Chapter 736

"I don't know when the Dragon God will come back..." Giro g. Freud, with his cheeks on his hands and leaning against the windowsill, looked at the clear sky with some dullness.

They are the descendants of the dragon who inherited the blood of the ancient dragon Freud.

Originally, when Freud was still in the Tianyan mountain range, the whole mountain range stretching for hundreds of miles could be regarded as the back garden of their family. Apart from several forbidden areas, they could freely move in the mountains.

Even after the outside world is said to have been invaded by the abyss demons, this situation has not changed. All enemies who dare to fight the idea of tianyanshan will be scared away by Freud, the Dragon God in their mind.

However, the current situation has changed. The human coalition forces sent a seemingly powerful team to Tianyan mountain. It is said that they asked the Dragon God for help. The leader, known as the sage, talked with Freud for a day and night. Finally, the Dragon God agreed to the other party's request for help. After explaining some things about the village head, he left.

After the adults left, the border around Tianyan mountain also started. Even those people who had been nailed to the wall by Lord Freud woke up and fulfilled the agreement they had made with the village.

In addition, the movement scope of the people was also limited. The village head stipulated that before the Dragon God came back, the villagers could only move on the mountain where the village was located, that is, mount kilak De, and were not allowed to go to other peaks.

Killard means "the tail of the dragon" in dragon language. It is the mountain where they have lived for hundreds of years. The cave on the top of the mountain is the most important forbidden area in the clan rules handed down from generation to generation.

"It's going to be a dragon roar again in a while..."

He changed his posture to sitting on his stomach in boredom, looking at the bright sky.

For them, Freud itself is the best guarantee for the safety of the village. Those outside people who want to touch Tianyan mountain are also because of Freud's relationship, so they can only avoid it.

After Freud's absence, when the alarm set on the periphery of Tianyan mountain is triggered, some of the more pure descendants of dragons in the village will gather in the square to imitate the roar of Lord Freud and scare away the gangsters. Up to now, this is still a hundred tests, at least no one dare to hear the roar of the dragon, continue to run up the mountain.

"Leisure. I really want to go out and play I don't know what happened to the ambergris I planted under the karakula waterfall, whether the little hyena in the forest in the South has been bullied by wild animals these days, and whether the beautiful stones I buried by the morama River have been dug away by other animals... "

Although the dragon people also grow crops, they are not pure farming people. They can enrich the food and subsistence supply of the village through hunting and gathering while semi farming.

Therefore, their residents have been with the jungle since childhood, and they will not be afraid to encounter some demons with low level of crusade. Anyway, they also have part of the ancient dragon lineage. If they are one-on-one, the adult pure blood dragon has no pressure on the demons of single digit level, and they can easily wipe out the demons if they hunt together Cut most of the demons below level 15.

Giro is the best gifted kid of his generation, and His bloodline test purity was the highest in his generation a month and a half ago. Finally, he became a member of the hunting team.

As a result, he did not wait for him to show his skills in the hunting team. Because of Lord Freud's departure, the hunting team could only relax in the village and enjoy the feeling of getting something for nothing in the village

"No! If I go on like this, my body will rust, just like palolo He jumped back into the room from the windowsill.

Palolo is the head of the teeth rhinoceros, it is a shape similar to the hippopotamus, gentle nature of the demon. Although the Crusade level is only level 13, most of this is because this demon doesn't like fighting. If a toothed rhinoceros gets angry, even most of the guys at level 15 will have to give up.

Palolo also inherited the natural indifference and laziness of the toothed rhinoceros. He was always immersed in the morama River and only showed his back. If he didn't look carefully, he might think that it was just a stone.

The rhinoceros is an omnivorous animal. However, palolo is lazy to hunt and always eats water and grass lazily. Because he doesn't exercise much, he looks like he is about to become a ball

Just as Giro decided to find a chance to slip out of Mount killard without the village head's attention, a figure suddenly pushed the door of his house open, and the wooden door banged against the cabinet beside the door, making a loud clang.

