Chapter 400

In view of the immaturity of the space-time gate technology in the third school district, it is not possible to throw it directly into the crack or void. In the end, SIVI did not dare to take a shortcut to cross the gate to the second school district.

But that doesn't mean Sylvie has no other way to cut corners - there are plenty of home bound crystals in his locker that are bound to the second school district.

After cutting back nearly 90% of the way in one breath, Sylvie had only time to say hello to Sophia and continued to ride the Falcon in the direction of Eliza's hometown.

That small village is so close to the Angolan mountains that it is easy to be attacked by the orcs coming from across the mountains.

However, before he could fly far away, a figure in a black cloak blocked his way.

Although there was no fixed path in the sky, Sylvie had a premonition that he could not easily bypass the guy.

What's more, the looming dark power on the other side also made him feel something wrong.

"Don't be nervous, lowly human beings..." The voice that covered his face with a hood opened his mouth in a voice that Sylvie felt a little familiar with, but before he finished, it was like being interrupted by an invisible third party, and impatiently changed the lofty tone: "OK, OK, I know, you shut up Listen to me, human beings. I'm not here to fight. I'm just entrusted by the princess to bring you a message. "

When he said that, Sylvie remembered where he had heard the voice.

"Are you the assacher?" He asked tentatively.

"Shut up, don't call me by my name! You're more disgusting than shit Well, I know. I know. I don't want to go on... " When

man just opened his mouth with a displeased voice, he was like what someone had scolded him. He compromised with displeasure. "I don't know why the princess will take what he is like."

"Get out of the way if you're OK."

Even Sylvie was infuriated by the other side's low and shut up attitude twice in a row. Mom, are you sure you're not here for a fight?

"I don't have time to chat with you!"

"I'm the same about that, damned human Oh, all right! Shut up, too, or I don't mind pulling you off! "

Asachel's patience seemed to have worn out, and he tore off his cloak.

With his arms, the bare parts of his face exposed to the sun began to hiss, a white smoke and the smell of protein burning.

But for the vast majority of vampires, the fatal sunlight does not seem to be able to kill him completely, and the man's face is still quite abundant.

On the right side of his neck, there is a strange looking tentacle like a sweet potato root attached to his skin. What's more, seavy noticed that the thicker part of the tentacle had a scar that looked like a human face. It looked disgusting and frightening.

At this time, the tentacle, like the naked Reply of asacher, showed the appearance of being burned by the sun, and SIVI could even hear the shrill scream of it.

"Stop, you can't do this to me I was appointed by her royal highness... "

Because the other party's voice was not loud, and he was disturbed by the barbecue hiss, and the thing used the rare abyssal language, Sylvie couldn't hear it completely.

Before long, the tentacle turned into a handful of ashes in the sun. Assacher, on the other hand, had no influence at all.

"Finally killed this guy."

After the tentacles completely disappeared, asashere put on his cloak again as if he had unloaded his burden. This action made Seaver realize that this sentence was not that he was not afraid of the sun, but relying on his own strength, he let the vampire regenerate faster than the speed of the destruction of the sun, creating the illusion that he was not afraid of the sun, and wanted the enemy to do so Feel shaken.

But this ability must also need to consume a lot of his own magic power or some other strength, so seeing that this method was useless to SIVI, he put on his cloak again to avoid the waste of magic.

"Is your show over?" Sylvie didn't care about asacher's actions. Instead, he took a millennium hourglass out of his locker and looked at the time: "sorry, I'm really in a hurry."

"I really want to kill you here, lowly human."

The man's eyes were cold, and he seemed very angry at the fact that SIVI had ignored it.

It's like making faces to frighten hamsters, but people don't kill you. They give you a look of disdain and then continue to chew sunflower seeds.

Well, this metaphor is biased, but it has almost the same meaning

"I really don't want to talk to you here, boring vampire."

Sylvie replied without hesitation.

The momentum of both men rose rapidly with the call of magic.Then Sylvie's momentum overtook him in an instant, making his movements look stiff.

"Hateful, it's just a lowly human being If it is my noumenon... " Assacher's blue veins were visible on his neck and forehead, giving him a sense of anger that would explode blood vessels at any time.

"Then, on the pretext of returning to the noumenon, get back to your Timothy!"

Anyway, I don't like this product. In addition, Eliza may be in danger now. Sylvie doesn't want to continue to give up with each other. Her mouth is merciless irony.

Even if the enemy wants to take this opportunity to calm down, it's better for him to take advantage of the enemy's reason to escape.

Even the last time the vampire's eldest princess proposed to make an alliance with herself, Sylvie never really believed in it. He was still dead in Timothy, and he made an alliance

"I gave up this time, but you humiliated me. I wrote down the human race."

Suddenly, Asahel took a deep breath and calmed down. But his eyes, hidden in the shadow of his hood, were still staring coldly at Seaver: "next time, I'll find a chance to get it back. But before that, I will bring you the words of the princess. "

“…… Go ahead. "

After thinking about it, Sylvie didn't refuse the other party's request in the end.

Anyway, no matter what the other side says, listening will not be pregnant

"The princess said," the prophecy that orcs will attack human beings has come true. Now I give you my second prediction... "

"What prophecy It's just that you got a glimpse of the orcs. "

Sylvie murmured.

"Shut up, and then the key point is" the orcs are not the orcs of the past. They have found a new way. Maybe soon human beings will think of the monsters in the migration era again... "

“…… What does that mean? "

SIVI squinted at the man in front of him.

"It's up to you to understand that."

Asacher's body began to turn into countless bats: "human, your name!"

"You should have known that for a long time?"

SIVI looked at the man below his chest who had all turned into bats and disappeared into the sky: "I don't believe Timothy even has this intelligence ability."

"I want you to tell me in person that it's an honor to be a strong man!"

“…… Are you stuck in the door? "

Sylvie refused without hesitation: "I am also the dean of a school of magic. Do you really think I have no research on curse magic?"

Although it's not like the gourd and the pure bottle with golden horn and silver horn, you dare to answer it You can get rid of the second goods, but many curse magic must be named by the subject to take effect.

Therefore, except for the second class of aristocratic Knights under the king's Council (which are all aristocratic children who have learned some magic), basically all magicians will not give their names to enemies who can use magic for reasons like "sense of honor" - it may be that they are already ready Curse comes to pit you

"What a pity Sylvie Aldrich. " The man turned into a bat and disappeared completely, leaving his own words in the wind: "I look forward to the next meeting What will you look like when you die... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!