V7.C4 Horns? Lulu’s dream,

Myu sitting on Leo's shoulders gripped the two small sharp and slightly curved horns protruding from his head. A cool feeling was transmitted to her hands. It was cooler than ice yet it brought no discomfort. On the contrary, it felt quite soothing.

She pouted when the horns disappeared along with the scales on her papa's face.

Shizuku worriedly touched his now clean face. The sudden change in Leo frightened her, the oppressive aura froze her on her spot. However, it didn't affect Myu who managed to touch the shiny horns on his head.

"Leo, are you alright? What happened? Was that the dragon bloodline you talked about yesterday?"

"Yeah, something like that."

He eyed the dragons kneeling on the floor and Ristan who laid on the ground, completely unconscious, he might have bore the direct brunt of his aura and passed out. Tio's grandfather had a look of utter disbelief.

Well, to make proud dragonmen kneel from just from presence alone was more than enough to leave any Tortus native speechless.

Myu sitting on his shoulders with puffed up cheeks. "Myu? Why are you pouting like that?"

She responded by pulling his hair. "Papa is a meanie~"

Her indignant look left him confused for a long time until he bribed her with some headpats and he was truly at a loss of words at her answer...


Sometime before in Heiligh Kingdom,

Luluaria walked through the corridors, a wide smile fixed on her beautiful face. Her sharp memory recorded every word of Leo which played over and over in her mind. Her heart fluttered every time she heard his words.

She knew something was wrong with her after she woke up, normally she would have cried tears of sorrow for at least a few days. The betrayal just hit that hard when it came from someone you never expected to betray you. However, she couldn't care less about it now. She had a more important purpose to fulfill.


Before she admired him and liked him quite a bit, but now her heart, body, and soul only belonged to him. Even after knowing that her innate ability forced her to love him, worship him yet she couldn't hate it.

Her former life before was dull, boring, and repetitive. But rebirth gave her an opportunity to feel gratified from a single prayer.


Thinking, she arrived at the meeting hall blocked by two blonde-haired angels with golden wings. They both lowered their swords to let her enter.

'Even after this much stats, my strength feels inferior. But I can grow stronger...'

Inside were Liliana, Eri, and Yue talking while signing some documents, Shea sleeping on a table and lastly Remia and Hearst grinning as they talked. She didn't dare to focus her senses to eavesdrop. After all, they ranked way higher than her in the hierarchy.

Smiling, she approached her daughter's table who only smiled and continued sorting through documents.

"Eri-sama, Yue-sama, please rest and let us handle this," she requested and bowed.

Eri shook her head as she replied, "Please oba-san, don't add sama, it just feels weird when my friend's mother calls me like that."

"Nn, no sama," Yue was back to her normal look. After obtaining the rest of Ancient Magics with Leo's help, she poured her heart and soul into mastering Metamorphosis magic which gave control over organic materials like her own body.

Luluaria adopted an overly serious expression. "No. That won't do. As a member of the royal family, respect for Hierarchy is carved into our bones."

"Your entry is denied."

"...Nn, unless you stop adding sama."

Eri and Yue mercilessly shot down her hope for unsaid plans. Luluaria knew someone like Leo won't go against other girls in his harem. If she angered the rest, then her dream of serving Leo would be close to impossible.

Luluaria once again bowed. "Very well, Eri-san and Yue-san. I will address you as such."

The sight of her boobs shaking through the robe was capable of arousing any male. But for females, Eri's deadpan expression answered the facts. She moved her gaze to Liliana's chest and quietly scoffed.

Liliana noticed Eri's gaze on her chest and squeezed a forced smile. Her size was on the upper side since she was still fourteen. Glancing at her mother still bowing, demonstrating her true envious breasts made Liliana smirk inside her head.

'Mother has superior genes. I have a lot of hope.'

Yue brushed Eri's back with a smile overflowing with kindness.

Eri rolled her eyes at Yue. How could she not notice the slight disdain in Yue's eyes? "You are getting annoying after getting that form."

"Fufu. I might steal the title of the first wife..."

Eri snorted, then curled her lips in a wide grin. "Go ahead and try, those useless balls of meat won't help you in it."


Luluaria ended the bow when the sound of light footsteps entered her ears. Her eyes fell on Helina. An aura of happiness radiated from every part of her body as she approached the table.

"Helina? How come you are smiling so much~?"

Helina's face flushed red, the curious gaze of Yue and Eri only increased her embarrassment. "...Oba-san, Leo-sama touched me."

Yue and Eri both stared at the silver-haired maid blushing. Looking at each other, they shook their heads.

"Yue-san! We have an emergency!" Hearst wings flapped and she landed behind Yue. Strangely, the papers on the table fluttered only once despite the strong gust of wind.

Yue quietly turned her head. "...What happened?"

"Noint-chan just reported that an army of Demons is attacking the barrier outside the kingdom."

Eri rose from her seat and sighed. "What do they want now? ... Leo did tell Alv was their Demon God. Are they here for him?"

"Ask Leo."

"Yeah, as the future Emperor Leo-sama should know about major events like these." Luluaria gave her opinion.

"I already did! Master said we should send the Golden winged squad and not to kill anyone."

Yue nodded and faced Luluaria. "...You are coming with us."

Luluaria inclined her head to the right. "Yue-san, why me?" she asked, not knowing the reason. She had strength surpassing everyone except Apostles but her control over it was terrible.

Yue and Eri both adopted a gentle smile as they replied together, "Death is meaningless."

"I won't be coming until I finish this work here," Liliana said and kept writing on the paper.

"I'll assist Liliana-sama here." Helina took the empty seat beside Liliana.

Yue looked at Shea sleeping and shook her head. The rabbit girl only acted meekly in front of Leo, otherwise, she was brute sadist ready to torture her foes to death.

"Let's go. Later I'll ask Leo to improve the barrier." Eri pulled Yue's hand.


Luluaria and Hearst looked in each other's eyes. Hearst was able to sense the devotion in Luluaria's eyes while the same went for Luluaria. Even half-dragon senses surpassed any Apostle's senses, much less humans.

Hearst extended her hand which Luluaria gripped firmly. "It is good to see another one devoted to Leo-sama. Please call me Lulu."

"Likewise, I'm Hearst, and let's go or Eri-san will scold both of us."

That day, a cult named 'Master is awesome' was born with two believers as the core members...