Chapter 499

"I always think the atmosphere in this college is a little strange..."

Alice, dressed as a maid, pushed a cart full of desserts into the small room with the "magic goods seminar" on the doorplate.

This is the activity room provided by the college for them to have a good association. Because the number of students is only about 100, there are many vacant rooms in the college

"I don't care about the professors of Huolian, but the dwarfs and the guards who patrol seem to be alert and ready to deal with emergencies."

She said to Eliza, who was browsing through the thick literature, as she put on the table one by one the sweets in the dining car, which were all small dishes that even a girl could swallow.

At the same time, the puppet Zhenhong, who was sitting under the dining car, jumped down from the partition board and looked at the hard-working figure of his current host without expression.

"Did you notice that, too?"

Eliza put down the already yellowing volume of the book in her hand and stretched out her waist. Compared with half a year ago, she showed a lot of enchanting body curves.

She twisted her neck a little stiff because she had been reading in the same position for a long time. She lifted a plate of chocolate mousse cake from the table and scooped it into the mouth with a small spoon. Meanwhile, she replied to Alice, "since yesterday, the atmosphere has changed, but the professors didn't tell me what happened, just let's just keep the same as usual."

"It turns out that the college has not issued a danger level warning It's probably the teacher's judgment that there's no big danger. "

Alice took out her wand and pointed to the empty dining car, which seemed to have life. It began to slither out of the room and slide slowly towards the dining room.

"In that case, let's follow the professors' advice, and don't care too much..."

Alice sat down at the table. Zhenhong jumped onto her lap and took a more comfortable position. The back of her head rested on the maid's chest, which was rarely seen in the college.

Eliza put the empty plate aside, patted the table and protested, "how can you say that?" despite the mousse on her mouth

"Why, what's the matter?"

Alice, who had just picked up a small plate of Montblanc cake, was startled and asked with some trepidation, "Miss Eliza, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"There are too many wrong places!" The blonde girl pulled a plate of pudding, the hair on both sides of her head was shaking because of her movement. At the same time, she pointed at the maid with a spoon: "have you forgotten what the teacher said? We magicians should have the curiosity to explore the truth behind things

"Even if you say that, Miss Eliza..." Alice said with a trembling voice, "but if you make a survey at will, it will certainly cause trouble to the professors."

"Well, don't worry, I'm not the kind of guy who can only run rampant in kamiyu. I'm not going to do something that will cause trouble to the teacher Said Eliza, with a serious look on her face.

The maid realized that Eliza was using a teacher, not a professor As far as Eliza is concerned, the only one who can be called a teacher is the dean of Edric, Sylvia Aldrich.

In other words, it doesn't matter if you give professors trouble

Aware of this, the maid showed a bitter smile that she did not know what to do.

As a matter of fact, although Sylvia doesn't know it, the maid knows that Eliza has been trying to help him with her own strength.

Join the picket Committee, do our best to rectify the atmosphere in the college, assist some students with poor grades, and help professors compile and bind various documents

It's just that for Sylvie now, the power of a girl is too weak. All she can do is to make college life better.

Even the original intention of this magical objects seminar was that Eliza knew that Sylvia was developing new magic devices. Therefore, she had the idea of studying those magical things and providing help to SIVI's development work after she knew about the soul tools that suddenly appeared recently.

It's just that they probably don't even think that they want to break their heads. It's Sylvie who spread the soul tools

"Don't you believe me with that look?" Eliza bit the spoon, frowned and looked at Alice, who was shrinking her neck and showing a hopeless smile: "and did I say that? Just call my name directly, and then you don't need to add the honorific title like miss

"Oh, sorry..."

"It doesn't matter." Eliza sighed, "be at ease. I just asked Theo to go to Sita to find out about the situation."

"Ah, so it is..." The maidservant girl was relieved.

Although she was also one of the three sages, she was so busy that she had to open many trumpets for herself. Sida spent most of her time doing nothing. If this guy was not a hybrid of high elves and angels, even if he became a ghost species, he still had countless gain auras, and he was also compatible with goblin creatures who burst his watch Sylvie would have regretted having used up a three sage position for this guy.In addition to Goblin creatures and Sylvie, only her best friend, Theo, could understand Sida's words.

Even if she didn't ask about the world, she was still a three sage with super high authority level. She knew more about the affairs of the college than Eliza and her students Therefore, it is different from his own random investigation to ask Theo what happened to Sita. It has high credibility, but it will not cause any trouble to others.

While they were quietly eating dessert and waiting for Theo to come back, the door that had been closed was thumping from the outside.

"Who is it, please?" Holding the real red in her lap to the ground, Alice got up and walked to the door.

Theo is also a member of the club and has the right to open the door of the activity room, so it is definitely not Theo who needs to knock on the door.

Open the door, appeared outside is a two people are a little familiar, but almost did not say much about the girl.

Even among the students, the opponent is relatively short. He holds a big brown book, and his long black hair is tied into two thick braids. He is pretty and has a pair of glasses on his face. This is also a magic item provided in the college store. In addition to the original function of the glasses, it also has an effect on some magic skills that can be used with eyes Fruit.

At this time, she looked up at Alice who opened the door with her shining eyes, and then, as if she had tried her best to say something in her heart, she called out: "please, please let me join this club!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!