"Whoa! No, it's not like that. I'm not going to sneak out Amanda, it's you bastard! It scared me

Gilo was guilty of a few times to forgive, and then found that the visitor is his childhood friends, can not help but sigh of relief, turned to complain repeatedly.

"Giro, this is not the time to say that!"

Amanda rushed forward quickly, took her childhood sweetheart's hand and dragged him out of the room.

"Kuo, let go! I'm the next captain of the hunting team. It's ugly to be pulled out of the house by a girlGillo grabbed the door frame and made a vow to death.

Although Giro is far better than Amanda in blood purity and talent of roaring at dragons, Amanda has amazing power for some reason. Even the current leader of the hunting team, that is, Giro's father, will praise Amanda's strength to kill brown bears with one blow.

This also leads to the fact that without using the Dragon roar, Giro will always be held down by Amanda.

So he was dragged away by the girl with the doorframe without tears

"The head of the village said that someone had walked out of the trap of hanging upside down and was not scared away by the shadow of the Dragon God. Now they are going to cross the final border and come to the village!" Only then did the girl take time to explain to him.

"Such a thing?"

Giro immediately dropped half of the door frame and ran with the girl.

"Now the village head has begun to gather people in the village who can use the Dragon roar to get in touch with each other My dad said that in this situation, if you can't make it right, you can't help me without dragon roar. You should be careful later. "

The girl said the words of concern.

-- outside the village of dragon origin --

"is that ancient dragon kind of magic magic?" after the figure of the Dragon disappeared completely, raven said with a lingering fear. Then she looked at SIVI with admiration: "it's worthy of being the youngest great magician in the future, and can see it at a glance."

"No, I can't tell. That image may have activated some magical creatures' abilities. You know, the abilities of those little things are much better than ordinary magic magic magic. Even I can't tell the true from the false without miracles. "

Sylvie shook his head and told the girl.

"How dare you bump into it without asking anything?"

Raven asked, puzzled.

"Because the dragon in the vision is the one I killed."

Said Sylvie with a serious face.

Unfortunately, now Raven seems to have decided that this guy's face with a serious expression of what he said is false, but a look of doubt.

SIVI laughs and doesn't explain any more. She just moves forward with her to the village ahead.

Anyway, it's not a bad thing to look mysterious, especially now that girls have not fully joined their own camp.

"Is this the border?"

On the way, they met with new obstacles.

However, it is different from the previous hanging man and the shadow of giant dragon. This is the boundary of the king's way.

"Do you want me to try with the double blades?"

Raven drew out her own blades, made a feint gesture, and asked Seaver.

Even if it is the magic border set up by Freud, it is still vulnerable in front of the spirit.

However, SIVI did not mean to meet the God and kill the Buddha.

He shook his head and said, "just go straight through it. If it is destroyed, it will easily create unnecessary negative impression on the residents inside."

I think if you take the dragon spirit of the other party's ancestors to meet them, you won't leave a good impression on them. Especially when the ancestor of the other party is killed by you personally

The girl said something in her heart.

"Straight through?" She did not make complaints about the negative effects. She just knocked on the boundary with the hilt, and the transparent boundary made a bang.

Then he looked at seavy with a questioning look.

SIVI reached out and took the girl's hand. Without waiting for the girl with a little blush on her face to say anything, he directly took the girl across the border.

To be sure, it's a bit troublesome to break the boundary in a normal way It will take Seaver about an hour or two, and because there is an art about soul attached to the enchantment, it may be affected if you cross through the gap. So SIVI simply uses the simplest method - you know, he has Freud's Dragon Spirit on him. The border under the goods will not even be blocked by himself, will he?

So after coating Raven with a Freudian breath, they easily crossed the border.

"Did you really wear it?" Raven looked in surprise at the intact border behind her.

Without using the double blade, she could not even analyze the boundary in a short time, let alone cross Now, Sylvie came directly with herself after seeing the border, which undoubtedly made Sylvie's image in her heart more powerful and mysterious.

"Don't be dazzled. The Lord we want to see on this trip is about to show up." SIVI's words brought the girl back to her senses. In a short time, she saw a group of people dressed up by mountain people coming towards them in a grim face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!