Chapter 794

"And what about the angel in your shadow now?"

Instead of paying attention to Robert's complacency, which had become a little crazy, seavy looked into the shadow behind him and asked again.

There is no mention of the mythical age in the records of later generations. Where did the angels who helped mankind come from.

After coming to this world, SIVI learned from some channels that the help of angels had something to do with the great sages of mankind.

Because of this, Sylvie didn't care about the existence of this man who seemed to be at the forefront of the fight against the devil at the beginning, only when he was a real hero who cared about the country and the people like St. George.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

So why do angels appear on the main physical plane? And follow him like a bodyguard?

"You know enough."

But obviously Robert was not so mad that he gave all his old men to Sylvie.

He just gave an order, and the tentacle, which had been tied by SIVI, was like a hammer and hit him and his party.

SIVI suddenly clapped his hands and made a crisp sound, and he disappeared from under the tentacle meat hammer with Laven and the group of silver blooded imps.

Without the earth shaking roar, the ground was like pudding, and a large piece was easily dug out, revealing a dark hole.

There seemed to be something creeping out of it.

Later, the figure of Sylvie and his party appeared on another hill.

Even from a distance from the top of the mountain, you can see those strange tentacles rising from the sky. Even at first glance, it looks like several huge tentacles growing on a mountain, which is frightening.

In fact, in terms of volume, even the arms and feet of the behemoth can completely explode these tentacles, but Sylvie is very clear that even if the ten behemoths are packed together, they are not the enemies of any one of those tentacles.

"West Don't we retreat first, commander? "

Raven looked at the terrified children and asked seavy.

Whatever else, Robert's legendary identity alone is enough to make Raven feel scared What's more, Robert is also facing the face of a great leader in the lofty field of later generations, which makes her psychological pressure multiply.

"I just wanted to send you all to the dawn camp."

Sylvie grinned bitterly and sighed: "but at first it was OK. When those tentacles appeared, space and law would be distorted. If I hadn't been quick to react, now we would have lost ourselves in the cracks of the world."

That's why there is a slight delay in the delivery.

Although Sylvie can repair the distortion of law and space to a certain extent, Robert, who is also a legend, can definitely perceive his behavior. He even reverses the location of dawn camp through Sylvie's action. Sylvie dare not take the risk.

After all, there are many human heroes and allies in the camp at dawn.

"All in all, you take these little guys first Wait, who are these little guys? "

Until now, Sylvie noticed that he didn't know the identity of the little guys he had rescued.

"They are Well... " Raven just wanted to explain, but she was stunned in the middle.

Yeah, where did these kids come from?

"We used to be mountain people who lived in the world." Nanxi saw that both of them were speechless, and immediately introduced herself sensibly.

Now that all the adults in the village have died, she has to take up the responsibility of keeping the survivors alive.

But now it seems that their enemies are too powerful to fight against, so if they want to survive, they can only rely on the man who suddenly appears and seems to be very strong.

But to be on the safe side, she didn't reveal her silver blood identity.

"Our village is located in a hidden border. Originally, we lived in peace with the world, but the monster suddenly broke into our village and destroyed our home We do not ask you to avenge us, we only hope that you can mercifully save us! "

As for the matter of border crossing, when the man appeared, the broken border had already been exposed to him. It was better to speak out and strive for some credibility than to conceal it and arouse suspicion.

In this short half a day, she was still innocent, only knowing that the girl who lived under the protection of her father and brother's wings seemed to grow up at once, mature and steady.

SIVI touched his chin.

To be honest, he didn't think Robert would attack an ordinary village for no reason.

But the border was really interesting If it was not for the cave like breach that appeared in front of his eyes, even as a legend, he could not even find the clue."Do you know the ideal country shelter?"

Thinking of the place where later white elves lived, SIVI asked for information about the wonderful sanctuary.

It's a pity that the girl's expression is not like pretending to be confused.

"Well, I don't care whether you are ordinary mountain people or not." SIVI waved and said impatiently, "Laven, you'll take them down the mountain first. How far can they escape?" Time and space are not separated. Since your ability is related to time, you must be more sensitive to the abnormal phenomena of space than ordinary people. If you are more careful, you should not fall into the abnormal space. "

"And you?" Raven asked in some trepidation, hearing that he had not mentioned herself.

