Chapter 440

In the morning, the soft sunshine through the curtains, reflected on Alice's face, so that the sleeping girl's white and delicate skin seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle.

As the Millennium hourglass on the low bedside table turned upside down, the blonde doll sitting on the bedside table in a red dress and leaning against the wall suddenly moved.

She stood up, moved her small spherical joints, and then with a crack, jumped from the bedside table to the soft bed, ran quickly to the girl and shook her head.

"Well Teacher... " The girl in the dream frowned and groaned slightly.

Then I turned over and continued to sleep.

The doll girl was also affected by her actions and fell off the bed.

But soon the little doll girl grabbed the sheet and climbed back to the bed like a climber.

If the puppet master magic support, she can fly freely in the sky, but now her puppet master is still immersed in a sweet dream, can only rely on the power of the wind to move, so the action is relatively clumsy.

She looked at Alice with her little head askew for a moment, and felt that her own strength alone might not be able to shake her. So the little puppet just stepped back a few steps, and then began to run up, and then jumped into Alice's chest

"Whoa, whoa!"

The maid, who was suddenly attacked in her sleep, suddenly sat up and threw the doll girl out of bed again.

She looked around in a confused way, with her hair in a mess, and when she saw the doll girl crawling back into bed with the sheets again, Alice had a dull smile that seemed to be awake.

"Red, good morning."

That's how her morning began.

She took off her thin dress style pajamas and folded them carefully. After that, the girl shivered slightly.

After all, it will be winter soon. Although there is a heating system in the castle, it is still cold to be naked in the morning with only a pair of white underwear.

The drawer under the bed was opened, and it was neatly filled with clothes, though they were maid's clothes.

First, girdle. Although Sylvie once said that Alice was in good shape and didn't need this kind of thing that might be harmful to her health, but in the maid's education from childhood, girdle was essential, so she wore it all the time.

After buttoning the waistband and front button, I was wearing a white long sleeve shirt.

Her original clothes were all reduced to ashes after Huolian's previous disaster. This shirt was customized by the dwarfs in autumn according to her original size.

"Well, my chest is a little tight It wasn't long before it was made to order. "

Alice pulled at her collar, murmured softly to Sophia that she might be crying for a long time, and then put on her long black dress with suspenders.

Finally, tie the apron, let Zhenhong help to tie the skirt into a bow on the back. At the same time, she puts on Katyusha, and the maid's dress is finished.

In front of the mirror to confirm that there is no oversight, the girl let Zhenhong sit on her shoulder, out of the door, began her day's work.

The first thing to do is to patrol and clean the college.

Of course, Alice doesn't need to clean up completely. She just needs to dust a little bit of the details with a duster. The rest of the work is done by the Kates and the idols.

The interior of Aldrich's castle is huge. Even after half a year in it, Alice can still feel this very clearly when she patrols every day.

Many places are obviously beautiful, but they are so cold that you can't even see them. However, because of this, every time a girl finds a very beautiful corner, she will have the pleasure of finding a treasure.

Occasionally, when she meets some students or professors, she will take the initiative to say hello, and the other party will smile back. Of course, some people will ask her for help - as a person whose authority is second only to the president, the acting president and the director, the maid can inquire about a lot of things.

Whenever this kind of time, as long as the other side's request is not too much, she will try her best to help them, which also leads to the girl's popularity in the college is very good.

"Ah, Miss saran." "Good morning," Alice said, holding the duster's hands in her stomach, to the rickety humanoid in front of her

"Yawn It's you... " The vampire girl looks like she's going to die at any time.

"Did you stay up late again?" Alice looked at each other and guessed.

"Well, the novel recommended by the knight is surprisingly good-looking..." Saran said and yawned again.

It turns out that I stayed up late to check the information and other serious matters.

"Shall I make you a cup of tea?" Alice looked at Saran, who was wiping tears from her yawn, and suggested to her.

"No Vampires sleep during the day. I just use it to adjust the jet lag Good night... " Saran staggered past Alice, still waving good night.“…… Good night. "

After the inspection of the castle, the next thing to inspect is the outside.

Aldrich (the second school district) is made up of many empty islands, but only a few of them are actually used. The others are only used for building special buildings, or they are still in the state of wasteland at all.

However, no matter it is the empty Island, the girl will go to inspect one by one.

In terms of her familiarity with the whole college, even Sylvie was far behind her. This also makes the girl more able to understand how amazing the college she is in - many incredible buildings spring up like bamboo shoots overnight.

For example, the recently appeared magic synthesis workshop, moon well and recasting furnace

This makes the girl's reverence for SIVI to a higher level.

After the inspection, SIVI and they were almost up. At this time, Alice will bring a breakfast to Sylvie in the dean's office.

If nothing else, after that, she would take some relief supplies and take a small empty boat to the gorvenhora refugee gathering area below to distribute them.

However, Aldrich's things are limited, and he can't take many things out at once. Even with the aid from Huolian college and the Empire, the daily distribution of materials is still very limited, which can only guarantee the minimum living needs of the refugees.

So a lot of times there are violent incidents among refugees.

The magicians have absolute power, but the final result may be even worse if they suppress this kind of riot by violence alone.

Puppet girls play a very important role. Ordinary people without magic can't resist her skill of controlling the string puppet. They can only obey her command and apologize to the victims

As Alice's appearance increased, her reputation gradually spread among the refugees.

But it has no particular effect on girls.

For her, as long as she can do a good job as a maid every day, and let Sylvie provide enough service, it is already very happy.

This is the value of maid existence. This is the value of her being here.

"Alice." Alice said to Eliza, who is going to send her supplies from the dean's room, and she is going to send her supplies from the dean's room

"Well, please, Miss Eliza."

After bowing respectfully to Eliza, Alice returned to the college in the magic boat, and walked quickly to the dean's office.

Sylvie is already waiting for her in there.

'Alice, you've done a good job as a maid. Thank you so much all the time

With a slight cough, he began.

"Nothing. It's my duty as a maid to serve the teacher."

Alice's heart was filled with joy from Sylvie's thanks.

"So, from today on, you don't have to continue to be a maid."

"Yes Eh? Why, why? "

At this moment, the girl's outlook on life has been greatly impacted , the fastest update of the webnovel!