Chapter 719

The magic ship about the same size as that in the Aldrich college was thrown high by the storm caused by the dragon. People who didn't have time to leave the empty ship were like sesame seeds flying out of the cabin, shaking their teeth in the air.

But Sylvie and his party did not have much to save the crew. Because immediately, the magic ship under the action of gravity, bow down, toward the berth ground hit!

"Don't move!" Seaver yelled, then immediately released nearly 10000 towing anchors, connecting the magic ship with the empty berth opposite.

Under the influence of those magic strings that can't be detected by the naked eye, the huge magic ship bow like a cruise ship gradually turns its direction, and finally passes over SIVI's head at the critical moment, slamming heavily on the opposite berth, directly smashing a hole in the ground with a thickness of several meters made of metal!

if it's to be compared, it's like hitting a piece of foam board with a shot.

The ground of the opposite berth is concave, among which is the magic ship that caused the accident.

The hull of the magic ship was stuck in a hole. The hull was full of dents and damages, and there were pieces of bow scattered around it.

At the next moment, the hull of the magic ship began to bend forward from the center. Then, because it could not bear the weight of the rear part of the magic ship, the center of the ship made a piercing sound.

The keel and the board used to make the magic boat were all broken from it, revealing the steel bars used to fix the shape inside. It looked like the ribs of a corpse, which made people feel creepy.

The second half of the broken magic ship also hit the ground, causing a second shock and explosion. The heat wave rolled up even made Sylvie smell his hair burning.

But this is not the time to care.

The dragon's movement did not stop. Its blood red eyes were staring at SIVI and his party for a few seconds, and then spewed out the blue fog again.

"The same moves won't work for me!"

This time, St. George, who had learned to do so, directly cut through the fog with a sword, and his action looked very natural and unrestrained.

at the same time, his words also let the west side of the west make complaints about the cargo.

I don't know whether I was irritated by St. George or instinctively. Knowing that his spitting was invalid for St. George, the dragon made a dive and rushed at the three men!

"Four enchantments. Sharp!" Sylvie put a temporary enchantment on St. George's flame sword. He also put up a magic shield in the direction of the dragon's advance.

If you give him a little time, maybe the magic shield alone can be strengthened to make the opponent feel dizzy.

However, time is pressing, and SIVI can't set up a strong shield. The last few magic shields were smashed by the opponent with overwhelming force at one time. Besides slightly hindering the opponent's speed, it has little effect. Although a tiny bit as like as two peas in the legend,

's flaming sword is similar to the legendary fire. But apart from creating material, it can cut some magic that can be identified by the naked eye. What's more, it has little effect on the reputation of St Georges.

Not only that, because of the material, it is almost impossible to enchant it permanently. Even if SIVI wants to enchant it, he has to choose the extremely difficult quadruple enchantment in order to obtain a little magic effect bonus.

However, St. George himself did not care. Facing the huge dragon, he waved his sword without fear.

The hard and heavy dragon claws suddenly pierced the iron plate on the berth floor and seized a big hole on it. St. George took the opportunity to jump up and use the front claws of the other party as a bridge and ran to the other party's head quickly!

Even Sylvie was taken aback by his audacity.

On the contrary, the pretty faced Knight seemed to have been accustomed to St. George's unexpected manner of action, and began to chant magic in a low voice.

After listening to a few incantations, Sylvie understood that he was casting a magic mainly based on wind elements, which seemed to be the feeling of making air into a cushion, which seemed to be used to catch St. George.

The cooperation between them is really tacit.

After a murmur in his heart, Sylvie began to prepare the virtual magic sword, ready to project it as an arrow. Once hit, even the ancient dragon species would be greatly damaged.

At this juncture, the Dragon roared in the sky, and his voice was full of anger and pain.

Sylvie couldn't help looking up and saw St. George falling from the sky in the same way as a skydiver.

The dragon was hovering over him, looking very angry.

Then SIVI discovered the source of the dragon's anger - its right eye was blinded by a scar that ran through the whole eye! There is no doubt that it was St. George who caused this wound.

Because the next moment, the Dragon looked at St. George with his left eye, and then ejected a much thicker and thicker blue mist than the previous two times!Seaver, who is opening the gap between the void, finally succeeded. Before St. George was hit, he was transferred to his side through the gap magic, leaving the blue mist empty.

Thank you

Even the nerves of St. George's were startled by the terrifying attack.

There is no place to borrow from the air. Even if you wield a sword, you can't cut through the fog, so SIVI's shot is just right.

The only pity is that the void magic sword has disappeared because of this random hand and must be rebuilt.

At this time, the dragon also re locked St. George who had escaped from death.

"It seems that the other party is dead set on you." Sylvie was still in the mood, joking.

"I'm not at all interested in encounters other than the hugs of young girls when they come home triumphantly."

St. George replied nervously.

"Give me a minute." Sylvie pulled at the corners of his mouth and said solemnly.

"No problem."

St. George took a deep breath, and then decided to rush out again to attract the dragon's attention to buy Seaver time.

His body froze.

Not only St. George, but even Sylvie suddenly found that he was under the pressure of a ghost. His body was hard to move!

"Lord of pestilence..." Feeling this strange power from his body, Seaver squeezed the name out of his teeth word by word.

It seems that when the guy named SEG blew himself up, he spread the plague magic in this space.

Although this kind of magic is almost impossible to infect the likes of Sylvie and St. George, it doesn't matter if you just block their movements for a short time.

Normally, two or three seconds is nothing, but now it's different.

Because the dragon has once again spewed a pale blue mist at the two people!

At least protect St. George!

Knowing that he might not survive, Sylvie suddenly felt a subtle sense of relief in his heart: it seemed that his great adventure back to the mythical age was about to end before it began. However, if we can let St. George, who has the name of dragon butcher, live on, maybe he can avenge himself in the future

In fact, the current situation is not completely unsolved.

For example, SIVI can escape directly into the copy to avoid attacks. After all, no matter how strong the plague magic of the Lord of plague is, it can't affect the thinking of a great mage.

But curiously, Sylvie didn't want to do that.

Because he wanted St. George, this chivalrous guy to live.

However, after he made up his mind, something unexpected happened.

A slender figure suddenly rushed from the side, blocking in front of the two people, with their own body to withstand the strange fog.

It's the chivalrous knight. This thought flashed through Sylvie's mind.

It seems that the other party has not been attacked by the plague Lord.

To this day, Sylvie still does not know his name. The knight turned back and looked at St. George, who was safe and sound, with gentle eyes. Then he fell flat on the ground and lost consciousness.

And Sylvie, for the first time, saw a look of panic on St. George's face.

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