"Didn't you hear that just now? Those tentacles are just preliminaries. "

SIVI's mouth was upturned, showing a rare serious expression: "since people have prepared a banquet for me, I naturally want to enjoy the main course, the main course and the desserts all over again."

"Yes, but..."

Raven was more anxious.

She had thought that the situation would not be too bad if the legendary Sylvie was here. But unexpectedly, the guy named Robert Veron was so weird that even Sylvie lost his momentum in his confrontation with him.

Seeing the inner tension and anxiety on the girl's face, Seaver felt very happy. It seems that this one of the law's successors in the former lofty realm has finally recognized himself and regarded her as the one at dawn.

Although it is still unclear whether she will recognize the college in the future, at least now she has become a "own person".

Thinking of this, Seaver suddenly took out a silver pocket watch from his pocket.

"Originally, I couldn't get the seal off of this thing, but now I see the person who set the seal, and then I find that my previous thinking has gone into a misunderstanding."

This pocket watch is the hero's treasure "the clock of time" captured from the Lord of fear, andrudar. The seal on it was written by Robert Veron, the great man of man.

At first, Seaver thought that the seal on it was complicated and delicate, and even contained some rules. It took a long time to deduce the seal.

And now I see the goods to understand: motherfucker, he thought too much.

The reason why the seal is difficult to understand is that after the seal was completed, Robert Veron used ozagy's ability to distort the seal and the laws around it.

It's like a door lock. Under normal circumstances, some people who can unlock the lock can always open it by various means. But what if the lock is twisted together with the parts inside when it is completely locked?

However, Sylvie was attracted by its external distorted law and went completely into a fork in the road. It's like a master of unlocking a lock. When he sees the twisted lock, he doesn't know how to unlock it, but he thinks about why the lock turns into a twist

The lock, which has become a twist, is obviously unable to be opened by normal means. I'm afraid there is no other way to open the door except to take a big hammer to directly hit the door.

The same is true of this seal. From the beginning, Robert didn't think of a way to remove it Anyway, ozaki's ability can devour all the magic power. When you need to use it, you can eat the seal on it.

Thinking of this, Sylvie simply extracted a little void to put on the seal.

The reason why he didn't dare to use this method before was that he was afraid that the void energy would destroy the treasure dropping device itself. However, since the seal maker didn't care, Robert must have used some methods to prevent this situation.

As Sylvie had expected, the seal on it was like snow shining on the sun, and disappeared in a moment.

"Take this." Although the seal was untied, SIVI did not intend to keep it for himself. He threw the so-called strongest hero's treasure to Raven.

"Why? But now this one gives you more insurance? "

Raven took the watch in a hurry and said in surprise.

"This is Robert It was the great man of man who made reference to the fire of Saint George's notoriety. I was the first to say that he had no way to guard against this thing. As a matter of fact, I have seen a similar magic device. At that time, I was only a great magician. I could feel the time crack according to the ability of that magic device. Now Robert can do this too

SIVI said with a wry smile: "by contrast, his soldiers should not be able to deal with the effect of this thing, you can use it to get rid of the pursuers."

At the same time, Xiwei finally realized that Mao, a great human sage, could make such a thing as a hero's treasure After all, this product was once the high-level of Endymion, and Endymion was the highest crystallization of demon guide civilization! After mastering the lost technology, it's normal to have some black Technology

Seeing off Raven and his party, Sylvie turned his eyes to the opposite hill.

Robert Veron didn't move, and he didn't know whether he was too confident in himself, or that Sylvie's class would not run away with his tail between his legs.And he was right.

He straightened his slightly untidy collar, and seavy again transmitted himself to him.

"Well, have you finally sent the scum out of the way?"

Robert Villon seemed to know why Sylvie had come back so soon, only with a cold snort.

"I don't like the entree very much." Instead of paying attention to his bluster or the tentacles on his head, Seaver just looked at Robert Villon and said in a loud voice, "is dinner ready?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!