25 Result of the tes

"Your movements are too telegraphic. You can't even change angles while using that move. Your 'Lightning Velocity ' seems to have a lot of weaknesses," further noted Lazuli annoying Zohaifa a bit. Marium became more nervous than Zohaifa should be.

But in the meantime, Zohaifa was gathering lightning into the palm of the other hand not caught by Lazuli.

'Lightning ball,' another move Zohaifa created, was attacked. But at the same time, what Zohaifa did not notice was that Lazuli was using her other hand to create a flashy glowing yellow energy ball which she used to repel Zohaifa's 'Lightning Ball.' A short blast took place. Zohaifa and Lazuli swiftly hopped backward from the blast to avoid probable impact.

"You waste too much energy in every move. That is why I could tell you were creating the 'lightning ball.' But you couldn't even sense me created the 'Yellow ball' of the same energy."

Zohaifa became furious and started shooting 'Lightning shooter's. Lazuli dodged each of them.

"Again, too telegraphic," further noted Lazuli. Zohaifa couldn't think right anymore. The condition seemed grim for Zohaifa.

"Keep some hope in him," Lapis consoled Marium in this impossible to win situation. What will the impression of Lazuli be by the end of the test?

Zohaifa woke up from his unexpected concussion. What happened?

He discovered himself lying on a sofa at Lazuli' house. The light of the room is off, probably to give him rest. He went out of the darkroom walking like a drunken guy and found a servant passing by.

"Where are Lazuli and the others?" asked Zohaifa in a tired voice. Thus he was given the directions by the servant.

Thus, he droopingly walked there. He knocked at the room where he was directed as soon as he reached there.

"Come in," said Lazuli. She is working on a desktop with glasses on. This seems to be a working place. There are documents is different bookshelves. There are two sofas on one side of the room. But it doesn't seem like it was used much.

"Where are Lapis and Marium?" asked Zohaifa in a drained voice.

"Lapis went back to his home. Marium is warming up in the backyard. I will be going there to train her in a few moments," Lazuli answered while still working on the desktop.

"Lapis went back! I didn't even tell him my decision of staying here."

"If you leave with him, how else would I train you?"