Chapter 821

Mermaids are witnesses to the history of euryala.

At the end of the first period, the leviathans and the earth giants fought against each other, destroying the Mu continent, making the whole world once again a primitive soup like chaotic ocean, from which the mermaid family was born.

Since the first Mermaid came out of the water and looked at the sea which was dyed green by the bright green moonlight, the historical wheel of the world began to turn again.

The vicissitudes of life, countless time elapse, causes the new land to surface, has formed many many star scattered islands.

Then, many new lives were born.

Some of them become extinct because they are not used to the changes of ecological environment, and some are constantly evolving, adapting to this new world and growing up with the world.

One day, the Mermaids suddenly found that there were new civilizations composed of intelligent creatures on the land.

"Human beings"

that's what they call the founders of that new civilization.

Because as the world's favorite, mermaids have supernatural ability, which is exactly the same. For countless years, they have been standing at the top of the food chain, living happily.

It is precisely because of this situation that they rashly contacted the new civilization and wanted to convey their goodwill.

In fact, it started off well.

Although the era of great navigation has just begun, human beings are unexpectedly able to accept new things and knowledge. Some mermaids even find that human beings are like the sea, absorbing new knowledge from them crazily and rapidly.

Honeymoon is always short.

Soon humans learned the secret of Mermaid - since the birth of archaea, mermaids have never died normally.

In other words, every Mermaid can live forever.

For people who live less than 100 years old, the temptation of immortality is so great that rumors about mermaids become rampant.

From the harmless "mermaid's tears can increase life span", it became the more excessive "taking human blood can get hundreds of years of life", and finally became the most vicious rumor - "eating raw mermaid's liver can live forever.".

In less than a hundred years, the once prosperous Mermaid family was greatly reduced. It was not until posenia, the leader of mermaid, who had the reputation of "Mermaid" and "colorful glow in the sea", kept investigating and finally discovered the human Mermaid fishing and killing organizations.

The angry mermaids danced in the sea to destroy the world, which caused the torrential flood to punish human beings.

But at the last moment when human beings were about to be completely destroyed, posenia came forward to stop the flood and let the Mermaids live in seclusion in the deep sea, never meeting with human beings.

And she decided to bear the sins of those who survived and disappeared in order to atone Hundreds of years later, when the shadow of the devastating flood finally dissipated in human hearts, everything about Mermaid became an ancient legend.

"Mermaid must exist!"

Scura island chain, on the edge of the island, a young man wearing only a pair of underpants said stubbornly.

"Nonsense, your father, I am also an old fisherman. I have been wandering on the sea for most of my life. What have you never seen? The mermaid is just the same legend as Leviathan, the sea monster

The middle-aged man, who has the same face as a young man, but has a Darker Complexion and a fatter body, pokes at the young man's forehead with remorse and says, "NIOS, you are too old. Don't think about those messy things, and take on your father and my fisherman, who is the first fisherman in the chain of Scylla Island, with poor skills?"

"But they have saved me! That day, when I was diving to study the historical sites, my feet were entangled with seaweed and almost died in the sea. They saved me

Said the young man indignantly.

"What, you went to study that damned historic site without telling me?! You don't know how dangerous the bottom of the sea is! Even if it's just a few meters deep under the reef under the poison fish or sea snakes can kill you

But the middle-aged apparently noticed other messages in the young population: "how many times have I said you're not allowed to do this? Go back to your room and reflect on yourself

The young man, who knew that he was speechless, bowed his head and went back to their tiny house built on the beach and walked into his room without saying a word.

However, after entering the room, the chagrin on his face disappeared completely and a sly smile appeared instead.

When he bolted the room in place, he opened his bed and pulled off the floor to reveal a small puddle under the floor.

This small puddle is straight to the sea, and it can float out of the sea not far from the chain of Scylla island as long as it is deflated for a few minutes.

Facing the sun outside the window, he pinched the time and felt that it was still early for lunch time. He jumped into the puddle and swam in the well-known waterway and entered the vast sea.There are many ancient relics on the sea floor outside the island of Scylla, which is said to have sunk to the bottom of the water because of the legendary flood. Nyos doesn't know how reliable this is, but as a child growing up on the Scylla chain, he was very interested in these monuments, and from a young age he would sneak into the water to observe them.

Over the years, he has found that there are more or less information about Mermaid in these historic sites.

Originally, he thought that these things were just the delusions of ancient people - just like many things in the ancient times of China had dragon patterns or dragon carvings, but few people had actually seen dragons.

Until a few days ago, because of his carelessness, he was entangled in his ankle by aquatic plants. He couldn't get rid of it. When he was almost killed at the bottom of the water, a mermaid suddenly appeared, helped him untie the water grass and put him on the water.

It's a pity that the other side left after that.

When he came back to the island, no matter who he talked about it with, they didn't believe it. They also agreed that it was the illusion that their consciousness was blurred

After swimming in the sea for a long time and expressing his depression for the most part, NIOS felt much better.

He got out of the sea, spit out the sea, looked at the boundless sea, and whispered, "if only I could see you again."

I don't know if his prayer came into effect. When NIOS planned to go back for fear of being found out by his father, he found a mermaid stranded on the beach of an uninhabited marginal island , the fastest update of the webnovel!