Chapter 798

Not only the wulamuoxi, but also those who were unable to move at will were tied up and pulled into the door by the chain.

The last thing to be swallowed by the door of truth is the nugget of ozaki that Robert regards as a treasure.

One hundred years of foundation is destroyed once!

"Damn it! You bastard, I'll tear you to pieces and feed them to the ogres of the wasteland

Robert Villon's eyes were red and he yelled at the top of his voice.

"Didn't I say that?"

Sylvie grinned, and finally showed a smile: "if you can do it, try it!"

Robert Veron roared, and a lot of tentacles came out of his body. Even the human form was completely destroyed. It was like a rhinoceros running towards SIVI.

It's just different from the slightly bulky w-ramo-r. the miracle is that Robert, who distorts space, collapses the space between him and Sylvie, and instantly appears in front of him and bumps into him!

Sylvie compared a casting action, and there was no earth shaking magic, but there was a stall on the ground Oil?

Robert, who had the characteristics of Ozzy, could run through almost all the defensive magic in the world, so he chose to attack in this way without any technical content.

As long as you are touched, you will be killed!

But although his feet also carry ozagki's power, will not be hurt by magic such as the ground stab, but it did not swallow up the friction - otherwise he would not be able to run a step.

Similarly, the moment he stepped on the oil, he lost his balance and slid forward.

But there's Sylvie in front of him, so it's no different from running.

But SIVI just showed a cool smile at him, and the soil in front of him began to change, and finally became a slide like corridor, and the end of the corridor was exactly the gap opened by the door of truth!

"Damn it! Damn it

Robert, who has become a monster, seems to have lost other language skills. He just keeps repeating this sentence. However, his vocal cords seem to have changed. His voice sounds like the roar of a monster.

Fortunately, at this time, he has a lot of tentacles, and each tentacle has the ability to swallow ozagki.

The tentacles were used as mountaineering picks to swallow up holes around the corridor. After the swallowing ability was closed, the tentacles were stretched in and fixed, but they could stop in the corridor without sliding into the door of truth that could never be destroyed.

But it was too early for him to rest assured.

Just as he was about to open a hole in the corridor to escape, SIVI had taken down the whole section of the corridor and threw it into the door of truth with Robert inside

"That's the end."

After finishing everything, SIVI first sensed the surroundings through his own perceptual ability, determined that there was no residual ozaghi, and then began to close the door of truth through the "key of truth".

As long as the door of truth is closed, the battle against Robert, an immortal and psychopath, will come to an end.

It's a pity that something went wrong at the last step.

At the moment when the door of truth was about to be closed, the whole door shook violently, as if something was hitting it.

Sylvie's face turned white and he vomited blood.

As the user of the gate of truth, he is closely related to the gate of truth in a sense. The attack on the gate of truth also has an impact on him.

The door of truth, which would not tremble even when attacked by the warramosians, is now under attack, and even half of the closing action has been affected by this attack.

Looking at the sentence "the key to truth" that "this effect will not be stopped or interrupted by magic miracles of less mysterious ability than" absolute truth ", SIVI couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This undoubtedly shows that the mystery of the thing that is hitting the door must be equal to "absolute truth"!

There is only one degree of divinity in the degree of divinity.

He was really afraid of something. Because he was afraid that the thing inside would run out, he opened the door only a small gap. Who knows, he finally attracted the guy

Soon, the door of truth was another great shock, but this time SIVI was prepared to swallow the blood that was pouring into his throat. He stood firmly in front of the door and tried to close the door.

The third impact arrived as scheduled, and the gate was not closed, but a crack about the width of the door was opened.

"Oh, no..."

Sylvie's brain is full of alarm bells, but he can't react to his injuries for a while!

A thick tentacle protruded from the crack of the door, but if you look closely, you will find that the tip of the tentacle actually looks like Robert vinlon.At this time, his face is no longer the panic and fear, full of crazy incomparable smile.

"Thanks to you, Sylvie Aldrich! Thanks to you, I can be one with that adult! Be a part of the adult's body! To me, it's a great honor

Sylvie's throat was full of blood and his face was so painful that he couldn't even say a word.

"You are the strongest enemy I have ever seen! As my respect, you also come to be one of us! In this way, the damned gate will be completely open to us

Robert Veron didn't know if he had found Sylvie's anomaly. He just grabbed Seaver's chest with a laugh!

Is it hard to believe that I should die here and let the future generations take revenge for the present

It's a pity that now Fu Xiao has just got on the right track. I don't know how far they can go under the double pressure of the Salvation Army and the abyss army.

Looking at each other's ferocious expression, SIVI's mind is like walking a lantern, flashing through countless scenes.

At this time, a feeling like electric shock shocked Seaver. The next moment, a delicate figure stood in front of him.

That's Raven who got here by using the time stop ability of the hero's treasure.

Almost at the same moment, Robert Veron, who had become a complete ozagki, touched the pocket watch that Raven had hung on her chest.

Even if it is a hero's treasure, it is far less mysterious than ozagki behind the door of truth.

All of a sudden, the pocket watch split, the mystery and magic inside suddenly poured out, turned into a terrible storm.

This force is so amazing that not only can't move SIVI, but even the contented Robert is blown out and directly falls back into the door of truth!

Until then, the door of truth seemed to begin to respond to SIVI's order to close the door. The heavy black door slammed shut!

Immediately, the whole door slowly disappeared into the air

But Sylvie now ignored the door of truth. He looked at Raven in the center of the storm and couldn't say a word.

With a faint smile on her face, her lips moved slightly.

Sylvie could barely see the shape of the mouth.

She said "live.".

"Don't..." Even though he was still coughing blood, SIVI reached out to pull the girl out, but it was too late.

The next moment, the girl's figure was completely engulfed by the storm.

When the storm subsided, her figure had disappeared , the fastest update of the webnovel!