Chapter 1036

Sylvie noticed something was wrong when he withdrew from the candy store copy.

The divinity in him was rising.

Well, although it's skyrocketing, actually it's only from 0.1 to 1, which seems to have soared ten times. In fact, it's still just slag

But it was enough to surprise Seaver that since the failure of creation, his divinity has never increased, but has been slowly declining.

It is worth mentioning that for Sylvie today, divinity belongs to the power of "although it sounds great, it is actually useless".

Unless the divinity is strong enough to form a divinity, this kind of promotion will not do much good to SIVI's own strength. On the contrary, he will be restrained when he encounters magic objects with concepts such as "killing God"

Just when Sylvie was confused, the college system, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly jumped out and sold.

"System information: a sufficient degree of divinity has been detected and you have unlocked the new system panel. "

" what? "

SIVI blinked twice, opened the system panel, and then he really found a new panel on the edge of the system. The new

panel is called "we don't need to be very tired and tired to be a God" panel. Although this name is worth tucking up, some of the above functions make complaints about Xi Wei somewhat small.

This panel is divided into five sub panels: clergy, divinity, power, gift, and believer.

The priesthood is the functional representative that people tend to believe in as a deity, and the divinity is the functional symbol obtained when upgraded to a deity.

The two concepts overlap in many places.

In fact, the method of distinguishing is not difficult. In short, people become gods because of their beliefs. Their power is the clergy, and their ability to become gods by their own strength is divinity.

For example, Luna, the goddess of the moon, was born because the elves believed in the quiet moon, so she had a clergy. If the puppet of the original eight tribes was successfully promoted to a deity, she had a divinity.

And Sylvie's two pages are basically gray, with only a little fluorescence in the center, which probably represents his pathetic divinity.

Power is the special power possessed by gods. For example, the God of harvest can speed up the growth of crops and even make them blossom and bear fruit directly, even without bee pollination

In addition, although the term "the power of the gods" sounds cool, in terms of mystery, the level of power and power is only close to miracles, and even the revision of laws is still far from satisfactory.

Sylvie has neither a ministry nor a divinity, and certainly no power.

What he can do now is to lend part of his power to the prayer through "gift", or to throw anything as a gift on the prayer head.

As for the last believer, there is only one pathetic pan believer on SIVI's panel It's probably the guy praying that didn't run away.

"Where they are Well, it's strange that I can't find it. "

Sylvie closed his eyes and felt that he couldn't find anyone to pray to.

In any case, since his only believer asked him for help, Sylvie naturally would not be stingy and simply borrowed a small part of his strength.

After all, most of the people who can regard him as a God or even offer his faith to him for prayer are those who have been saved by him or whose trust in him has exploded. It doesn't matter to help.

But even with the help of his own power, SIVI still can't feel where his followers are.

"Well? It's not right I'd better take a little observation... "



Kamiyou cheered, and his magic power gushed out.

Just in this way, kamiyu's strength has soared to the level of being able to compete with high-level magicians. Even if you encounter a great mage, you will not have the strength to fight a war!

The monster seemed to realize this, and though it was still fierce, it was much better than what it looked like just now.

"Get out of your way! "Divinity. The master's grip of ether '!"

After the other students who helped him to block the monster got out of the way, it was similar to SIVI's etheric grip, but it was mixed with a huge etheric mass of divinity, which hit the shell of the monster's head like a meteorite.

The power of the blow was so great that the ferocious monster was like a bug in the swatter of a fly. His whole body was crushed to the ground, and then a few circles of arachnoid lines were split on the ground. The smoke and gravel were blasted into the sky by the power of the blow, and finally slowly fell.

"No wonder those people in the pure white church pray all day long and don't practice much It's easy to get lost in this kind of power for nothing. "

Looking at the destructive power caused by his own random strike, Kami couldn't help but be surprised.We should know that the ground of the college is specially strengthened, and its hardness is no less than that of ordinary steel.

The sense of strength constantly pouring out of his body makes kamiyu's confidence soar, but at the same time, he also has some secret vigilance. The illusion that he has become extremely powerful and omnipotent can indeed confuse the minds of ordinary people.

Probably because of the blessing of this power, some talents of the pure white church always look at others with a high vision and attitude

Fortunately, although kamiyu is not very popular in ordinary times, he is also one of the four class leaders that Aldrich college has high hopes for. No matter what, at least the will of kamiyu is still relatively firm, and will not be confused by the power of this moment.

"Umm, and the price of rising power is that the control power has been reduced by several grades, and the magic power is also somewhat out of control As expected, the president's address is right. Only the strength that can be used with ease is your own strength in the true sense. "

While kamiyu was still reflecting, the monster had risen from the ground.

Unlike just now, it didn't continue to roar, but the sense of hatred and resentment that came from him made kamiyou's hair stand on end. The etheric masses left by the etheric grip were torn into countless pieces by the power of the monster, and finally disappeared.

"Still alive?"

It seems that the monster has been completely infuriated by itself.

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