65 Lazuli vs Hagan!

"Thanks! It actually will help me," Marium replied.

'Light velocity.'

Marium used the corners to bounce and moved from corner to corner. Her speed increased with every bounce as Khadija remained in the middle with no idea of her next move. She couldn't even keep track of Marium's movement. At last, after building up tremendous speed, she bounced off again but this time towards Khadija.

One shot from her was all it took to threw Khadija off the platform.

"Yay! Marium won!" exclaimed Zohaifa while jumping out of the seat. He immediately ran towards the participants' building to receive Marium. As soon as Marium entered, Zohaifa jumped at her and picked her up with a hug.

"You won Marium!" exclaimed Zohaifa with joy. But Marium looked gloomy with no response.

"Come on, Marium, where is the smile?" he asked.

Marium somehow forced a smile. Zohaifa was confused but he didn't know what to say and neither had the time as the next fight is a clash between two titans. Lazuli and Hagan!

"Get the healing Crystal, Marium," said Zohaifa in a rush, "I am going to the audience seat."

Lazuli and Hagan's entrance instantly got the crowd hyped up. The whole audience section was on fire with the cheering and shouting and whistling. Never had they thought that a chance will come to see those two fighting.

"Where are we going to take them to fight?" the organizer shouted, "That pink-haired brat literally destroyed the platform!"

"No fear! Put your trust in me," said Hagan.

He stomped the ground and moved his arms in an artistic way to control the tiles. All the broken stones, all the tiles, everything moved by the command of Hagan and positioned themselves into a clean smooth platform like it used to be. Finishing the job, Hagan gave a smile showing his sparkling teeth while the girls almost had a heart attack.

"Everything is ok now, Mr. Organizer."

"Umm…I don't know how to…"

"No need. This is what I do as a Hero," said Hagan and moved to the platform.

Lazuli did too ignoring all this what she deemed as a useless showoff. They stood on two opposite sides. People suddenly dropped to pin-drop silence and were anxiously waiting for the bell.

The bell rang like a time bomb causing Hagan and Lazuli to explode upon each other. In a blink, both of them reached the middle of the platform and started exchanging punches. Their arms almost became invisible like the arms of the fan. But it was nowhere as slow as a fan. The explosive arms continued to move and it was impossible to say when they are punching or blocking.

"Dammit, how can I enjoy a fight like this?" Zohaifa thought to himself but couldn't scream out in the midst of this noisy silence. But then he noticed Luna. She watched as if she can see everything.

"I got to know what is happening from her," Zohaifa thought.

But as he was moving that way, suddenly a change in that constant sound was heard. He looked towards the platform. Lazuli's forehead seems to be scratched. Another sound! Hagan's cloth was torn in the chest.

"They are beginning to touch each other," Zohaifa realized.

Suddenly, Lazuli moved back and gathered some space and swiftly took position behind Hagan moving in a 'V' shape path and tried throwing a jab before Hagan can face back. But Hagan already predicted the punch and dodged it. He then repeated Lazuli's movement. But Lazuli did not stop moving.

At first their arms, then their legs, but now, it's hard to keep track of their body even. The fiery clash continued. Their punches started to sound like explosion and the force on the ground to dash created sparks.

"Let's take this seriously now, government," said Hagan surprising everybody.

"What? They are not serious yet?" Zohaifa yelled breaking the long silence. The crowd shifted their attention to Zohaifa.

"Shush!" most of them said together.

"Sorry," Zohaifa whispered. "But fights were supposed to be noisy anyway," he thought.

"Haven't you noticed that none have used their elements yet?" asked Red-1.