Chapter 965

The massive magic power rises from SIVI, and the unstable space is even more chaotic. It even gives people the illusion that the whole tree sea world is making an unbearable creaking sound.

Magic girl Well, I mean, those high elves don't have the patience to wait for others to finish their transformation.

Not long after SIVI had stood firm, the other three were surrounded by bows and arrows and two with strings hidden in the dark.

The first to rush in front of SIVI, and the only one to challenge him in front of him, was the elf Angel hybrid with a boxing set and the same face as Sita.

Just like the replay just now, the opponent did not use any fancy magic or skills, but just exerted his body's speed and strength to the extreme. The small fist wrapped in strong armor had already smashed into SIVI's face far beyond the wind and thunder!

Although not a saint fighter, SIVI is not the kind of person who can be hit twice by the same move.

Just as her fist was about to kiss Sylvie's face, a huge fist fell from the sky, smashing her whole body out, and the boxing style that should have been extremely powerful was blown away by the blow that day.

From the right rear of SIVI, the high elves with Epee also encountered similar attacks. However, this time, it was not just a fist that fell from the sky. It was composed of fire elements, and the temperature was comparable to that of lava!

If she did not hide fast enough, as long as a face, SIVI would be sure to turn her into ashes!

But compared with the other high elves, epee elves are lucky.

What makes the spirit of double swords face is the arm composed of pure void energy. Her two swords turned into nothingness as soon as they touched that arm. Even she almost swallowed a hand and a leg.

Theoretically speaking, the world is unable to use space magic, because random opening of space cracks will easily cause the plane to collapse.

But Sylvie's trick can lead to void energy without opening a space crack.

"Master's grip"

like the magic eye, this is a skill derived from the four hands of the virtual shadow of the "double side Nuo", which is divided into "the master's etheric grip", "the dean's elemental grip", "the dean's void grip" and "the dean's healing grip".

In the ocean world, due to the lack of magic in the world, SIVI can only use one of them at a time. But you don't have to be so frugal when you're in this world of demons.

The grip of ether smashed the body of Sita, and the grip of fire element and the grip of void forced the other two spirits back respectively.

The three giant hands stretched out from the sky also became the best help to cover the sight. Although the two elves who used silk string and bow and arrow also made trouble, they did nothing in the end.

In order not to be hit by the three big hands, the elves can only take a fighting strategy, and this is the main reason why SIVI used this move.

To tell you the truth, if you really want to solve these five elves, SIVI has many ways. Even if the plane collapses and is thrown into the endless void due to the forced use of space magic, SIVI is sure to recreate a simple world that can only exist for a short time, and then return to the main material plane with its coordinates.

It doesn't take much time, but it's not dangerous.

Only out of curiosity about the boundary and these strange high elves, SIVI specially used the master's grip, and the spirit he saved was naturally used to analyze the boundary.

"Tree Haihua warning boundary"? Strange names Well, this style of omitting and accentuating the central Rune of the spell, and deliberately using meaningless patterns to decorate and hide the key words of the magic array is indeed a common practice of the elves in the mythical age. Even the casting structure is very similar It's a pity that I didn't systematically study the indigenous magic of elves

The high elves did not know what SIVI was murmuring to himself, but even if they did, they would not be able to escape from the Abbot's grasp.

"Ouch, there is still a protective technique in the horizontal trough? Almost Yin, but fortunately, it's not too complicated From the first to the third sequence of protective mantras, reverse parsing begins... "

The surrounding explosion sound gradually becomes far away. SIVI has already touched the core edge of the boundary, and can quickly obtain the magic structure of the main body of the border. For an enchantment, if the main structure is cracked, it basically means that the cracker can open and release it freely.

In this moment, Seaver suddenly realized that there was not a very wonderful magic around him.

“…… When! "

The three arms had been drawn away by two elves, and the other three began to sing the ethereal mantra together outside the warning range of master SIVI.

Although Sylvie had never heard of the mantra, he was able to understand some of the words by his rebellious linguistics.

"The God of the moon", "the three secret keys of heaven", "the blasphemer's brand", "the crystal box of the soul" and "the prison of the moon forever"

No matter how you listen, it's the mantra in the seal magic. Hello!Seaver was so surprised that he was about to flatten his surroundings. As a result, he felt that he was in the dark. When he regained consciousness, he found himself floating in the air, and below him, his body was falling to the ground.

"The soul has been stripped out?! I had a big wipe. What kind of magic is this... " Even Sylvie couldn't keep calm when his soul was stripped out of his body, but he soon realized that his magic had not disappeared and his strength was still there, which made him calm down quickly.

At this time, there is a huge magic array on the ground, and there are runes in the center of the magic array.

Thanks again to the language against the sky, SIVI was able to understand that the runes that were flashing were actually countdown, about a minute or so.

"I see..."

It seems that there is a time limit to the magic of stripping souls.

At the same time, only the angel elf half blood with Sita's appearance forced him towards Sylvie's soul, while the other two were still kneeling at the edge of the magic circle, chanting something aloud.

"It's not only limited by time, but also can't attack the noumenon. Can only destroy the soul in this period of time..."

He soon understood the essence of the magic, and Sylvie's heart was set.

It is true that without the protection of the body, the soul will be in a very fragile state, but that is for ordinary people, SIVI is a legend! What legend can be easily approached with preparation?

"Just let me worry about you Lying trough

Before SIVI's words were finished, a dazzling pink light appeared on the other side. The light didn't last for long. It disappeared after two or three seconds. Instead, she was dressed more gorgeous, and there were things like angel aura behind her. In addition, the boxing set flowing with divinity on her fist made Sylvie feel dangerous for the first time.

Actually, there are two transformations. Are you really a magic girl!!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!