his head before living.

Mo Shira: let's see how you will escape my wrath woman.